Legislature(1997 - 1998)
03/07/1998 10:05 AM House STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 362 - AIRPORT MILITARY LOUNGES Number 0305 CHAIR JAMES announced the next order of business would be HB 362 "An Act relating to the use of space for military lounges in state- owned or state-controlled airports," sponsored by Representative Masek. CHAIR JAMES stated that the committee has taken testimony from DOT/PF in that they would provide for military lounges in the airport, without charging rent, providing that the space was available. She said the language in the previous work draft indicated that DOT/PF "shall" give them space. CHAIR JAMES noted there is a proposed committee substitute, Version H, dated 3/6/98, that says they may instead of shall do it. Number 0310 DON STOLWORTHY, Legislative Assistant to Representative Beverly Masek, Alaska State Legislature, came before the committee. He said after the previous hearing he spoke with the drafting attorney and asked to be given a legal rendering. He stated, "And they said, yeah it could be interpreted as making DOT/PF do it. So we worked on some language to make it more permissive." It reads: If the department permits space in state owned or state- controlled airports to be used as lounges and if the lounges are operated by nonprofits, then rent may be not charged for the use of this space. CHAIR JAMES indicated she is happy with that. VICE CHAIRMAN IVAN IVAN asked if we're referring to H version. CHAIR JAMES replied yes, we need to have a motion to put the committee substitute before us. Number 0316 REPRESENTATIVE MARK HODGINS made a motion to adopt the proposed committee substitute for HB 362, Version H, dated 3/6/98. Hearing no objections, that version was before the committee. REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY said he appreciates the changes that have been made, they do address his specific concern which is the fact that we would have been creating more troubles than we were solving. He stated, "I still don't know that anything's broken, that anything needs to be fixed, but I think I would gamble that we're not doing any harm here, and I think that's important we're addressing legislation to fix things that aren't broken." Number 0323 REPRESENTATIVE HODGINS made a motion to move CSHB 362 out of committee with individual recommendations and with attached fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHB 362(STA) moved from the House State Affairs Standing Committee.
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