Legislature(1993 - 1994)

05/06/1994 08:00 AM House STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  CSSB 70(L&C) - ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN GUARANTEES                          
  Number 579                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened CSSB 70(L&C) for discussion.  He                       
  commented that the committee did have HCSCSSB 70, version X,                 
  to consider.                                                                 
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT moved to adopt HCSCSSB 70 for purposes                   
  of discussion.                                                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY adopted HCSCSSB 70 for discussion.  He noted                  
  HCSCSSB 70 modifies the Senate version in a couple of ways.                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called an at ease.                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated the changes could be found on page 3,                  
  subsection (e).  Subsection (e) was added.  He explained the                 
  fund will have $400,000 put into it before it operates,                      
  thereby loans do have to be guaranteed by something very                     
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER inquired why the amount was $400,000.                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY answered, based on testimony he had heard,                    
  $100,000 is a small program amount.  Substantially larger                    
  sums through federal law and private moneys are available                    
  for this purpose.  He felt if the state was going to set up                  
  a program, $400,000 suggests that it should be a meaningful                  
  program, rather than a small "pilot program."                                
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked if $400,000 is a reasonable                       
  amount to achieve.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY repeated the sources of money.  He felt                       
  $400,000 would create a more meaningful program.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT interjected they had heard that                          
  testimony in House HESS Committee.                                           
  Number 633                                                                   
  commented on HCSCSSB 70.  He stated according to the                         
  Governor's Council on Disability and Special Education, he                   
  symbolically represented 95,000 Alaskans who have at least                   
  one permanent disability.  He stated HCSCSSB 70 has been                     
  proceeding through the legislature for the last two years.                   
  HCSCSSB 70 is designed to allow the federal government to                    
  transfer $100,000 to the state for guaranteeing loans.  He                   
  stated the loans themselves will be private loans with                       
  banks, to be paid back by the individuals who need assistive                 
  technology to help them become productive citizens in                        
  Alaska.  He emphasized the moneys HCSCSSB 70 refers to are                   
  only used to guarantee loans, not to loan out.  He stated,                   
  nationwide, there is about a 4.2 default rate.  With                         
  $100,000 in the fund at a 4.2 default rate, it would take                    
  about 20 years to exhaust the $100,000.                                      
  Number 665                                                                   
  addressed HCSCSSB 70.  She noted the house bill that was                     
  discussed in House HESS was HB 139, sponsored by                             
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES.                                                       
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG left the meeting at 9:47 a.m.)                        
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked Ms. Stewart to comment on the                     
  $400,000 amount.                                                             
  MS. STEWART stated CSSB 70(L&C) did not specify a particular                 
  threshold amount before loans could be made.  She stated                     
  $100,000 is available annually, possibly $200,000 from                       
  federal sources.  She felt $400,000 would be a potential                     
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS inquired if the state was going to                   
  make up the difference in the money, if the federal                          
  government is guaranteeing $100,000.                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified no general fund moneys would go                     
  into the fund.                                                               
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS observed that with HCSCSSB 70 it                     
  would take four years for $400,000 to accumulate in it.  She                 
  was opposed to putting this bill on hold for four years.                     
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY interjected he did not believe that would be                  
  the case.  He explained, from testimony received, there is a                 
  minimum in federal intent to appropriate $100,000 a year                     
  specifically for this program.  He noted there are other                     
  federal moneys appropriated every year that would be                         
  available for this use.  In addition, because of new laws                    
  and regulations in federal banking practices, there is an                    
  interest in the private financial community to participate                   
  in this program to meet certain federal requirements.                        
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS asked if these streams of funding                    
  had been identified.                                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded there has been some public                          
  commitment from private sources, however, some wish to                       
  remain anonymous until the bill becomes law.                                 
  TAPE 94-54, SIDE A                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS asked MS. STEWART's opinion about                    
  the change to $400,000.                                                      
  MS. STEWART stated it may be a problem to come up with that                  
  much money for a substantial length of time.  She stated                     
  Vocational Rehabilitation would be better to answer the                      
  REHABILITATION (DVR), DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, answered                      
  questions for the committee.  He stated the assistive                        
  technology program was authorized initially by Congress for                  
  five years, and it has just been reauthorized for five                       
  additional years.  The state of Alaska receives                              
  approximately $750,000 per year for technology.  He                          
  explained about $250,000 of that $750,000 is for staff, and                  
  the other $500,000 is granted out to private nonprofits each                 
  year.  DVR was going to fund the loan program by taking 20                   
  percent of that $500,000 per year, and putting it into the                   
  fund for the next five years.  The Community Reinvestment                    
  Act has changed, however, and Key Bank and North Rim Bank                    
  have both committed to participate in the fund.  DVR is                      
  uncertain of the amount.  He noted another bank has agreed                   
  to participate, but wishes to remain anonymous.  He stated                   
  the $400,000 change would create a waiting game over the                     
  next 3-4 years.  If DVR took more of the money they grant to                 
  private nonprofits, they would be cutting off people's                       
  access to get the loans.  The bill has a zero fiscal note                    
  mainly because the nonprofits DVR funds will be assisting                    
  people, who are working and need loans, in processing their                  
  loans through local banks.  The whole process works                          
  together.  He encouraged the committee to go back to a lower                 
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS moved to amend page 3, line 2, of                    
  HCSCSSB 70, to read "$200,000."                                              
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
  IN FAVOR:      REPRESENTATIVES G. DAVIS, B. DAVIS, ULMER,                    
  OPPOSED:       REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY.                                         
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVES OLBERG, SANDERS.                              
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG returned at 9:52 a.m.)                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY commented the committee would have to adopt a                 
  modified fiscal note for HCSCSSB 70.  He stated the blank                    
  fiscal note for $400,000 would have to be modified to                        
  $200,000.  He asked for a committee member to move to adopt                  
  the modified fiscal note reading $200,000.                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT so moved.                                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no objection, adopted the fiscal                     
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS moved to pass HCSCSSB 70(STA) as                     
  amended from committee with accompanying fiscal note and                     
  individual recommendations.                                                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
                 ULMER, KOTT, VEZEY.                                           
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS.                                       
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY recessed the meeting at 9:58 a.m.  He stated                  
  he had not expected the committee would take as much time as                 
  they did on SB 190, therefore only SB 228 would be taken up                  
  by the committee after the recess.   He stated the other                     
  items on the agenda would not be taken up today.                             
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY resumed the meeting at 10:03 a.m.                             

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