Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/05/1994 08:00 AM House STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  HB 531 - ELIMINATE SOME MULTIMEMBER BODIES                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, under bills previously heard, opened HB 531                  
  for discussion.  He noted the committee had received the                     
  committee substitute which incorporates the amendment put                    
  forth by REPRESENTATIVE ULMER.  The amendment provides,                      
  "Artifacts, natural history specimens, art objects,                          
  collections or other items, materials, or properties that                    
  relate to the history of Alaska and are appropriate for                      
  preservation in the state museum of a value of $5,000                        
  [$1,000] or more, may not be acquired by purchase, gift or                   
  exchange,...without the written approval of the committee."                  
  He repeated from the last meeting that he had suggested                      
  Number 079                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG stated he thought HB 531 was deciding                  
  whether or not the committee would exist.                                    
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY replied that was in the original HB 531.  The                 
  committee adopted this amendment on Thursday.                                
  Number 097                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER clarified other than changing the                       
  threshold from $1,000 to $5,000, reducing the amount of                      
  questions that had to be presented to the committee, the                     
  amendment stated the committee would never have to have a                    
  face to face meeting.  The meetings may be by                                
  teleconference, thereby saving the travel expense.  The                      
  amendment clarifies the committee reviews "acquisitions and                  
  deaccessions," as opposed to every general thing.                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted there had been debate as to whether the                 
  correct word to use was "disposition" or "deaccession."                      
  Number 126                                                                   
  ARCHIVES & MUSEUMS, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, answered                        
  questions on HB 531.  He clarified the correct wording would                 
  be "deaccessioning," meaning to withdraw an artifact or                      
  other piece of art, from a collection in a formal matter.                    
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated that copies of the committee                           
  substitute would be distributed to committee members for                     
  discussion on Thursday.  HB 531 was HELD IN COMMITTEE.                       
  Number 160                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no more business before the                          
  committee, adjourned the meeting at 9:55 a.m.                                

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