Legislature(1993 - 1994)

02/08/1994 08:00 AM House STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  HB 363 - NO FEE FOR CAR REGISTRATION IN PERSON                               
  CHAIR VEZEY opened the floor for discussion on HB 363.                       
  Number 672                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT reviewed HB 363.  The $10 surcharge is                   
  repealed for those who want to apply for their vehicle                       
  registration in person.  A fiscal impact of a $1.6 million                   
  would occur.  He felt the registration fees for those who                    
  apply in person could increase by $5 which would generate $2                 
  million and offset the $1.6 million loss.  If the situation                  
  were to remain neutral the state could gain about $400,000.                  
  A $5 reduction would still be offered for those who opt to                   
  use the mail system.                                                         
  CHAIR VEZEY asked if a sponsor or committee substitute would                 
  be proposed for HB 363.                                                      
  Number 696                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT replied yes.                                             
  TAPE 94-8, SIDE B                                                            
  Number 000                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked if REPRESENTATIVE KOTT intended                  
  to propose the substitute in State Affairs or in Finance.                    
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT said it did not really make a                            
  difference; however, Finance may be the appropriate place                    
  for it.  The fees for all registered vehicles will increase                  
  by $5 in person with a $5 break for using the mail system.                   
  Number 026                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG stated he had received a numerous                      
  amount of support for repealing the $10 fee and he supports                  
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT'S $5 increase and decrease suggestion.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG did state he cannot support HB 328 if                  
  it includes any sort of reduction in registration fees.                      
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG is in favor of moving HB 328 to                        
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER liked REPRESENTATIVE KOTT's adjustment                  
  to HB 328 and asked how successful the $10 fee was in                        
  discouraging people from coming in and applying in person.                   
  Number 055                                                                   
  JUANITA HENSLEY answered questions on HB 363.  Prior to the                  
  $10 fee 30 percent mailed registration renewals in.  After                   
  imposing the fee, the percentage of mailed registration                      
  renewals has increased to 60 percent.  Lines have decreased                  
  in size.  There is a three-five percent increase in new                      
  titles every year.  MS. HENSLEY believed a $5 increase will                  
  not be a suitable deterrent for coming to DMV in person.                     
  Number 087                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT responded an increase in the size of                     
  lines may turn out to be more incentive to want to use the                   
  mail system.  There is no greater efficiency by using the                    
  mail rather than applying in person because handling the                     
  mail takes just as long as person to person contact.  He                     
  reinforced the lines would not substantially increased and                   
  the $5 increase would be alright.                                            
  MS. HENSLEY hoped to see a decrease of lines because the                     
  front counter clerks tend to take a lot of abuse from the                    
  Number 141                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER suggested the application for the                       
  permanent fund dividend include a one page attachment for                    
  motor vehicle registration.  The public may take note of the                 
  form if attached to a widely read document.  She also                        
  suggested to REPRESENTATIVE KOTT that a State Affairs                        
  committee substitute to HB 328 be proposed before it is                      
  given to the Finance Committee because they may not pay                      
  attention to a revenue reducing bill.  A bill which will                     
  raise revenues may have more of a chance.                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS agreed with REPRESENTATIVE ULMER and                 
  would like a substitute to HB 328.                                           
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT had no problem with proposing a                          
  substitute, however, he has contacted Finance with the                       
  changes to be made to HB 328 and they had no problem with                    
  Number 195                                                                   
  CHAIR VEZEY asked for further comment on HB 363.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked CHAIR VEZEY for his decision on HB
  CHAIR VEZEY announced HB 363 would be held in committee for                  
  Number 216                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked the committee members if an                        
  amendment might be offered so HB 328 might move out of                       
  committee amended.                                                           
  Number 221                                                                   
  CHAIR VEZEY did not want to move HB 328 out of committee on                  
  a verbal amendment, however, the committee substitute may be                 
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG reminded REPRESENTATIVE KOTT a                         
  committee substitute for HB 328 would be made be State                       
  Affairs members.                                                             
  Number 230                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER proposed a committee substitute should                  
  be prepared with a new fiscal note so HB 328 may pass out of                 
  the committee with "do pass" written on it.                                  
  CHAIR VEZEY allowed REPRESENTATIVE KOTT to put forth an                      
  amendment if he wished to do so.                                             
  Number 246                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT opted to bring back a committee                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects