Legislature(1993 - 1994)
01/29/1994 08:00 AM House STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 363 - NO FEE FOR CAR REGISTRATION IN PERSON Number 475 REPRESENTATIVE PETE KOTT, PRIME SPONSOR OF HB 363, presented the bill by stating it simply repeals the ten dollar surcharge levied against citizens of Alaska that choose to conduct their business with the state in person. Number 509 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG stated he supported HB 363 and he would support a five dollar fee for all those who register vehicles. Number 513 CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded to Representative Olberg's comment by asking if the committee should not concern itself with scheduling HB 317. He further noted that the committee would address the issue of adjusting fees when dealing with HB 328. Number 517 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG responded in the affirmative. Number 525 SAM MEDSKER testified from Fairbanks in support of HB 363. Number 556 REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS testified in support of HB 363 from Anchorage. Number 563 JAY DELANEY, DIRECTOR OF MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, testified in opposition to HB 363. He said, since the inception of the ten dollar fee, the amount of those registering by mail went from thirty to sixty percent. He went on to explain the difficulty of the Division of Motor Vehicles to efficiently and expeditiously serve the amount of people who registered in the division offices. Number 619 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if Mr. Delaney was prepared to provide a breakdown of time on services. Number 621 MR. DELANEY responded that vehicle registration is comprised of about twenty percent of the overall time. Number 628 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT pointed out that no additional personnel was added to process the mail-out applications. He continued by stating that the same amount of processing time was used to process applications whether it be by mail or in person and he questioned what the department was gaining by the mail-out. Number 640 MR. DELANEY responded by pointing out that the mail-out keeps people out of lines. Number 648 REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS commented on problems with late registration and asked Mr. Delaney for a comment regarding that. Number 657 MR. DELANEY said the department currently has a policy in place that waives the ten dollar fee if an individual is required, by the department, to be in the office. He went on to say that if there is reasonable cause for a person to come to the office, it is at the discretion of the office to waive the ten dollar fee. Number 683 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked if the department had any comment on the possibility of a five dollar fee for all those registering to cover the loss if the ten dollar fee was repealed. Number 691 MR. DELANEY said the reason there was a ten dollar fee was for those who could use the mail-out program and didn't, and so the department would not have to increase the fee on everyone. TAPE 94-6, SIDE B Number 001 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT said that people should not be penalized for face-to-face public service. Number 020 MR. DELANEY said the department's business continues to increase every year from two to five percent and staffing levels are below what they were ten years ago, which hinders the ability of the department to keep up with the work load or purchase new equipment. Number 059 NINA MAGNISON testified from Eagle River in support of HB 363 and asked Mr. Delaney how much overtime was paid to employees working on mail-outs. Number 093 MR. DELANEY said the department was not funded for overtime and employees were not paid overtime. Number 111 FREDRICK HEINZ testified from Gakona in support of HB 363. Number 129 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG suggested that HB 363 be discussed in a subcommittee. Number 145 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT said he had no objection. Number 157 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG suggested that the subcommittee discuss and review the fiscal note on HB 363 and perhaps work with the subcommittee to review HB 328. Number 169 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT suggested that Representative Olberg head the subcommittee. Number 173 CHAIRMAN VEZEY announced that HB 363 would be heard again with HB 328 on February 8, 1994. Number 180 HAROLD HUME testified from Fairbanks in support of HB 363. Number 237 DEANNA CHRYSUP testified in support of HB 363. Number 249 JAN HILL, THE OFFICE, testified from Petersburg in support of HB 363 and said the ten dollar fee was a burden on her business. Number 283 DOUGLAS MILLARD testified from Wasilla in support of HB 363. Number 302 PEARL MILLARD testified from Wasilla in support of HB 363. Number 311 MARK HEINZ testified from Gakona in support of HB 363. Number 335 CHAIRMAN VEZEY concluded taking testimony on HB 363.
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