Legislature(1993 - 1994)
03/20/1993 08:00 AM House STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HCR 8: COMMITTEE MEETINGS: NOTICE AND ACTIONS Number 240 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title to HCR 8 and invited its sponsor, Representative Jim Nordlund to deliver his statement. Number 245 REPRESENTATIVE JIM NORDLUND, PRIME SPONSOR OF HCR 8, explained the intent of the resolution to streamline the committee process. He said most committees are already following the practices laid down by HCR 8, but the procedures need to be formalized. HCR 8 would establish a Wednesday rule for committee reporting of the following week's calendar, and then a publication date of Thursday by the clerk. HCR 8 would also establish a notification procedure for introducing new bills and the date of the next hearing on already-heard bills. At the same time, HCR 8 would allow full participation, including voting and signing of reports by those attending by teleconference. Number 405 CHAIRMAN VEZEY expressed his concern with section two, which would allow full participation and voting in the meeting, and asked if that might also allow someone who might not attend a full meeting to sign a committee report as if they had. Number 424 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND did not believe so, but said he would be open to amending HCR 8 to please the committee. He stated his prime concern was to make the legislature more accessible to people outside of Juneau. He also pointed out HCR 8's intent to allow only bills to be introduced by a majority of a committee. Number 472 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked if Representative Nordlund had ever been prevented from speaking on a bill introduced by the majority. Number 475 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND said that had never happened. ADJOURNMENT Number 480 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted the time, and told the committee HCR 8 would have to be heard at another time, since other committees were near their convening time. He adjourned the meeting at 10:07 a.m.
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