Legislature(1993 - 1994)
03/11/1993 08:00 AM House STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HCR 1: PRESIDING OFFICER PRO TEMPORE Number 251 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title of HCR 1 and invited its sponsor, Representative Bettye Davis, to give her statement. Number 256 REPRESENTATIVE BETTYE DAVIS, PRIME SPONSOR OF HCR 1, noted the resolution did not affect any private citizens, only members of the legislature. She explained HCR 1 was designed to increase the number of leadership positions in the house for two reasons: To aid in training new members of the legislature who might fill leadership positions; and, to help women gain needed experience. She noted 37 other states have Speaker Pro Tems within the structure of their legislatures. Number 287 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked why Representative B. Davis wanted to change the current system. Number 306 REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS explained HCR 1 would aid in the efficiency in the House of Representatives, especially when the Speaker was unavailable, and it would also aid in training house leaders. Number 323 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked who would preside when the Speaker was absent. Number 325 REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS explained that would be one of the duties the Speaker Pro Tem would undertake, as well as other duties the Speaker specified. She explained that under the current system, the Majority Leader usually took over the chair, which left a hole in the house leadership. Number 345 REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked if the Majority Whip might take over for the Majority Leader in that situation. Number 350 REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS explained that usually happened, but it was not effective. Number 362 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted the Speaker Pro Tem in other states usually took over ceremonial duties from the Speaker, which could lighten the load on the leadership. Number 372 REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS stated she did not create HCR 1 with ceremonial duties in mind, but the Speaker would have it at his or her discretion to assign them. Number 389 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER MOVED passage of HCR 1. Without objections, HCR 1 was MOVED from committee by a unanimous vote.
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