Legislature(2015 - 2016)CAPITOL 120
04/17/2015 04:00 PM House RULES
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Audio | Topic |
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SJR16 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SJR 16-ARCTIC ECONOMIC COUNCIL 4:03:11 PM CHAIR JOHNSON announced that the only order of business would be CS FOR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 16(ARC), Expressing support for the Arctic Economic Council and the United States Arctic Economic Council delegation; requesting that the United States Congress express support for the Arctic Economic Council, for the chair of the Arctic Economic Council to be a resident of this state, and for the structure of the Arctic Economic Council leadership to mirror the rotation of the chair of the Arctic Council; and urging the United States Congress to empower residents of the state as partners in the Arctic Economic Council. 4:03:28 PM REPRESENTATIVE OLSON moved to adopt Amendment 1, labeled 29- LS0605\H.3, Nauman, 4/17/15, which read: Page 1, lines 5 - 6: Delete "urging the United States Congress to empower residents of the state as partners in" Insert "encouraging the United States Congress to cooperate with the state on matters related to and under consideration by" Page 4, lines 8 - 9: Delete "urges the United States Congress to empower residents of the state as partners in" Insert "encourages the United States Congress to cooperate closely with the state on all matters related to and under consideration by" CHAIR JOHNSON objected for discussion purposes. 4:04:03 PM ROBERT ERVINE, Staff, Representative Johnson, Alaska State Legislature, explained that Amendment 1 removes the last resolve that urges Congress to empower residents as partners in the Arctic Economic Council and replaces it with language that encourages Congress to cooperate with the state on matters related to the Arctic Economic Council. Amendment 1, he further explained, also includes a technical conforming title change. 4:04:30 PM DONALD BULLOCK, Staff, House Majority, Representative Mike Chenault, Alaska State Legislature, related that the purpose of Amendment 1 is clarify that the state speaks with one voice regarding international issues that relate to the Arctic Council. Therefore, Amendment 1 changes the language of CSSJR 16(ARC) to encourage Congress to cooperate closely with the state on all matters related to and under consideration by the Arctic Economic Council. 4:05:19 PM JESSE LOGAN, Staff, Senator Lesil McGuire, Alaska State Legislature, speaking on behalf of the sponsor, Senator McGuire, informed the committee that Senator McGuire views Amendment 1 as a friendly amendment. 4:05:31 PM CHAIR JOHNSON opened public testimony. He then inquired as to whether anyone wished to testify. 4:05:44 PM CHAIR JOHNSON withdrew his objection to Amendment 1. There being no further objection, Amendment 1 was adopted. CHAIR JOHNSON, upon determining no one wished to testify, closed public testimony. 4:05:54 PM REPRESENTATIVE HERRON, speaking as the chair of the House Special Committee on Economic Development, Tourism, and Arctic Policy, noted his support for Amendment 1. 4:06:06 PM REPRESENTATIVE OLSON moved to report CSSJR 16(ARC), as amended, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying zero fiscal note. There being no objection, HCS CSSJR 16(RLS) was reported from the House Rules Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
SJR 16.W.PDF |
HRLS 4/17/2015 4:00:00 PM |
SJR 16 |
HRLS 4/17/2015 4:00:00 PM |
SJR 16 |
HRLS 4/17/2015 4:00:00 PM |
SJR 16 |
SJR 16 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
HRLS 4/17/2015 4:00:00 PM |
SJR 16 |
SJR 16 Amend. 29-LS0605.H3.pdf |
HRLS 4/17/2015 4:00:00 PM |
SJR 16 |