Legislature(1997 - 1998)
05/01/1998 05:11 PM House RLS
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 474 - CERTIFY MUNICIPAL CORRECTIONAL OFFICERS Number 078 CHAIRMAN KOTT announced the committee would address HB 474, "An Act relating to correctional officers," sponsored by the House Judiciary Committee. He indicated there is a proposed CS. Number 086 KEVIN JARDELL, Legislative Administrative Assistant to Representative Joe Green, Alaska State Legislature, came before the committee. He explained that Mr. Shaw, representing the Alaska Police Standards Council, asked the House Judiciary Committee to introduce legislation that would allow the Alaska Police Standards Council to regulate and require training of municipal corrections officers. Mr. Jardell said the House Judiciary Committee heard and moved the bill. After moving the bill, there were concerns raised that what the committee had done was required the municipal corrections officers to meet the same standards as all state corrections officers. He stated that standard is too high to allow for a sufficient hiring pool in some of rural areas of Alaska. Mr. Jardell referred to the proposed CS and said they redrafted the approach so that there is new classification created of municipal corrections officers that is separate and distinct from the normal corrections officers. That was placed under the authority of the Alaska Police Standards Council. By doing that, it would allow the council to create specific training programs and hiring requirements that met the needs of municipal corrections. He explained that the idea was to allow the council to begin setting some standards and to oversee the municipal corrections officers. The CS does that in a more appropriate manner than the original version of the bill. Number 135 REPRESENTATIVE PORTER made a motion to adopt the proposed CS for HB 474, dated 4/15/98, Luckhaupt, Version E. There being no objection, CSHB 474(RLS) was before the committee. Number 140 LADDIE SHAW, Director, Alaska Police Standards Council, came before the committee. He explained that the changes would allow the council to specifically regulate the municipal corrections officers. The standards that they originally set were equal to the level state correctional officers. Those were adjusted accordingly. Mr. Shaw pointed out they would still receive the same amount of training, but they would be under municipal authority versus state authority. REPRESENTATIVE PORTER asked if they would be certified by the Alaska Police Standards Council. MR. SHAW responded that they would be certified through the council, but it will be a separate certification than the state correctional officers. They will be certified as municipal correctional officials. Number 160 REPRESENTATIVE GAIL PHILLIPS asked if the correctional officers in the community jail system will still fall under the state standards. MR. SHAW responded in the affirmative. REPRESENTATIVE PHILLIPS asked what communities would the new classification affect. MR. SHAW explained that it would affect any of the communities with small jails. REPRESENTATIVE PHILLIPS asked how many are not part of the community correction facilities. MR. SHAW pointed out that there are 17 community jails. Number 182 REPRESENTATIVE IRENE NICHOLIA referred to the fiscal note and asked if the cost of $1,500, per officer, would come from the Alaska Police Standards Council training fund. MR. SHAW said that is true. He informed the committee that they are already under the Alaska Police Standards Council's budget. Mr. Shaw noted that they have already trained a class and in the existing fiscal note, there is no additional dollars for this program. REPRESENTATIVE NICHOLIA asked if the funds will come out of the funds for police officer training. MR. SHAW indicated they will. REPRESENTATIVE NICHOLIA asked if there would be an impact on that fund. MR. SHAW responded, "Yes, because our budget primarily is to support police and correctional training statewide. Bringing on the municipal correctional officers will be part of the funding that exists under our budget." Number 206 REPRESENTATIVE PHILLIPS asked if the municipalities match the training money. MR. SHAW stated that there isn't a direct match. The sur charge is supported by each municipality in the state, but there is not a match to the sur charge. REPRESENTATIVE NICHOLIA asked, "Is this currently under the regulations now that the correctional officers can take money from those funds?" MR. SHAW responded in the negative. He said they are already under the council's regulatory authority and the council's budget supports them, primarily in in-service training. They have not historically supported the correctional officers. REPRESENTATIVE NICHOLIA asked, "You haven't offered training for $1,500 before? This is a new item - $1,500?" MR. SHAW responded that the council has supported one class and graduated 13 municipal correction officers in September that they funded out of the existing budget. CHAIRMAN KOTT asked if there were further questions or witnesses wishing to testify. There being none, he closed the public hearing. Number 241 REPRESENTATIVE BILL WILLIAMS made a motion to move CSHB 474, Version E, out of committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection CSHB 474(RLS) moved out of the House Rules Standing Committee.
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