Legislature(2017 - 2018)BARNES 124
02/08/2017 01:00 PM House RESOURCES
Note: the audio and video recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.
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Overview: Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission | |
HB40 | |
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Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
= | HJR 5 | ||
HB 40-TRAPPING NEAR PUBLIC TRAILS 2:27:44 PM CO-CHAIR JOSEPHSON announced that the next order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 40, "An Act prohibiting and providing penalties and civil remedies for trapping within 200 feet of certain public facilities, areas, and trails; and providing for an effective date." CO-CHAIR JOSEPHSON opened public testimony on HB 40. 2:28:04 PM JIM KOWALSKY said he was speaking for Alaskans for Wildlife which is a nonprofit organization promoting respect for wildlife. He expressed support for HB 40 as presented, and opined this is not a Board of Game (BOG), Alaska Department of Fish & Game (ADF&G), matter or an allocation matter, but a matter of public safety and public health; in fact, BOG has refused to address this issue, thus Alaskans for Wildlife has turned to the legislative process. The topic may be more germane to urban areas where conflict between trail users is frequent. Mr. Kowalsky expressed his organization's strong support for the bill, including identifying traps with tags in order to aid the enforcement of regulations. 2:30:38 PM PATTI BARBER, on behalf of Kenny Barber, read the following testimony: I am opposed to HB 40, the reason is because trap tags are another way to create problems for trappers in the field. Trap tags have been removed by people that don't agree with the activity and place them in another location to harm the trapper. The fines and imprisonment portion of this bill are too high for the trapper and no mention of consequences for dogs off leash. Where is the justice? As a trapper for over 55 years, 10 years as a child in New York and 45 years in Alaska, I have never caught a domesticated animal. My trap line was on one of the highest recreational use areas in the state, the Knik River. Trapping is a legal activity. Dogs off leash are illegal in many areas of the state such as state parks and the Matanuska-Susitna (Mat-Su) Borough. Dogs off leash do not, and not under voice control are left to run free and have been known to run in packs and kill other wildlife such as moose and caribou calves, rabbits, birds, and other small animals. Dog bites to humans occur more often than a dog being caught in a trap. Currently, there have been only five dogs caught in traps in the Mat-Su Borough in 2016. In the state of Alaska epidemiology reports there have been 292 total dog bite related injuries or hospitalizations in 11- year study period. Many were children aged zero to four years as the highest rate. A hundred and thirty- three of these injuries were within the Anchorage and Mat-Su boroughs, the highest injury count in the state. When we came to Alaska in 1970 I worked for Valley Memory Garden Cemetery, while there I helped bury two children that were killed by dogs. In years past there have been 1,176 dogs euthanized in one year at the Mat-Su animal control center. I am unaware of a child or adult being maimed or caught in a trap. During testimony on Monday there was mention that the board of game was unwilling to address the problem of dogs and trapping. I was appointed by board of game chairman, (indisc.) to sit on a committee to address this problem. The committee consisted of fish and game advisory committee members, Anchorage, Mat-Su, and Soldotna, one state trapper organization member, three anti-trapping members, and one member of the board of game was picked to chair the committee. We met for two years on this issue alone. We came up with some solutions such as signage at trailheads, educating the public that trapping occurs from November to April, and that dogs should be on a leash during that timeframe. The 330 and 220 conibear traps could only be used underwater or ice within 100 feet of a maintained trail. The Mat-Su Borough is working on an ordinance to restrict trapping on portions of the Crevasse Moraine Trail and on school property. I sit on the parks and recreation advisory committee. As a committee we have discussed the ordinance at length, and I am not speaking on this for that committee. 2:35:16 PM PATTI BARBER, speaking on her own behalf, said she is opposed to HB 40 because trapping is legal and dogs off leash are illegal in many portions of the state. Signage alerting users to the presence of traps from November to April is appropriate. Dogs are attracted to bait and in some areas of the state underwater trapping for beaver, mink, or muskrat occurs earlier in the year and is not a threat to dogs. Instead of requiring trap tags, she suggested creating a dog park so dogs can be off leash during trapping season; dogs would be safe from traps in a fenced area. She noted that many dogs and cats are loose. Dog owners use trails all of the time, and also use trappers' personal trails. Ms. Barber said trappers have to pay fines and suffer imprisonment for violations, but dog owners do not, and opined all illegal parties should pay at the same rate. REPRESENTATIVE PARISH questioned whether Mr. or Ms. Barber would support a bill targeted at graveled and paved trails. MR. BARBER said yes to paved trails, but questioned the definition of a maintained trail, of which there are few. He said most trappers are known to ADF&G and it has the right to ticket a trapper. There is no problem with paved trails or bike trails in Anchorage. REPRESENTATIVE BIRCH observed some have expressed a preference for a local government control option in regard to trapping, and asked how a local government is empowered "to manage trapping." MR. BARBER said he cannot speak for "that" committee, but Alaska Safe Trails [proposed restrictions] to school property and the Crevasse Moraine Trail; however, there were "amendments to the bill" [document not provided] because the bill as written "would make you an outlaw to go to a school with a trap in your truck ...." Another amendment was to limit the restrictions on the Crevasse Moraine Trail, because the definition of "any maintained trail in the borough" is too vague. REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER asked where to find statistics on dogs and people caught in traps. MR. BARBER said he did not know. 2:43:42 PM ALYSON PYTTE said she is a dog owner and a daily user of public trails. She thanked the sponsor of the bill, and trappers who trap at a safe distance from public trails. Like others, she lets her dog off leash and is concerned about her dogs getting caught in a trap, and avoids areas where incidents have occurred. Ms. Pytte spoke of previous legislation that addressed the wellbeing of pets in custody disputes, which supports the modern view that pets are part of one's family. She opined there is broad public support for the restrictions written in HB 40, and suggested a similar ballot initiative would pass if there is continued inaction by the legislature. The bill proposes minimal burdens on trappers and helps by providing guidance on the placement of traps. She urged the committee to improve the bill by making the following changes: include public trails in state game refuges, on state land, municipal land, and federal refuges and parks; require traps to be tagged; increase the distance to 500 feet. 2:47:09 PM JONATHAN ZEPPA, representing the Alaska Frontier Trappers Association, Inc., said his organization is a statewide organization with a majority of members who reside within the Mat-Su valley. Alaska Frontier Trappers Association, Inc., recognizes change is needed to minimize conflict between trapping and other recreational users with dogs in or adjacent to semi-urban areas. However, the change must come through local authorities, as the conflict is restricted to population centers. Although boroughs differ throughout the state, the Mat-Su Borough has drafted legislation for school campuses and the Crevasse Moraine Trail system which has not been presented to the assembly, and his organization has proposed working with the borough fish and wildlife commission to develop realistic requirements and a mapped urban trapping management area proposal to submit to BOG. He opined BOG will appreciate recommendations from a trappers' association in this regard. Turning to risk, he said in the Mat-Su valley almost all dogs caught are off leash in violation of leash laws and he questioned the lack of risk statistics in support of the bill. In fact, the risk to dogs and people from other dogs is much greater. Mr. Zeppa said the risk to people from traps is so low statistics are not maintained by health organizations in Alaska; however, 3.9 people per 100,000 have been hospitalized after suffering dog bites in Alaska during a 10-year period. He opined evidence supports trapping is not dangerous. Regarding enforcement, he said there are thousands of miles of Revised Statute 2477 (RS 2477) trails maintained by the state, that are not surveyed, and questioned how to measure 200 feet; further, trails change, therefore law enforcement is impossible without surveys and maps. He summarized, saying the issue is a local matter and to prohibit all trapping within 200 feet is unfair and prejudiced against trapping. REPRESENTATIVE PARISH requested a copy of the pertinent draft regulations from the Mat-Su Borough. 2:53:20 PM MARK LUTRELL expressed support for HB 40 which is common-sense protection of family members without significant restrictions on trappers. The entire community including trappers and non- trappers, families, residents, visitors, tourists, and companion animals will benefit from added safety during activities without the threat and fear of traps. He related a personal experience of finding a dog caught in a trap on a trail, and said dogs should be allowed to romp and run. Mr. Lutrell said the bill is not anti-trapping, but is a "very minor inconvenience," and good for the trapping community's reputation. He expressed his hope the committee would support the bill. 2:56:10 PM ROBERT MATHEWS, speaking on behalf of the Delta Sportsmans Association Inc., informed the committee the association does not support the bill, as the bill appears to relate to a local issue that needs to be addressed through the borough and city assemblies. The issue has been studied by BOG and brought to its attention, but there was no consensus in regard to action on this issue. He restated the Delta Sportsmans Association has about 250 members who do not support bill. CO-CHAIR JOSEPHSON understood there is a community of trappers in Delta Junction that may support a compromise version of the bill. MR. MATHEWS said no, the trappers he spoke with do not support the 200-feet restriction, tagging, the measurement of a meandering trail, or the definition of a trail. 2:58:04 PM CO-CHAIR JOSEPHSON announced HB 40 was held over with public testimony open.
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