Legislature(1997 - 1998)
04/05/1997 01:12 PM House RES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SJR 16(RES) am - REFORM THE ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT Number 1806 CO-CHAIRMAN OGAN announced the next item on the agenda was Senate Joint Resolution 16(RES) am, relating to reauthorization and reform of the Endangered Species Act. Number 1815 LORALI MEIER, Student Intern for Senator Loren Leman, said SJR 16(RES) am recognizes the importance of state, federal and private partnerships for protecting against species extinction while also protecting private property rights. She referred to page 2, beginning with line 9; the resolution recommends that the re- authorize act contain nine specific features, including greater flexibility for states in implementing the act, stricter scientific requirements for listing and de-listing, elimination of the concept of distinct population segments and standards which cover the ability of a species to recover costs and public interest. Additionally, starting on page 3, line 4, regarding the further resolve clause, the resolution requests that the re-authorize act not include any expansion of federal authority, the implementation of the complicated biodiversity treaty or the creation of a new, ambiguous biological diversity reserve system. MS. MEIER said the Endangered Species Act (ESA) can be an important tool in protecting threatened and endangered species. However, in its reauthorization Congress needs to address identified weaknesses in it. Alaska has seen some radical decisions based on the ESA, including cut-backs in fishing time for Southeast Alaska fisherman, decreases in logging in the Tongass and loss of various development proposals. The resolution requests that approaches to end species protection be balanced, realistic and focused on measurable goals. On behalf of Senator Leman, she asked that the House Resources Committee act favorably on this resolution. Number 1906 CO-CHAIRMAN OGAN expressed problems with the ESA in how far it reaches into private property rights. He understood that the people who own the property don't own the resource, but there was no compensation for people who lose their private property or the right to use that private property because of the ESA or the Wetlands Act. REPRESENTATIVE GREEN felt the definition of wetlands in this state is absurd. Number 1997 CO-CHAIRMAN HUDSON made a motion to move SJR 16(RES) am with a zero fiscal note and ask unanimous consent. There being no objection, SJR 16(RES) am was moved from the House Resources Standing Committee.
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