Legislature(1995 - 1996)
02/22/1995 08:04 AM House RES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HRES - 02/22/95 CSSJR 6(RES) - TRANSFER FEDERAL LAND TO POST-1802 STATES Number 105 JOE AMBROSE, AIDE, SENATOR ROBIN TAYLOR, PRIME SPONSOR, stated the idea of the resolution goes back to what has become a federal doctoring of public domain and in the process resulted in 22 states of the Union not on equal footing with the remaining states because they do not own the property within their borders. He said in response to a question at the last hearing, a zero fiscal note approved by the Senate has been provided to committee members. Number 120 REPRESENTATIVE BARNES said the military bases in Alaska include many acres of land. She clarified under this resolution it will be suggested that the federal government buy the land presently held for military bases. MR. AMBROSE replied yes. He noted the Constitution provides for the sale of property for arsenals, forts, and other needful buildings to the federal government with the consent of the legislature. REPRESENTATIVE BARNES stated she would like to see that happen but with the military shutting down bases all over the country, she would not want to ask the federal government to buy the land from the state because she is afraid the federal government would shut down those military bases. MR. AMBROSE said there was a bill introduced in the last session of Congress which started this process and provided for the return of federal holdings within the states with exceptions such as military bases and national parks. Number 164 REPRESENTATIVE MACLEAN expressed opposition to CSSJR 6(RES) because she feels it is a back door approach to attack the subsistence problem. She said she would rather have the federal government taking care of the state's subsistence on navigable waters rather than the state, in light of the fact that the state legislature is not even willing to consider a constitutional amendment to subsistence. REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES stated the fiscal note given to committee members is not responsive to the question he asked at the last hearing on CSSJR 6 as it is an estimate for fiscal year 1996 only. He cannot conceive that anyone would conclude that there are no costs associated with this resolution. He stressed this fiscal note does not represent reality in respect to the proposal. REPRESENTATIVE BARNES made a MOTION to MOVE CSSJR 6(RES) with accompanying zero fiscal note out of committee with individual recommendations. REPRESENTATIVE NICHOLIA OBJECTED. CO-CHAIRMAN GREEN asked for a roll call vote. Voting in favor of the motion were Representatives Austerman, Kott, Ogan, Barnes, Williams, and Green. Voting against the motion were Representatives MacLean, Davies, and Nicholia. The MOTION PASSED 6-3.
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