Legislature(1993 - 1994)
04/07/1993 05:00 PM House O&G
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 35: URGE FEDERAL FEE ON IMPORTED OIL Number 032 MICHAEL JOHNSON, LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO REPRESENTATIVE JOE SITTON, PRIME SPONSOR OF HJR 35, testified on his behalf. He read a sponsor statement. (A copy of the sponsor statement may be found in the House Special Committee on Oil and Gas Committee Room, Capitol Room 114, and after the adjournment of the second session of the 18th Alaska State Legislature, in the Legislative Reference Library.) In summary, the statement said HJR 35 encourages Congress to approve federal senate 254, which imposes a fee on imported oil. Senate 254 would set a price floor of $25 per barrel on crude oil entering the United States. By making imported oil less attractive, this resolution would thereby reduce our dependence on foreign oil, help balance the trade deficit, promote energy conservation, and encourage development of the domestic industry in renewable and alternative fuels. Number 084 REPRESENTATIVE JERRY SANDERS asked if Representative Sitton's office had any communication with the Congressional Delegation. MR. JOHNSON replied in the negative. Number 100 VICE CHAIRMAN PETE KOTT referred the committee to Page 1, Line 13 of HJR 35 and suggested that the number "2000" would read more clearly if it is specified that it means years. Number 116 MR. JOHNSON said he could not speak for Representative Sitton, but felt there would be a problem with changing this term. Number 126 CHAIRMAN GREEN asked Mr. Johnson how he felt HJR 35 would affect the energy tax if it was imposed. Number 138 MR. JOHNSON did not have an answer; however, he stated the price floor was part of the President's ideas concerning the energy tax. Number 149 CHAIRMAN GREEN stated HJR 35 proposed a 35% increase over the current price, and asked if this would create a problem with homeowners in the Lower 48. Number 163 MR. JOHNSON felt there might be some resistance in certain areas. Number 177 CHAIRMAN GREEN stated since the committee did not have a quorum HJR 35 could not be passed out, and asked Mr. Johnson to get a response from the Congressional Delegation. Number 182 MR. JOHNSON agreed to comply.
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