Legislature(2013 - 2014)CAPITOL 120
03/12/2013 01:00 PM House MILITARY & VETERANS' AFFAIRS
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HCR4 | |
HB59 | |
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HCR 4-HMONG-AMERICAN VETERANS DAY 1:08:18 PM CO-CHAIR FOSTER announced that the first order of business would be HCR 4, HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 4 Proclaiming May 15 to be Hmong-American Veterans Memorial Day. 1:08:58 PM DIRK MOFFATT, Staff, Representative Gabrielle LeDoux, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of Representative LeDoux, sponsor, explained that HCR 4 would proclaim May 15 to be Hmong-American Veterans Memorial Day. From 1960 to 1973 Hmong tribesmen rescued downed American pilots and identified targets for bombing missions while fighting against communist forces and suffering heavy casualties. On May 15, 1997, the U.S. government declassified its role in the war against the North Vietnamese Army and Viet Cong communist forces in Laos, thus the choice of May 15 as the day of commemoration. The Hmong fighters are not recognized as veterans of the U.S. military and are not eligible for benefits for their service; however, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski introduced legislation that would allow 6,900 former Hmong soldiers living in the U.S. the right to be buried in national cemeteries. Hmong are people of Southeast Asia who live in the highlands of Laos, and who were recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to fight a guerilla war against communist forces in Laos and North Vietnam, beginning in the 1960s. Mr. Moffatt provided a short history of the Hmong people and their long involvement in active support of U.S. forces in Southeast Asia. MR. MOFFATT explained that about 40,000 Hmong were killed, 50,000 were injured, and 3,000 are missing in action while defending democracy, but because the U.S. war effort in Laos was covert, accounts of these sacrifices remain untold. After the war, thousands of Hmong were evacuated to Thailand to avoid reprisals by the communist forces, but even so, hundreds of thousands of Hmong families suffered atrocities and were forced to flee their homeland. Approximately 50,000 Hmong veterans reside in the U.S. and 150,000 Hmong children have graduated from school, although little is taught about their honorable service to the U.S. The passage of HCR 4 will increase awareness of the important role Hmong have played in U.S. history, and will recognize their sacrifice. 1:13:53 PM REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD asked how many Hmong live in Alaska. 1:14:50 PM STEVEN YANG said he was not sure how many Hmong families are in Alaska, however, the parents in most families served in the Vietnam War. 1:15:39 PM ARTHUR YANG, Anchorage, Alaska, added that the total Hmong population in Alaska is approximately 5,000. MR. MOFFATT offered to research that issue further. 1:16:47 PM PASART LEE provided statistics on the Hmong. He expressed his hope that Americans will not forget about Hmong, and urged for the passage of HCR 4. REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD pointed out that March 29th is Vietnam Veterans Day and opined it would be appropriate to have special recognition of Hmong veterans recognized along with the activities of that day. MR. MOFFATT explained that the reason May 15th was chosen is that it is the day the U.S. government recognized the sacrifices of the Hmong people. In further response to Representative Reinbold, he said multiple veterans' recognition days are acceptable. REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD said her concern is that multiple days of recognition may dilute their impact. 1:21:26 PM REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER asked about the current relationship between Hmong living in Laos and their government. MR. MOFFATT has heard that the Laotian government continues to hunt down Hmong and their descendants that remain in hiding. REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER asked whether this type of recognition would ameliorate the circumstances of Hmong people still living in Southeast Asia. MR. MOFFATT opined the purpose of the resolution is recognition in the U.S. for Hmong veterans and their contributions. He pointed out that the general of the Hmong army that fought with the U.S. was not allowed to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery, and one special day is "the right thing to do." REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER observed that formal government acknowledgment of sacrifice does have an impact and the resolution might help. 1:26:15 PM REPRESENTATIVE REINBOLD agreed that formal recognition is good; however, there are many groups that have made significant sacrifices in many past wars that do not have a special day, such as Alaska Natives, and she expressed her concern about picking one group. CO-CHAIR LEDOUX relayed that the name of the aforementioned Hmong general was Vang Pao, and he led an army that fought bravely for the U.S. during the Vietnam War. REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES confirmed that the resolution carries no fiscal note. She opined additional days of recognition do not dilute [recognition], but are beneficial in that they raise awareness and understanding for Alaskans. Representative Hughes estimated about 2 percent of the U.S. population of Hmong live in Alaska, and said she would support HCR 4. REPRESENTATIVE HIGGINS said he is aware of the help given by Hmong to the U.S. Army Special Forces in Vietnam. He expressed his belief this distinction and honor is appropriate for the sacrifice of their lives and families, and urged passage of HCR 4. He asked whether any other states have designated a similar memorial day. MR. MOFFATT advised California has, along with several municipalities. 1:31:03 PM REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG noted that before redistricting he represented the community of Mountain View, which has a high population of Hmong. Hmong families are very highly education- motivated, and provide much to the community through gardens and businesses. As a co-sponsor, he would like to see the bill move from committee. 1:32:48 PM CO-CHAIR FOSTER opened public testimony on HCR 4. MR. LEE expressed his support for federal legislation, "Lao Hmong Veterans' Burial Honors Act" U.S. House of Representatives House Resolution 3192. MR. ARTHUR YANG expressed his support for HCR 4. MR. STEVEN YANG expressed his support for HCR 4. 1:34:40 PM CO-CHAIR FOSTER, after ascertaining that no one else wished to testify, closed public testimony on HCR 4. 1:35:26 PM REPRESENTATIVE HUGHES moved to report HCR 4 out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, HCR 4 was reported from the House Special Committee on Military and Veterans' Affairs. [Later in the meeting, Co-Chair Foster noted written testimony on HCR 4 from Dr. Chang would be accepted.]