Legislature(2009 - 2010)BARNES 124
03/31/2009 01:00 PM House MILITARY & VETERANS' AFFAIRS
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
HJR29 | |
HJR24 | |
HB24 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 29-DESIGNATING 2009 AS THE YEAR OF ARMY NCO CHAIR GATTO announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 29, Designating 2009 as the Year of the Noncommissioned Officer Corps of the United States Army. 1:09:02 PM SANDRA WILSON, Staff to Representative Carl Gatto, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of the prime sponsor of the bill, Representative Gatto, stated that 2009 has been designated as the year of the Noncommissioned Officer by the U. S. Army. Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs) are the backbone of the Army and are a source of information, knowledge, and experience. Furthermore, they remain in the background and ensure that operations run smoothly, working side by side with soldiers and setting a good example. The Army will be honoring the sacrifices and the contributions of NCOs throughout 2009, and Ms. Wilson asked for the committee's support of the resolution. 1:10:21 PM REPRESENTATIVE LYNN disclosed that his mother and step-father were NCOs. He inquired why the recognition is limited to the Army and does not honor NCOs serving in other branches of military service. 1:11:23 PM MS. WILSON explained that the Army is the only branch of the armed services planning to honor NCOs this year. 1:11:47 PM CHAIR GATTO added that the Army is planning celebrations and activities. He noted that the legislature does not have the authority to expand the designation to other branches of the military. REPRESENTATIVE LYNN pointed out that a resolution may recognize that the importance of NCOs in the military is similar to the importance of the valuable staff at the legislature. 1:12:59 PM CHAIR GATTO opened public testimony. 1:13:38 PM MAJOR RICK WILLIAMS, Strategic Communications Chief, United States Army Alaska (USARAK), stated that the Department of the Army initiated this designation; however, he said that he will invite NCO participation to the celebrations in Alaska "across the services." Major Williams observed the celebratory displays at Fort Wainwright include all members of the NCO Corps. In fact, the celebrations will include retirees, wounded warriors, and others, to show that the NCO Corps is as diverse as the services are. 1:16:33 PM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS reminded the committee of the pending return in September of 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers from Fort Wainwright. He invited members to come to Fairbanks to participate in their welcome home. 1:17:56 PM REPRESENTATIVE BUCH asked for further information about the soldiers' welcome. 1:18:22 PM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS responded that the community will be celebrating the soldiers' return, and that Fairbanks enjoys being a military town. 1:18:50 PM CHAIR GATTO closed public testimony on HJR 29. 1:19:03 PM REPRESENTATIVE LYNN moved to report HJR 29, 26-LS0782\A, out of committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, HJR 29 was reported from the House Special Committee on Military and Veterans' Affairs.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
AMENDMENT to HB24 - Conceptual (revised).pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HB 24 |
HB 24 backup.pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HB 24 |
HJR 24 Article.pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HJR 24 |
HJR 24 letter of support.pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HJR 24 |
HJR 29 Article 2.pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HJR 29 |
HJR 29 Article.pdf |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HJR 29 |
Letter of Support HB 24.doc |
HMLV 3/31/2009 1:00:00 PM |
HB 24 |