Legislature(2023 - 2024)BARNES 124

02/23/2024 03:15 PM House LABOR & COMMERCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Delayed to 4:15 PM --
Scheduled but Not Heard
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
Heard & Held
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
Scheduled but Not Heard
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
Scheduled but Not Heard
Moved HCS SB 37(L&C) Out of Committee
-- Public Testimony --
Moved CSHB 192(L&C) Out of Committee
Moved HCS CSSB 45(2d L&C) Out of Committee
         HB 192-DELIVERY/PICK UP OF ALCOHOL; LICENSING                                                                      
4:21:56 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SUMNER announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
HOUSE  BILL NO.  192,  "An  Act relating  to  curbside pickup  of                                                               
alcoholic  beverages  sold  by   a  package  store;  relating  to                                                               
consumer  delivery  licenses;  and  providing  for  an  effective                                                               
date."   [Before the committee,  adopted as the  working document                                                               
on  2/2/24, was  the proposed  committee substitute  (CS) for  HB
192, Version 33-LS0753\B, C. Radford, 2/1/24 ("Version B").]                                                                    
4:22:17 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SUMNER  moved to  adopt Amendment 1  to Version  B, labeled                                                               
33-LS0753\B.3, C. Radford, 2/10/24, which read:                                                                                 
     Page 1, lines 16 - 20 of the amendment:                                                                                    
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE objected for purposes of discussion.                                                                   
CHAIR SUMNER  explained that amendment  1 would require  a person                                                               
delivering  alcohol to  have a  Techniques of  Alcohol Management                                                               
(TAM) card.                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE  removed his objection.   There being no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 1 was adopted.                                                                                     
CHAIR SUMNER noted that Amendment 2 would not be offered.                                                                       
4:23:17 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK moved  to adopt Amendment 3  to Version B,                                                               
labeled 33-LS0753\B.5, C. Radford, 2/13/24, which read:                                                                         
     Page 1, line 1, following "store":                                                                                       
          Insert ", brewery, winery, or distillery"                                                                           
     Page 2, following line 30:                                                                                                 
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
        "* Sec. 4. AS 04.09.320(h) is amended to read:                                                                    
          (h)  The holder of a brewery retail license                                                                           
     commits  the  offense of  failure  to  comply with  the                                                                    
     terms  of  a  brewery  retail  license  if  the  person                                                                    
     stores, sells, or serves  brewed beverages in violation                                                                    
     of (a) of this section  or violates (d), (e), [OR] (f),                                                                
     or (j) of this section.                                                                                                
       * Sec. 5. AS 04.09.320 is amended by adding a new                                                                      
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (j)  The holder of a brewery retail license may                                                                       
     offer curbside pickup of brewed beverages if                                                                               
               (1)  the brewed beverage is sealed or                                                                            
     packaged in a closed bottle or can by the manufacturer                                                                     
     or sealed, tamper-proofed, and labeled  in a growler by                                                                    
     the holder;                                                                                                                
               (2)   an  agent  or employee  who  is not  an                                                                    
     independent  contractor and  has  completed an  alcohol                                                                    
     server  education  course under  AS 04.21.025  delivers                                                                    
     the brewed  beverage from the licensed  premises to the                                                                    
     purchaser at the location designated  under (3) of this                                                                    
     subsection  and  requires   the  purchaser  to  provide                                                                    
     identification  and  acceptable   proof  of  age  under                                                                    
     AS 04.21.050(b);                                                                                                           
               (3)   the holder  designates a  parking place                                                                    
     less  than  225  feet  from an  entry  to  the  brewery                                                                    
     premises for pickup of brewed beverages;                                                                                   
               (4)  the transaction  is not prohibited under                                                                    
     AS 04.16.030;                                                                                                              
               (5)  the  holder provides written information                                                                    
     regarding  the license  and curbside  pickup on  a form                                                                    
     prescribed by the director; and                                                                                            
               (6)  the holder  consents to an inspection of                                                                    
     the  area  designated  for curbside  pickup,  excluding                                                                    
     private  vehicles, at  all reasonable  times  and in  a                                                                    
     reasonable  manner by  an officer  or employee  charged                                                                    
     with enforcing the alcoholic  beverage control laws and                                                                    
     the  regulations of  the board  or by  a peace  officer                                                                    
     acting in the official capacity of a peace officer.                                                                        
        * Sec. 6. AS 04.09.330(h) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (h)  The holder of a winery retail license                                                                            
     commits  the  offense of  failure  to  comply with  the                                                                    
     terms of a winery retail  license if the person stores,                                                                    
     sells,  or serves  wine  in violation  of  (a) of  this                                                                    
     section or violates (d), (e),  [OR] (f), or (j) of this                                                                
        * Sec.  7. AS 04.09.330 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (j)  The holder of a winery retail license may                                                                        
     offer curbside pickup of wine, mead, or cider if                                                                           
               (1)   the wine, mead,  or cider is  sealed or                                                                    
     packaged in a closed bottle  or can by the manufacturer                                                                    
     or sealed,  tamper-proofed, and labeled in  a bottle or                                                                    
     can by the holder;                                                                                                         
               (2)   an  agent  or employee  who  is not  an                                                                    
     independent  contractor and  has  completed an  alcohol                                                                    
     server  education  course under  AS 04.21.025  delivers                                                                    
     the wine, mead, or cider  from the licensed premises to                                                                    
     the purchaser  at the location designated  under (3) of                                                                    
     this subsection  and requires the purchaser  to provide                                                                    
     identification  and  acceptable   proof  of  age  under                                                                    
     AS 04.21.050(b);                                                                                                           
               (3)   the holder  designates a  parking place                                                                    
     less  than  225  feet  from  an  entry  to  the  winery                                                                    
     premises for pickup of the wine, mead, or cider;                                                                           
               (4)  the transaction  is not prohibited under                                                                    
     AS 04.16.030;                                                                                                              
               (5)  the  holder provides written information                                                                    
     regarding  the license  and curbside  pickup on  a form                                                                    
     prescribed by the director; and                                                                                            
               (6)  the holder  consents to an inspection of                                                                    
     the  area  designated  for curbside  pickup,  excluding                                                                    
     private  vehicles, at  all reasonable  times  and in  a                                                                    
     reasonable  manner by  an officer  or employee  charged                                                                    
     with enforcing the alcoholic  beverage control laws and                                                                    
     the  regulations of  the board  or by  a peace  officer                                                                    
     acting in the official capacity of a peace officer.                                                                        
        * Sec. 8. AS 04.09.340(h) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (h)  The holder of a distillery retail license                                                                        
     commits  the  offense of  failure  to  comply with  the                                                                    
     terms  of a  distillery  retail license  if the  person                                                                    
     stores,   sells,  or   serves   distilled  spirits   in                                                                    
     violation of (a) of this  section or violates (d), (e),                                                                    
     [OR] (f), or (j) of this section.                                                                                      
        * Sec.  9. AS 04.09.340 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (j)  The holder of a distillery retail license                                                                        
     may offer curbside pickup of distilled spirits if                                                                          
               (1)   the  distilled  spirits  are sealed  or                                                                    
     packaged in a closed bottle  or can by the manufacturer                                                                    
     or sealed,  tamper-proofed, and labeled in  a bottle or                                                                    
     can by the holder;                                                                                                         
               (2)   an  agent  or employee  who  is not  an                                                                    
     independent  contractor and  has  completed an  alcohol                                                                    
     server  education  course under  AS 04.21.025  delivers                                                                    
     the  distilled spirits  from the  licensed premises  to                                                                    
     the purchaser  at the location designated  under (3) of                                                                    
     this subsection  and requires the purchaser  to provide                                                                    
     identification  and  acceptable   proof  of  age  under                                                                    
     AS 04.21.050(b);                                                                                                           
               (3)   the holder  designates a  parking place                                                                    
     less  than 225  feet from  an entry  to the  distillery                                                                    
     retail  licensed  premises   for  pickup  of  distilled                                                                    
               (4)  the transaction  is not prohibited under                                                                    
     AS 04.16.030;                                                                                                              
               (5)  the holder provides written information                                                                     
      regarding the license and curbside pickup on a form                                                                       
     prescribed by the director; and                                                                                            
               (6)  the holder consents to an inspection of                                                                     
     the  area  designated  for curbside  pickup,  excluding                                                                    
     private  vehicles, at  all reasonable  times  and in  a                                                                    
     reasonable  manner by  an officer  or employee  charged                                                                    
     with enforcing the alcoholic  beverage control laws and                                                                    
     the  regulations of  the board  or by  a peace  officer                                                                    
     acting in the official capacity of a peace officer."                                                                       
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 5, line 31:                                                                                                           
          Delete "Section 9"                                                                                                    
          Insert "Section 15"                                                                                                   
     Page 6, line 1:                                                                                                            
          Delete "sec. 10"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
CHAIR SUMNER objected.                                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK  explained that  Amendment 3  would expand                                                               
the scope of  the bill to include curbside  delivery for products                                                               
from  breweries,  distilleries,  and  wineries in  the  state  of                                                               
Alaska  to  provide  parity  between  package  stores  and  these                                                               
4:24:00 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll  call vote  was taken.   Representatives Prax  and Carrick                                                               
voted  in  favor  of Amendment  3.    Representatives  Ruffridge,                                                               
Saddler,  Wright,  and  Sumner  voted  against  it.    Therefore,                                                               
Amendment 3 failed by a vote of 2-4.                                                                                            
4:24:57 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SUMNER  moved to  adopt Amendment 4  to Version  B, labeled                                                               
33-LS0753\B.1, C. Radford, 2/7/24, which read:                                                                                  
     Page 2, line 14:                                                                                                           
          Delete "three"                                                                                                    
          Insert "six"                                                                                                      
     Page 2, lines 15 - 25:                                                                                                     
          Delete all material and insert:                                                                                       
               "(A)  underwent [WAS GIVEN] a qualifying                                                                     
     medical examination                                                                                                        
               (i)  upon the first employment as [BECOMING]                                                             
        a firefighter that did not show evidence of the                                                                         
               (ii)  at least once every two years [(B) WAS                                                                 
       GIVEN AN ANNUAL MEDICAL EXAM] during [EACH OF] the                                                                       
     first six [SEVEN] years of employment as a firefighter                                                             
     that did not show evidence of the disease; and"                                                                            
     Page 2, line 30, following "cancer":                                                                                       
          Insert ";                                                                                                         
               (4)  the requirements of (3)(A) of this                                                                      
      subsection apply only if the firefighter's employer                                                                   
      makes the applicable qualifying medical examination                                                                   
     available to the firefighter"                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK objected for purposes of discussion.                                                                     
CHAIR  SUMNER  explained  that   Amendment  4  would  remove  the                                                               
distance requirement  and replace  it with the  words "contiguous                                                               
4:25:18 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER  asked whether "contiguous" is  defined in                                                               
the bill.                                                                                                                       
CHAIR SUMNER defined "contiguous"  as directly conjoining without                                                               
intervening breaks.                                                                                                             
4:26:33 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  CARRICK asked  whether  the intent  is to  ensure                                                               
that curbside pickup is, in  fact, curbside to the establishment,                                                               
as opposed to around the block.                                                                                                 
CHAIR SUMNER answered yes.                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE  CARRICK   asked  whether   there  is   a  similar                                                               
requirement for curbside pickup at grocery stores.                                                                              
CHAIR SUMNER said not to his knowledge.                                                                                         
4:27:30 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX imagined  that curbside pickup in  front of a                                                               
"big box" store could create a traffic jam.                                                                                     
CHAIR SUMNER supposed  that there would be  designated spots that                                                               
are curbside.                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  maintained his  belief that  curbside pickup                                                               
could backup traffic at larger stores.                                                                                          
4:29:52 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER suggested clarifying  the intent by making                                                               
it  the   closest  designated  parking  space   to  an  entrance,                                                               
exclusive of the handicap parking space.                                                                                        
4:30:30 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 4:30 p.m. to 4:35 p.m.                                                                       
4:35:03 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SUMNER withdrew Amendment 4.                                                                                              
4:35:13 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER moved Conceptual  Amendment 5 to Version B                                                               
to delete "less  than 225 feet from  an" on page 2,  line 21, and                                                               
insert "that is the designated parking  space closest to an".  In                                                               
addition, insert  the words  "that is  not a  designated handicap                                                               
parking  space" after  the word  "premises" on  page 2,  line 22.                                                               
There being no objection, Conceptual Amendment 5 was adopted.                                                                   
4:36:34 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took a brief at-ease at 4:36 p.m.                                                                                 
4:36:53 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE  moved to  report CSHB 192,  Version 33-                                                               
LS0753\B, C. Radford,  2/1/24, as amended, out  of committee with                                                               
individual  recommendations and  the  accompanying fiscal  notes.                                                               
There being  no objection,  CSHB 192(L&C)  was reported  from the                                                               
House Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.                                                                                    

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HB 314 ver A.PDF HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Sectional Analysis ver A.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 318 - Sectional Analysis Version A.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 - Sponsor Statement.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 Support Doc - 50-State Index of Charity Regulations.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 Support Doc - Charity Protection Act Fact Sheet.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 Support Doc - Charity Protection FAQ.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 Support Doc - Sector Regulation Policy Primer.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 318 Version A.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 318
HB 314 & SB 225 Letter of Support - State Medical Board 2.16.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
SB 225
HB 314 & SB 225 Letter of Support - Board of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy 2.16.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
SB 225
HB 314 Presentation for HL&C (Version A).pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 & SB 225 Letter of Support - Board of Certified Real Estate Appraisers 2.20.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
SB 225
SB45 Sectional Analysis version. P.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
SB 45
SB45 Explanation of Changes.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
SB 45
HB 314 Transmittal Letter.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Alaska Board of Marital and Family Therapy 2.16.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Southcentral Foundation 3.13.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Board of Veterinary Examiners 3.8.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Board of Chiropractic Examiners 3.14.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Board of Social Worker Examiners 3.11.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - Board of Pharmacy 4.11.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314
HB 314 Letter of Support - AELS Board 2.21.24.pdf HL&C 2/23/2024 3:15:00 PM
HB 314