Legislature(2023 - 2024)BARNES 124

04/14/2023 03:15 PM House LABOR & COMMERCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
Heard & Held
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony --
Moved CSHB 60(HSS) Out of Committee
-- Public Testimony --
Moved HB 112 Out of Committee
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <2 Minute Time Limit> --
Moved CSHB 87(L&C) Out of Committee
Heard & Held
           HB  87-PERM FUND; EMPLOYMENT; ELIGIBILITY                                                                        
5:39:06 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SUMNER announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
HOUSE BILL NO. 87, "An Act  relating to record checks for certain                                                               
employees  of the  Department of  Revenue; relating  to permanent                                                               
fund dividends;  and providing for  an effective date."   [Before                                                               
the committee, adopted as a  working document on 4/10/23, was the                                                               
proposed  committee  substitute  (CS)  for  HB  87,  Version  33-                                                               
GH1337\S, Nauman, 3/13/23 ("Version S").]                                                                                       
5:39:19 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  WRIGHT  moved to  adopt  Amendment  1 to  HB  87,                                                               
Version  S, labeled  GH1337\S.1, Nauman,  3/20/23, which  read as                                                               
     Page 6, line 29, through page 7, line 5:                                                                                   
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 10, lines 20 - 21:                                                                                                    
          Delete "AS 43.23.008(f), as amended by sec. 8 of                                                                      
     this Act, and AS 43.23.011(d), added by sec. 9 of this                                                                     
          Insert "and AS 43.23.008(f), as amended by sec. 8                                                                     
     of this Act"                                                                                                               
     Page 10, line 26:                                                                                                          
          Delete "7 - 9"                                                                                                        
          Insert "7 and 8"                                                                                                      
     Page 10, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "10 - 12, and 14"                                                                                              
          Insert "9 - 11, and 13"                                                                                               
     Page 10, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
     Insert "sec. 14"                                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK objected.                                                                                                
5:39:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  WRIGHT explained  that Amendment  1 would  remove                                                               
language which would  provide an extension to  the permanent fund                                                               
dividend  (PFD) filing  deadline for  dependents of  Alaskans who                                                               
failed to meet  the deadline for medical emergencies.   He stated                                                               
that  the  Department  of  Revenue   had  conveyed  it  would  be                                                               
difficult  to  determine the  cost  of  this provision,  and  the                                                               
existing  administrative code  already addresses  these concerns.                                                               
He stated that removing the  language retains the original intent                                                               
of the legislation while eliminating  the potential fiscal burden                                                               
on the department.                                                                                                              
5:40:12 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER commented that  the original bill language                                                               
contains conflicting  information on whether a  person would have                                                               
the ability to apply for the PFD on their own.                                                                                  
5:41:32 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  CARRICK removed  her objection.   There  being no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 1 was adopted.                                                                                     
5:41:41 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SADDLER moved  to  adopt Amendment  2  to HB  87,                                                               
Version S, as amended, labeled  GH1337\S.2, Nauman, 4/6/23, which                                                               
read as follows:                                                                                                                
     Page 5, line 30:                                                                                                           
          Delete "(16), or (17)"                                                                                                
          Insert "or (16) - (18) [(16), OR (17)]"                                                                           
     Page 6, following line 6:                                                                                                  
     Insert a new paragraph to read:                                                                                            
               "(17)  serving as a pilot, flight engineer,                                                                  
        or flight attendant for a United States airline                                                                     
      certified as an air carrier by the Federal Aviation                                                                   
     Page 6, line 7:                                                                                                            
          Delete "(17)"                                                                                                         
          Insert "(18) [(17)]"                                                                                              
     Page 6, line 11:                                                                                                           
          Delete "(4) - (16)"                                                                                                   
          Insert "(4) - (17) [(4) - (16)]"                                                                                  
     Page 6, line 14:                                                                                                           
          Delete "(4) - (16)"                                                                                                   
          Insert "(4) - (17) [(4) - (16)]"                                                                                  
     Page 6, line 17:                                                                                                           
          Delete "(1) - (16)"                                                                                                   
          Insert "(1) - (17) [(1) - (16)]"                                                                                  
     Page 6, line 18:                                                                                                           
          Delete "(4) - (16)"                                                                                                   
     Insert "(4) - (17) [(4) - (16)]"                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK objected.                                                                                                
5:41:49 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER explained that Amendment 2 would ensure                                                                  
flight crews working for airlines based in the U.S. and living                                                                  
in Alaska would be able to file and receive the PFD.                                                                            
5:42:39 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK asked if similar provisions already exist                                                                
in the proposed legislation.                                                                                                    
5:43:37 PM                                                                                                                    
COREY BIGELOW, Operations Manager, Permanent Fund Dividend                                                                      
Division, Department of Revenue, answered that HB 87 contains                                                                   
language which is specific to students.                                                                                         
5:44:51 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK asked whether  there are other professions                                                               
that might benefit from the language of the amendment.                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER  answered that  there are currently  16 or                                                               
17 groups which have allowable absences for filing the PFD.                                                                     
5:46:33 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FIELDS commented  that  previous legislation  was                                                               
passed to  allow merchant mariners  to be  out of state  for more                                                               
than 180 days and still receive  a PFD, and this exception should                                                               
apply to flight crews.                                                                                                          
5:47:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARRICK removed her objection.                                                                                   
5:47:29 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX objected.  He  asked whether there is another                                                               
bill which addresses this issue.                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE   SADDLER   answered   that   there   is   similar                                                               
legislation pending, but it does not include flight crews.                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  expressed the opinion that  the amendment is                                                               
too narrow.                                                                                                                     
5:50:38 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll  call vote was  taken.  Representatives  Saddler, Carrick,                                                               
Fields, Wright,  and Sumner voted in  favor of Amendment 2  to HB
87, Version  S, as  amended.   Representative Prax  voted against                                                               
it.  Therefore, Amendment 2 was adopted by a vote of 5-1.                                                                       
5:51:20 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FIELDS  moved to  adopt  Amendment  3 to  HB  87,                                                               
Version  S,  as  amended, labeled  GH1337\S.3,  Nauman,  4/10/23,                                                               
which read as follows:                                                                                                          
     Page 1, line 4, following "Revenue;":                                                                                    
          Insert "establishing a tax on an individual's                                                                       
     permanent fund dividend;"                                                                                                
     Page 9, line 25, following "chapter":                                                                                  
          Insert ";                                                                                                         
               (13)  adopt regulations under AS 44.62                                                                       
     (Administrative  Procedure   Act)  to   administer  the                                                                
     dividend tax established under AS 43.23.280"                                                                           
     Page 10, following line 16:                                                                                                
     Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                         
        "*  Sec. 13.  AS 43.23 is  amended by  adding a  new                                                                
     section to read:                                                                                                           
                   Article 6A. Dividend Tax.                                                                                  
          Sec. 43.23.280. Dividend tax. (a) A tax equal to                                                                    
     the amount  of the  permanent fund dividend  is imposed                                                                    
     each  year on  each  individual paid  a permanent  fund                                                                    
     dividend that year. For purposes  of this subsection, a                                                                    
     permanent fund  dividend is paid to  an individual even                                                                    
     if  the  dividend  is   contributed  or  donated  under                                                                    
     AS 43.23.130 or  43.23.230 or taken  under AS 43.23.140                                                                    
     - 43.23.190.                                                                                                               
          (b)  An individual shall remit the tax due under                                                                      
     this chapter by December 31 of each year.                                                                                  
          (c)  An individual not filing a federal tax                                                                           
     return jointly  with another individual is  exempt from                                                                    
     the tax under this  section if the individual's federal                                                                    
     adjusted  gross income  for the  taxable  year is  less                                                                    
     than  $75,000.  Two   individuals  filing  federal  tax                                                                    
     returns  jointly are  exempt  from the  tax under  this                                                                    
     section  if  the  individuals' federal  adjusted  gross                                                                    
     income for the taxable year is less than $125,000."                                                                        
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 10, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "14"                                                                                                           
          Insert "15"                                                                                                           
     Page 10, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
     Insert "sec. 16"                                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER objected.                                                                                                
5:51:24 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   FIELDS   explained   that  in   an   effort   to                                                               
redistribute  wealth from  the fund  to  working class  families,                                                               
Amendment 3 would  exempt lower income families  from being taxed                                                               
on their PFDs.  He added  that the amendment would not affect the                                                               
PFDs received by children of higher income families.                                                                            
5:52:30 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  SUMNER   commented  that   there  is  a   memorandum  from                                                               
Legislative  Legal  Services which  relays  the  belief that  the                                                               
amendment would  not be  constitutional under  the single-subject                                                               
5:52:48 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FIELDS [moved to] withdraw Amendment 3.  There                                                                   
being no objection, Amendment 3 was withdrawn.                                                                                  
5:53:02 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER moved to adopt Amendment 4 to HB 87,                                                                     
Version S, as amended, labeled GH1337\S.5, Nauman, 4/10/23,                                                                     
which read as follows:                                                                                                          
     Page 1, line 4, following "Revenue;":                                                                                    
          Insert "relating to depositing permanent fund                                                                       
     dividends into investment accounts;"                                                                                     
     Page 9, following line 25:                                                                                                 
     Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                         
        "*  Sec. 12.  AS 43.23 is  amended by  adding a  new                                                                
     section to read:                                                                                                           
          Sec. 43.23.058. Deposits from dividends. (a) An                                                                     
     applicant  for   a  permanent  fund  dividend   who  is                                                                    
     eligible  under this  chapter  to  receive a  permanent                                                                    
     fund   dividend,   or    the   applicant's   authorized                                                                    
     representative,  may direct  that  all or  part of  the                                                                    
     amount  of  the dividend  payment  be  deposited in  an                                                                    
     investment account identified by the applicant.                                                                            
          (b)  The department shall design the permanent                                                                        
     fund dividend  application form to allow  an applicant,                                                                    
     or  the   applicant's  authorized   representative,  to                                                                    
     direct  the department  to make  a  deposit under  this                                                                    
     section,  and  to  provide  the  information  that  the                                                                    
     department  determines is  necessary to  implement this                                                                    
          (c)  The department may not use money from the                                                                        
     dividend  fund  for  administrative costs  incurred  in                                                                    
     implementing this section."                                                                                                
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 10, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "10 - 12, and 14"                                                                                              
          Insert "10, 11, 13, and 15"                                                                                           
     Page 10, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
There being no objection, Amendment 4 was adopted.                                                                              
5:53:13 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  WRIGHT  moved  to  report CSHB  87,  Version  33-                                                               
GH1337\S,  Nauman, 3/13/23,  as  amended, out  of committee  with                                                               
individual  recommendations  and  the  accompanying  zero  fiscal                                                               
note.   There being no  objection, CSHB 87(L&C) was  reported out                                                               
of the House Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.                                                                             

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HB145 AKPIRG.pdf HL&C 4/14/2023 3:15:00 PM
HB 145
HB145 Chart.pdf HL&C 4/14/2023 3:15:00 PM
HB 145
Explanation of Changes HB145.pdf HL&C 4/14/2023 3:15:00 PM
HB 145
U.pdf HL&C 4/14/2023 3:15:00 PM
HB 145