Legislature(2021 - 2022)BARNES 124
04/19/2021 03:15 PM House LABOR & COMMERCE
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Audio | Topic |
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Board of Professional Counselors | |
Board of Veterinary Examiners | |
HB75 | |
HB61 | |
HB85 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 85-FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS; LIABILITY 5:11:10 PM CO-CHAIR FIELDS announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 85, "An Act relating to the Alaska Banking Code; relating to mutual savings banks; relating to interstate state banks and international banks; relating to the pledging of bank assets as collateral security to tribal organizations; relating to the pledging of bank assets for interest swap agreements; relating to state business licenses; relating to persons who make loans secured by interests in vessels or facilities; relating to liability for the release or threatened release of hazardous substances; relating to the Model Foreign Bank Loan Act; and providing for an effective date." 5:11:33 PM REPRESENTATIVE BART LEBON, Alaska State Legislature, as prime sponsor, introduced the committee substitute (CS) for HB 85. 5:11:53 PM CO-CHAIR SPOHNHOLZ moved to adopt the proposed CS for HB 85, Version 32-LS0371\I, Bannister, 4/17/21 ("Version I"), as the working document. 5:12:14 PM CO-CHAIR FIELDS objected for the purpose of discussion. 5:12:07 PM JOSEPH BYRNES, Staff, Representative Bart LeBon, detailed the changes in the committee substitute for HB 85 on behalf of Representative LeBon, prime sponsor. He said that Section 3, subsection (a), found on page 2, lines 24 and 25, of the proposed legislation, which previously required posting statutorily required reports on either the website or in the lobby, now would direct banks to post the reports on their websites and would make it optional to post the reports in the physical lobbies. He said the next change is in Section 22, subsection (o), paragraph (1), subparagraph (A), on page 10, line 7; this change adds the word "and" to the end of the subparagraph, which more closely mirrors the federal language. The final change, he said, is in Section 22, subsection (o), paragraph (1), subparagraph (B), sub-subparagraph (iv), on page 10, lines 16-17, and replaces "under this section" with "in accordance with state law." He noted that this change, intended to provide clarity, was at the request of the Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). 5:14:47 PM CO-CHAIR FIELDS removed his objection. There being no further objection, Version I was before the committee. CO-CHAIR FIELDS announced that HB 85 was held over.