Legislature(1997 - 1998)

04/03/1998 03:24 PM House L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Number 1050                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KUBINA asked the chairman if he would consider                  
moving HB 323 out of committee as well.  Representative Kubina                 
noted the committee had previously heard the legislation dealing               
with nine-month school employees and retirement issues, commenting             
the bill had a couple more committees of referral.                             
Number 1074                                                                    
CHAIRMAN ROKEBERG indicated he had not been previous consulted                 
about this request.                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE KUBINA asked the chairman to consider it for the                
next committee meeting.                                                        
CHAIRMAN ROKEBERG stated he would take the matter under advisement.            
Number 1085                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE RYAN commented he had originally told the sponsor of            
HB 323 he would support hearing the legislation and perhaps moving             
it to the next committee.  Representative Ryan commented they had              
been "sandbagged" by the unexpected $7 million fiscal note from the            
Division of Retirement and Benefits [Department of Administration].            
Number 1120                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KUBINA indicated the committee had seen legislation             
before with very inaccurate fiscal notes the committee knew were               
not correct.  He commented Representative Brice had been willing to            
write his own fiscal note for the bill.                                        

Document Name Date/Time Subjects