Legislature(2023 - 2024)GRUENBERG 120
03/20/2024 01:00 PM House JUDICIARY
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Audio | Topic |
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HJR13 | |
HB107 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 13-CALL FED. CONSTITUTIONAL CONV:TERM LIMITS 1:38:56 PM CHAIR VANCE announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 13, Requesting the United States Congress to call a convention of the states to propose an amendment to the Constitution of the United States to set a limit on the number of terms that a person may be elected as a member of the United States House of Representatives and as a member of the United States Senate; and urging the legislatures of the other 49 states to request the United States Congress to call a convention of the states. [Before the committee was CSHJR 13(STA).] CHAIR VANCE opened public testimony on HJR 13. 1:39:29 PM SUSAN ALLMEROTH, representing self, testified in opposition to HJR 13. She opined that there is no room for an Article 5 convention, and nothing that would limit the convention to a single subject. She expressed concern that holding a constitutional convention could result in the amendment of citizens' most cherished rights. In short, she opined that an Article 5 convention would be a disaster and could lead to long and costly battles, uncertainty about the function of democracy, and economic instability. 1:40:48 PM JUDI CALER, representing self, testified in opposition to HJR 13. She recounted historical examples of constitutional amendments. She said she saw no evidence in history that filing applications for conventions has anything to do with getting congress to propose amendments. She viewed the argument that congress would never hold a constitutional convention as a clever way of allowing states to trigger an unlimited convention. She urged the committee not to play chicken with congress. CHAIR VANCE closed public testimony on HJR 13. 1:43:42 PM AZABEL ORDAZ, Staff, Representative Tom McKay, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of Representative McKay, prime sponsor, stated that CSHJR 13(STA) would set federal term limits on members of congress under Article 5, which would call for a convention of the states. She reported that 84 percent of Alaskans are in favor of congressional term limits and hoped th that Alaska would be the 7 state to join the call. 1:44:03 PM TREVOR JEPSEN, Staff, Representative Tom McKay, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of Representative McKay, prime sponsor, noted that Representative McKay was not present because he was chairing House Resources Standing Committee. 1:44:14 PM REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD stated that the committee received a flurry of emails in regard to the resolution's impact. She asked Mr. Jepsen to provide further context. MR. JEPSEN stated that the point of CSHJR 13(STA) is not to hold a constitutional convention. He said Article 5 was included in the U.S. Constitution "to force congress to do things they won't do with the ... possibility of having this constitutional convention for amendments." 1:45:15 PM REPRESENTATIVE GRAY sought to confirm that it would not be possible to call an Article 5 convention about one single subject. MS. ORDAZ explained that Article 5 would allow proposed amendments to the constitution. She further noted that states would be able to choose their delegates with oversight from the state legislature and superior court. REPRESENTATIVE GRAY asked how Alaska would choose its delegates. MS. ORDAZ said it would be up to the legislature to decide. REPRESENTATIVE GRAY asked whether the [delegate selection] would require a bill. MR. JEPSEN indicated that much of the process is gray area that would need to be figured out down the road if the high threshold of 34 states was reached. REPRESENTATIVE GRAY sought to confirm that goal of CSHJR 13(STA) would be to pressure congress to act, not to hold a constitutional convention. MR. JEPSEN answered, "That is correct." 1:46:57 PM REPRESENTATIVE SUMNER asked how many states had passed [a similar resolution] to date. MS. ORDAZ answered six states. 1:47:25 PM REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD moved to report CSHJR 13(STA) out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHJR 13(STA) was reported from the House Judiciary Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
HB 107 - Proposed CS v.U.pdf |
HJUD 3/20/2024 1:00:00 PM |
HB 107 |
HB 107 - Explanation of Changes for CS v. B to v.U.pdf |
HJUD 3/20/2024 1:00:00 PM |
HB 107 |
HB 107 - Letters of Support (03-22-24).pdf |
HJUD 3/20/2024 1:00:00 PM |
HB 107 |
HB 107 - Letters of Opposition (03-22-24).pdf |
HJUD 3/20/2024 1:00:00 PM |
HB 107 |