Legislature(1999 - 2000)
03/06/2000 02:30 PM House JUD
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 35 - REPEAL BRADY ACT CHAIRMAN KOTT announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 35, relating to requesting the United States Congress to repeal the "Brady Handgun Protection Act". Number 2294 RYNNIEVA MOSS, Staff to Representative John Coghill, Alaska State Legislature, introduced HJR 35 on behalf of the sponsor. She explained the HJR 35 requests the United States Congress to repeal the "Brady Handgun Protection Act". Representative Coghill had introduced HJR 35 after reading about the direction of congressional actions on gun controls. He felt it appeared that Congress was giving up on the Second Amendment. In the past few years, Congress has been reviewing legislation that would change how gun laws are handled by disallowing civil suits against gun manufacturers and disallowing retention of criminal search records of law-abiding citizens. Representative Coghill feels that Congress is going in the wrong direction to restore the ability of individuals to protect themselves and their families. MS. MOSS told members that Representative Coghill's real question is who the Brady Act protects. She said it already is known that illegal weapons are prized commodities that usually [result in] burglary or death, and that Switzerland's practice of requiring citizens to be armed can reduce crime. Criminals don't buy firearms through legal means, and when criminals do attempt to purchase firearms contrary to the Brady Act, the law is not enforced by the administration. One of the big criticisms now is that there are stringent federal laws against criminals having guns, but those laws are not being enforced. TAPE 00-29, SIDE A MS. MOSS concluded by saying that if the Brady Act is not enforced, then there really is no compelling interest on the part of the federal government to invade the privacy of law-abiding citizens. restricting their ability to protect themselves and their families against criminals, and, for that matter, their ability to provide food for their families. CHAIRMAN KOTT announced that HJR 35 would be held over.
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