Legislature(2005 - 2006)CAPITOL 106
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HB426 | |
HB258 | |
HB412 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 412-TUITION WAIVERS:MILITARY/POLICE/FIRE CHAIR WILSON announced that final order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 412, "An Act relating to the waiver of undergraduate expenses for a spouse or dependent of a deceased resident peace officer or member of the armed services or fire department." 5:11:22 PM REPRESENTATIVE JAY RAMRAS, Alaska State Legislature, presented HB 412 as prime sponsor paraphrasing from the following sponsor statement [original punctuation provided]: Everyday, we enjoy the freedoms and security granted to us by our Constitution and laws. These rights, that so many take for granted, are there because men and women work everyday to assure they are protected. Alaskans who put on a uniform and put their life on the line, be it a police officer, a firefighter, or a member of the armed services deserve our respect and support. When they give the ultimate sacrifice to protect us, we as Alaskans have an obligation to help their families, in more than just the short term. Most families, have not only lost a spouse or a parent, they have lost a major source of income. HB 412 will offer these surviving family members an opportunity to advance their lives by attending the University of Alaska for a very reduced cost. Existing language in AS.14.43.085 allows a waiver of fees and tuition. HB 412 expands that language to include on-campus room and board. The cost to the State and the University is small when compared to the price of giving ones life in service to our state and country. By combining these cost reductions with the limited compensation provided by the Federal Government, an Alaskan student could receive a University of Alaska education at little or no expense. HB 412 will show our men and women who selflessly give of themselves that we support them, not only while they serve, but we will also be there should they make the ultimate sacrifice 5:13:18 PM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS explained that this bill is to add language to existing statute. On page 1, line 8, following "fees" insert ", and on-campus room and board costs". On page 2, line 1, before "who" insert "service, or first responder service", on line 4, following "fighter" add ";or", and on lines 5 and 6 add a new sub-paragraph "(C) duties as an ambulance service or first responder service provider". Expanding on these changes he said, the inclusion of room and board costs is an expansion on the current tuition and fees waiver, and the benefit is extended to policeman, law enforcement, firefighters, and emergency firefighters. He pointed out that the attached fiscal note is difficult to interpret because of the lack of use of this waiver based on the state's safety record. He said he expects that some eligible dependants may not have enjoyed the benefit as it exists, due to the room and board costs not being covered. 5:14:32 PM REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA highlighted that other states who provide a similar benefit do not provide room and board, but often include a limit on the number of years for eligibility. She suggested establishing a maximum number of years for this benefit, which represents an additional annual cost to the state of approximately $1,000 per recipient. 5:15:45 PM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS responded that it was his understanding that an age limit was stipulated in the bill, and suggested that the House Finance committee could address that situation when the bill appears before it. Regarding the additional cost of the fiscal note, he said, "I would be quite proud to participate" in providing an additional benefit to the dependents of uniformed Alaskans who have sacrificed themselves in the line of service. 5:17:07 PM REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA cautioned that providing young adults a benefit without limits is not always helpful, stressing that an age limit might be a reasonable part of this legislation. REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS pointed out that this benefits children whose parents will have died in uniformed service of the state or federal government. Further, he said that at the federal level an age limit of 23 does apply, and, as sponsor, he would find it acceptable to entertain an age limit amendment. 5:19:28 PM REPRESENTATIVE SEATON said that the bill also includes spouses, which would make it difficult to impose an age limit. Also he asked who the addition of "first responder" would include. REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS answered that first responder would include paramedics and members of the volunteer fire departments. Addressing Representative Cissna, he said that the Iowa War Orphans Education Aid has no income or age limits but provides a maximum of $3,000 per year, per student. 5:20:47 PM REPRESENTATIVE ANDERSON stated his support for HB 412, and expressed opposition to an amendment that would be restrictive. He provided a hypothetical scenario, and suggested that there could be any number of scenarios which are not readily evident. 5:21:54 PM CHAIR WILSON indicated that by including ambulance and first responder service providers, it appears to encompass more than uniformed officers of the state or federal government. 5:22:31 PM REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS offered that a uniformed officer is lost on the average of one per decade in Alaska. 5:22:48 PM REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA clarified that she does not oppose this bill but is looking for a possible limit on the number of years that this benefit could be received rather than an open door policy. She pointed out that this is a generous benefit equating to $5,500 per year for a recipient. 5:23:46 PM REPRESENTATIVE KOHRING stated his support for HB 412, and asked if this bill covers Village Police Safety Officers (VPSOs). REPRESENTATIVE RAMRAS offered that he assumed VPSOs would be included, but could not give an absolute answer. To a further question, he confirmed that to remain in good standing for this benefit a student would be required to maintain a 2.0 grade point average. 5:24:52 PM REPRESENTATIVE SEATON pointed out that a VPSO does not qualify as a peace officer for definition purposes under existing statute, and requested that this eligibility be firmed up as the bill moves through committee. He stressed that this is a generous benefit, that should be provided to the appropriate and deserving dependants. 5:26:10 PM REPRESENTATIVE SEATON offered and moved Amendment 1 on page 1, line 8, following "costs" insert for a period up to five years". There being no objection, Amendment 1 was adopted. 5:27:55 PM REPRESENTATIVE KOHRING moved to report HB 412, Version 24- LS1553\F, as amended, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHB 412(HES) was reported out of the House Health, Education and Social Services Standing Committee.
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