Legislature(1995 - 1996)
03/19/1996 02:09 PM House HES
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 540 - HEALTH CARE DATA; BIRTH REGISTRATIONS CO-CHAIR BUNDE announced that the next item on the agenda was HB 540, an act relating to health care data and registration of births. Number 0265 JOHN MIDDAUGH, MD, Chief, Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services, said HB 540 is a housekeeping bill but also has important significance. He said, after 20 years of effort, his department was successful in obtaining a federal grant, as a result of legislation passed by Congress, to establish a new statewide cancer registry. He said his department has successfully moved towards implementation of the registry and promulgated regulations in order to do so. Representative Vezey joined the committee meeting at 4:45 p.m. MR. MIDDAUGH said the federal legislation requires certain components which could not be incorporated into state regulations. He said, in order to maintain eligibility under this program, which includes federal funding of $420,000 per year for a five year project period, the state needs to include three provisions: protection from civil liability for providers who report under state law; provisions that assure access to the medical records which would establish characteristics of the diseases that are required to be reported; and provisions to provide for appropriate protection of data and access to data for research. He said these provisions have been endorsed by the Alaska State Medical Association, who support this effort. MR. MIDDAUGH said there is another component to HB 540 which relates to birth records and said Mr. Zangri will discuss this section. Number 0322 AL ZANGRI, Chief, Vital Statistics, Division of Public Health, Department of Health and Social Services, was next to testify. He said HB 540 is a housekeeping bill for his department. He said the primary objective of HB 540 is to bring the Alaska statute into line regarding the way the state of Alaska registers births that occur in foreign air space or international waters and land in Alaska. He said these changes are made as a result of strong suggestions from the National Center for Health Statistics. He said the primary objective of HB 540 is to fully implement the state's electronic birth system. He said this system would allow the state to register births from hospitals by electronic means rather than the records being shipped to the department, via floppy disks. He said the state needs the ability to eliminate the individual signature on every birth certificate and allow an electronic registration method so that these births can be recorded over modems. He concluded that HB 540 will allow the state to do this. GARREY PESKA, Lobbyist, Alaska State Hospital and Nursing Home Association, said he supported HB 540. Number 0407 REPRESENTATIVE ROBINSON made a motion to move HB 540 with individual recommendations and zero fiscal note. A roll call vote was taken on HB 540. Representatives Vezey, G. Davis, Rokeberg, Robinson, Toohey and Bunde voted yea. Representative Brice voted nay. HB 540 was moved from the House Standing Committee on Health, Education and Social Services.
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