Legislature(1995 - 1996)
03/01/1995 05:03 PM House FSH
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HFSH - 03/01/95 HJR 25 - BAN TRAWLING IN EASTERN GULF OF ALASKA Number 376 REPRESENTATIVE BEN GRUSSENDORF gave the committee a brief outline on a similar resolution passed a few years ago, to encourage the North Pacific Fisheries Management Council to consider the uniqueness of the area of 140 degrees, East, from Yakutat on down. He further explained what would happen if we continue to allow trawling in this area. He indicated that he had submitted a sponsor substitute that clarifies the rockfish issue itself. Number 437 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON moved to place the sponsor substitute before the committee. CHAIRMAN AUSTERMAN, hearing no objection, indicated that the sponsor substitute for HJR 25 is before the committee. Number 448 MARK KANDIANIS testified via teleconference from Kodiak, indicating that there was some merit in protecting that area for the longliners. There have been impacts of heavy trawl fishing in that area according to Mr. Kandianis. CHAIRMAN AUSTERMAN noted that the resolution, if passed, will go on to the House Resources Committee. He suggested that Mr. Kandianis contact Representative Grussendorf's office with any further concerns. MR. KANDIANIS thanked the committee and indicated a willingness to follow this resolution. Number 489 PAGE ELSE testified via teleconference from Sitka, in support of HJR 25 to protect the habitat and resources of the prescribed area. Number 507 LINDA BEHNKEN testified via teleconference from Sitka, on behalf of the Alaska Longline Fishermen's Association in support of HJR 25. Number 538 CLAIRE JOHNSON testified via teleconference from Sitka, indicating that 25 members of the Friends of Southeast Future voted in favor of supporting HJR 25. Number 550 DAN FALVEY testified via teleconference from Sitka, in support of HJR 25. Number 582 BETSY KNUTSON testified via teleconference from Sitka, in support of HJR 25. She asserted, "A few factory trawlers have the potential of destroying our livelihood, damaging the economics of the coastal communities and the destruction of a unique way of life in Southeast Alaska." Number 592 CAROLYN NICHOLS testified via teleconference from Sitka, in support of HJR 25. She indicated that the open line fishery has been closed in the past because of the trawler bycatch exceeding its limit. Number 609 STEVE FISH testified via teleconference from Sitka, in support of HJR 25. Number 625 MIM ROBINSON, Chairman, Port Alexander Fish and Game Advisory Committee (PAF&GAC), testified via teleconference from Port Alexander, in support of HJR 25. Number 640 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON motioned to move SSHJR 25 out of committee with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN AUSTERMAN, upon hearing no objections, moved SSHJR 25 out of the House Special Committee on Fisheries, with individual recommendations.
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