Legislature(2017 - 2018)HOUSE FINANCE 519
05/09/2017 01:30 PM House FINANCE
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Audio | Topic |
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HB74 | |
HB124 | |
HB150 | |
HB142 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HOUSE BILL NO. 150 "An Act relating to pay, allowances, and benefits for members of the organized militia." 2:36:06 PM Co-Chair Foster conveyed that the last time the committee had heard the bill was on April 19, 2017. There were no amendments offered by members. He invited Kendra Kloster to the table to refresh the committee about HB 150. KENDRA KLOSTER, STAFF, REPRESENTATIVE CHRIS TUCK, relayed that HB 150 was a committee bill from the Military and Veterans Affairs committee. It was part of the Title 26 reforms, the state's military code, which had been outdated since 1955. The committee had been working on doing some clean up. House Bill 150 would streamline the accounting system for the organized militia and the pay structure. Currently, the state had an outdated system. For example, if a militia member was doing multiple duties in one day, they had to arrange their pay based on the duty they were performing. The accounting system was long and cumbersome. The bill would streamline the system on what the state did for the federal system (based on grade and rank for the pay structure). Co-Chair Foster relayed the list of available testifiers online. Vice-Chair Gara reviewed the fiscal notes: [FN1 - Indeterminant Fiscal Note] Department: Department of Military and Veterans Affairs Appropriation: Military and Veterans Affairs Allocation: Office of the Commissioner OMB Component Number: 414 Vice-Chair Gara explained that the fiscal note was indeterminant because it was not known under the formula used in the new bill what the changes in pay would be for state militia members. Representative Wilson relayed that the fiscal note indicated and indeterminate amount for FY 18. There was nothing included in the governor's budget. Co-Chair Seaton MOVED to report HB 150 out of Committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal note. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. HB 150 was REPORTED out of committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with a previous published indeterminate fiscal note: FN1(MVA). Co-Chair Foster recognized that Representative Chris Tuck had joined the meeting. REPRESENTATIVE CHRIS TUCK, SPONSOR, thanked the members for their consideration of the legislation. He relayed that the bill had come from the Department of Military and Veterans Affairs as a fix to make things more efficient and to run smoother within their administration. It would make pay more certain. Representative Wilson asked if the representative was aware that his bill had been reported out of committee. Representative Tuck received a whisper in the ear that the bill had passed. He thanked members for allowing him to make some final comments.