Legislature(2005 - 2006)HOUSE FINANCE 519
05/03/2005 01:30 PM House FINANCE
Audio | Topic |
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HB186 | |
SB174 | |
SB133 | |
SB139 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE BILL NO. 133 An Act establishing the Aviation Advisory Board; and providing for an effective date. NORA WILSON, LEGISLATIVE LIAISON, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES, explained that the bill would establish a permanent advisory board within the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to make recommendations to the Commissioner with respect to the Department's aviation functions. The permanent board would have the same composition as the current 10-member interim board, with representatives of various stakeholders in aviation matters. However, one additional board member would be added, to provide for an uneven number of members to avoid tie votes. The Governor would appoint the board to staggered three-year terms. The existing interim board members would serve without compensation other than travel coverage and per diem expenses. Ms. Wilson concluded that SB 133 would afford the Commissioner of the Department valuable input from the perspective of the aviation industry and the two largest airport hub communities regarding aviation policy and management. It would ensure that those stakeholders would have an ongoing opportunity to advise and make recommendations to the Commissioner. She urged support. 3:06:45 PM Vice-Chair Stoltze asked for a list of current board membership. 3:07:10 PM KIP KNUDSON, (TESTIFIED VIA TELECONFERENCE), DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, AVIATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION & PUBLIC FACILITIES, ANCHORAGE, listed the members: * Dan Klase - Representing the unorganized community of Beetles * James Dodson - Fairbanks * William Flower, President, Northern Air Cargo, Anchorage * Bob Jacobsen, Owner, Wings Alaska, Juneau * Paul Landis, Senior Vice-President, ERA Aviation, Anchorage * Felix Maguire, Government Affairs Coordinator, Alaskan Airman's Association * Wilbur O'Brien, Past President, ERA Aviation * Mayor Mike Salazar, Former President, Air Carriers Association, Ketchikan * Richard Wien, Name Says it All * Kim Lythgoe, Manager, Cargo Port, Anchorage 3:08:36 PM Vice-Chair Stoltze asked about the definition of statewide membership. Mr. Knudson explained that the intent was to allow an appointment from anywhere within the State. Vice-Chair Stoltze asked about any mayor representatives having a conflict of interest. Mr. Knudson replied there has not yet been a problem. 3:11:34 PM Representative Hawker asked about fiscal note #2 for the interim advisory board created in 2003. He wondered why an increase was needed when the current system has worked well. Mr. Knudson thought there would be some expense involved and that to date, coverage has come from the Office of the Commissioner. 3:13:17 PM Co-Chair Chenault referenced both fiscal notes. Mr. Knudson clarified that originally the Department requested $20 thousand dollars through the operating budget. The Senate removed that from the operating budget and then a fiscal note was forwarded to accompany the bill. 3:14:59 PM TOM GEORGE, (TESTIFIED VIA TELECONFERENCE), AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND PILOTS ASSOCIATION (AOPA), ANCHORAGE, spoke in support of SB 133 and urged the Committee to pass it. 3:17:20 PM Representative Hawker MOVED to zero out fiscal note #2 by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities. He pointed out that it has operated for the past two years within the Department's budget and believed that it could be accommodated as such in next year's budget. 3:19:33 PM Representative Joule questioned the effectiveness of a board with a zero note. Representative Hawker responded it was not his intent to harm the board in any way. He believed that the Department could continue to manage the board without the additional fiscal expense. There being NO OBJECTION, fiscal note #2 was zeroed out. Vice-Chair Stoltze MOVED to REPORT SB 133 out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal note. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. SB 133 was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and a zero note by the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities. 3:22:50 PM
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