Legislature(1993 - 1994)
05/02/1994 01:45 PM House FIN
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HOUSE BILL NO. 466 "An Act authorizing the issuance of bonds by the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation to pay for the costs of repair and rehabilitation of student housing facilities of the University of Alaska; authorizing the issuance of bonds by the University of Alaska to pay for the costs of repair and rehabilitation of facilities of the University of Alaska; amending powers of the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation; amending the definition of "public building"; relating to the Alaska debt retirement fund; and providing for an effective date." 10 LINDA REXWINKLE, FISCAL ANALYST, OFFICE OF BUDGET AND MANAGEMENT provided members with a schedule of the state of Alaska state general obligation bonds annual debt service (copy on file). She reviewed the schedule. Co-Chair Larson noted that the legislation would increase the annual ratio of facility repair and rehabilitation and student housing repair and rehabilitation debt service. Co-Chair MacLean provided members with AMENDMENT 1 (copy on file). Amendment 1 would delete "$30.0 million dollars and insert "$15.0 million dollars on page 2, line 23 and delete "$45.0 million dollars and insert "$30.0 million dollars on page 3, line 7. Representative Therriault MOVED to AMEND Amendment 1 to delete the deletion of "$30.0 million dollars and insert "$15.0 million dollars on page 2, line 23. He noted that the amendment to the amendment would reinstate the deferred maintenance for university housing. WENDY REDMOND, VICE PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA spoke in support of the amendment to the amendment. She indicated that the University would prefer that any reductions be made to the facility repair rehabilitation bonding. She emphasized that addressing the health, life and safety problems in the dormitory is the University's first priority. She clarified that classroom renovation or completion is not covered by the bonding issuance. ALISON ELGEE, DIRECTOR OF BUDGET, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA explained that only deferred maintenance will be financed by the bond issuance. Ms. Redmond added that a list of individual projects has been submitted for the entire $150 million dollar bond issuance. In response to questions by Representative Navarre, Ms Redmond noted that the projects are part of the Board of Regents program and planning priority. She reiterated that funding for deferred maintenance would not be switched to any building completion project. There being no objection, the amendment to the amendment was adopted. Representatives Therriault and Navarre spoke against the amendment. They pointed to the need for funding of the university's deferred maintenance requirements. Co-Chair MacLean WITHDREW AMENDMENT 1. There being no OBJECTION, it was so ordered. 11 Representative Martin provided members with AMENDMENT 2 (copy on file). He MOVED to ADOPT AMENDMENT 2. He explained that amendment 2 would provide for bonding of new student housing facilities at the University of Alaska, Southeast and Anchorage campuses. Co-Chair MacLean OBJECTED to the amendment. She noted that the amendment would allow new construction. In response to a question by Representative Navarre, Ms. Redmond agreed that both projects are high priorities for new housing. She clarified that deferred maintenance is the highest priority. (Tape Change, HFC 94-152, Side 2) Representative Martin noted that there are over 400 students requesting housing in Anchorage. He noted that the housing needs are for students that reside 25 miles or more from the campus. He stressed the need for on campus housing. Ms. Elgee explained that the University of Alaska is required to acquire legislative authorization for bonding which exceeds $1 million dollars in annual debt service. Representative Therriault asserted that student housing fees would not cover debt service costs. Ms. Redmond explained that student fees can cover maintenance and operations but not the debt service. Ms. Elgee added that debt service at the Fairbanks campus has resulted in a lack of funding for deferred maintenance. Representative Therriault noted that legislation pending in the House would allow municipalities to offer tax credits for private dormitories. Discussion pursued in regards to upgrading of the Fairbanks campus housing. Representative Navarre observed that new housing is not the highest priority of the University. Ms. Redmond observed that there are only 380 beds available on the Anchorage campus which services over 30,000 students. She stated that the need for housing at the Anchorage campus is extreme. She pointed to the number of rural students attending the Anchorage campus. Co-Chair MacLean noted that there is a high withdrawal rate for rural students at the Anchorage campus. A roll call vote was taken on the MOTION to adopt AMENDMENT 2. IN FAVOR: Hoffman, Martin, Grussendorf, Brown 12 OPPOSED: Navarre, Parnell, Therriault, Foster, Hanley, Larson, MacLean The MOTION FAILED (4-7). Representative Navarre MOVED to report CSHB 466 (FIN) out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal note. Representative Martin OBJECTED. A roll call vote was taken on the MOTION IN FAVOR: Navarre, Parnell, Therriault, Brown, Foster, Grussendorf, Hanley, Hoffman, MacLean OPPOSED: Martin, Larson The MOTION PASSED (9-2). HB 466 was reported out of Committee with "no recommendation" and with three zero fiscal notes, one by the University of Alaska, dated 3/9/94, and one by the Office of the Governor, dated 2/11/94, and one by the Department of Revenue, dated 2/11/94.
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