Legislature(1993 - 1994)
01/24/1994 01:35 PM House FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 18 An Act relating to police protection service areas in municipalities. CS HB 18 (CRA) was reported out of Committee with "no recommendations" and with a fiscal impact note by the Department of Public Safety. HOUSE BILL 18 "An Act relating to police protection service areas in municipalities." Co-Chair Larson summarized the previous discussion and action taken by the Committee on HB 18. REPRESENTATIVE CON BUNDE noted the legislation would not be limited to the Municipality of Anchorage and that the fiscal impact could be determined after each service area determined the level desired. The training period would last eighteen months. Representative Brown asked if the Department of Public Safety was currently using funds to protect the areas specified in the legislation. Representative Bunde stated currently, basic level service is available to all citizens of the State although, no additional services would be added to the Hillside area in Anchorage. Discussion followed amongst Committee members regarding the cost of the fiscal note and the services which would be rendered, resulting from that cost. Co-Chair MacLean expressed concern that the legislation could create a statutory problem in Title 29. PATTI SWENSON, AID TO REPRESENTATIVE BUNDE, noted the proposed legislation would provide a constitutional amendment to Title 29 and it would supercede Title 21. She referenced the memo from Tam Cook from Legal Services verifying that information. Discussion followed regarding the differences in protection as offered by the State Troopers and the local police. C.E. SWACKHAMMER, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (DPS), noted that the State Trooper's policy for the Hillside area would reply to life threatening situations. 4 (Tape Change, HFC 94-15, Side 1). Co-Chair MacLean questioned if the State Trooper's would be under the scrutiny of the municipalities with the proposed legislation. Mr. Swackhammer pointed out that there are provisions in Title 29 regarding how service areas can be formed. Representative Therriault MOVED to report CS HB 18 (CRA) out of Committee with individual recommendations. There being NO OBJECTIONS, it was so ordered. Representative Brown MOVED the accompanying fiscal note by the Department of Public Safety. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. CS HB 18 (CRA) was reported out of Committee with "no recommendations" and with a new fiscal impact note by the Department of Public Safety.
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