Legislature(1993 - 1994)
05/05/1993 01:00 PM House FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 91 An Act providing for coverage of midwife services under Medicaid; reordering the priority of optional services provided by the state under Medicaid; and providing for an effective date. CS SS SB 91 was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with three fiscal notes by the Department of Health and Social Services dated 3/22/93. SENATE BILL 91 "An Act providing for coverage of midwife services under Medicaid; reordering the priority of optional services provided by the state under Medicaid; and providing for an effective date." ANNETTE KREITZER, AIDE, SENATOR LOREN LEMAN, commented the legislation would add certified direct entry midwives to the optional services covered by Medicaid. At least 42% of the pregnant women in Alaska are eligible for Medicaid. The bill allows those women to use midwifery services instead of mandating that they use clinics or hospitals for birthing services. In expanding the options for using midwifery services for births, the State will stretch its Medicaid dollars. Representative Hanley questioned the savings expected to be incurred. Representative Therriault acknowledged that the shift in midwife care would be for women who otherwise would go to the hospital which would create greater costs to the State than those opting for home delivery. DAVID WILLIAMS, PLANNER, DIVISION OF MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES, commented that one hundred twenty-five Medicaid eligible women would be giving birth each year. Of the eligible women, sixty of those would be shifted away from hospital physician costs indicated by the fiscal note. He pointed out, the service 2 appeals to many women who reject the current system. Representative Therriault asked if there were Medicaid eligible women who do not use hospital services because they do not want the physician care. Mr. Williams said there are. Mr. Williams added, women who choose the midwife service will save costs because of the preventative and up-front prenatal care the child receives. Representative Hanley reiterated concerns with long term costs. Representative Brown asked if midwife services were considered to be optional or mandatory. Mr. Williams stated that the intent language recommends that all services be kept active with the funding available, although the service is optional with the alternatives available. Representative Parnell MOVED to report CS SS SB 91 (HES) out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal notes. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. CS SS SB 91 (HES) was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with three fiscal notes by the Department of Health and Social Services dated 3/22/93.
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