Legislature(1993 - 1994)

04/08/1993 08:30 AM House FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                     HOUSE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                   
                          April 8, 1993                                        
                            8:30 a.m.                                          
  TAPE HFC 93-99, Side 1, #000 - end.                                          
  CALL TO ORDER                                                                
  Co-Chair Larson called the House  Finance Committee to order                 
  at 8:30 a.m.                                                                 
  Co-Chair Larson             Representative Hoffman                           
  Co-Chair MacLean              Representative Martin                          
  Vice-Chair Hanley           Representative Navarre                           
  Representative Brown        Representative Parnell                           
  Representative Foster       Representative Therriault                        
  Representative Grussendorf                                                   
  ALSO PRESENT                                                                 
  Representative  Bunde;  Jay  Nelson,  Staff,  Representative                 
  SUMMARY INFORMATION                                                          
  HB 175    "An Act making  an appropriation  for a grant  for                 
            construction  of  the  Women In  Military  Service                 
            Memorial; and providing for an effective date."                    
            HB 175  was reported out  of Committee with  a "do                 
            pass" recommendation.                                              
  HB 239    "An  Act  relating  to  raffles  and  auctions  of                 
            certain  permits to take  big game;  and providing                 
            for an effective date."                                            
            CSHB 239 (RES)  and with a  fiscal impact note  by                 
            the Department of Fish and Game, dated 4/2/93.                     
  HB 216    "An Act relating to  power cost equalization;  and                 
            providing for an effective date."                                  
            CSHB 216 (FIN) was reported  out of Committee with                 
            a "do pass" recommendation and  with a zero fiscal                 
            note by the House Finance Committee.                               
  HJR 9     Proposing an  amendment to the Constitution of the                 
            State  of  Alaska  prohibiting the  imposition  of                 
            state personal income  taxation, state ad  valorem                 
            taxation on real property,  or state retail  sales                 
            taxation without the approval of the voters of the                 
            HJR  9 was  reported out  of Committee with  a "do                 
            pass" recommendation and with a fiscal impact note                 
            by the Office  of the  Governor, dated 2/3/93  and                 
            with  a  zero  fiscal note  by  the  Department of                 
            Revenue, dated 2/3/93.                                             
  HOUSE BILL NO. 239                                                           
       "An Act  relating to  raffles and  auctions of  certain                 
       permits  to  take  big  game;   and  providing  for  an                 
       effective date."                                                        
  REPRESENTATIVE  CON  BUNDE  stated that  CSHB  239  (RES) is                 
  similar to legislation which exists in  11 other states.  He                 
  emphasized that no hunting opportunities would be taken away                 
  from residents.                                                              
  Representative Martin  expressed concern  that a  government                 
  agency would be directly involved in gaming.  Representative                 
  Bunde clarified that  the raffle would be  administered by a                 
  conservation organization.   He noted  that bison tags  have                 
  previously been raffled.                                                     
  Representative Parnell noted that musk ok tags are included.                 
  Representative  Bunde observed  that musk  ox  are currently                 
  available  by  residents.    He  stated  that musk  ox  were                 
  included as a more exotic animal.                                            
  Representative Bunde clarified, in response to a question by                 
  Representative Parnell,  that guides  would not  bid on  the                 
  tags.  He added that master guides would  volunteer services                 
  to  participate  in the  hunt.    He  stressed that  wealthy                 
  individuals would participate.  He noted that permits cannot                 
  be transferred.                                                              
  Representative Foster MOVED to report CSHB 239 (RES) out  of                 
  Committee  with  individual  recommendations  and  with  the                 
  accompanying fiscal note.  There  being NO OBJECTION, it was                 
  so ordered.                                                                  
  CSHB  239  (RES)  and  with  a  fiscal impact  note  by  the                 
  Department of Fish and Game, dated 4/2/93.                                   
  HOUSE BILL NO. 175                                                           
       "An  Act  making  an  appropriation  for  a  grant  for                 
       construction of the Women In Military Service Memorial;                 
       and providing for an effective date."                                   
  that  the Memorial  was established  by federal  legislation                 
  introduced  by  Senator  Murkowski  in  1986.   The  federal                 
  legislation  required that  no federal  money be spent.   He                 
  noted that other states had contributed similar amounts.                     
  Representative Foster congratulated  Representative Davidson                 
  for the bill.  Representative Foster  MOVED to report HB 175                 
  out  of Committee  with individual  recommendations.   There                 
  being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                                       
  HB  175  was reported  out  of  Committee with  a  "do pass"                 
  HOUSE BILL NO. 216                                                           
       "An  Act  relating  to  power  cost  equalization;  and                 
       providing for an effective date."                                       
  Co-Chair Larson noted that the House Finance Committee added                 
  "state  or" to  the  legislation  in  previous action.    He                 
  observed  that  the cost  of  operating state  facilities in                 
  rural areas  would be  increased.   He suggested  that there                 
  would be an incentive  for moving facilities to  urban areas                 
  of the State.   He added that  the action would result  in a                 
  $600  thousand dollar supplemental  in FY 95.   He expressed                 
  his desire  to rescind  the Committee's  action in  adopting                 
  "state or".                                                                  
  Representative  Parnell  noted  that   the  sponsor  of  the                 
  amendment was not present.                                                   
  Co-Chair Larson  explained  that  by  removing  state  owned                 
  facilities  from  PCE, agencies'  facilities' costs  will be                 
  increased by approximately $600 thousand dollars.                            
  Co-Chair Larson MOVED  to RESCIND the Committee's  action in                 
  inserting "state  or" on page 1, line 10  and 11 and on page                 
  2, line 24.   There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                   
  The motion to adopt the  amendment was before the Committee.                 
  Representative Martin OBJECTED.  A roll  call vote was taken                 
  on the motion to insert "state or" on page 1, line 10 and 11                 
  and on page 2, line 24.                                                      
  IN FAVOR: Foster                                                             
  OPPOSED:  Hanley,  Martin,   Parnell,  Therriault,   Larson,                 
  Representatives Grussendorf, Hoffman, Navarre and Brown were                 
  absent from the vote.                                                        
  The MOTION FAILED (6-1).                                                     
  Representative Hanley MOVED to report CSHB 216 (FIN) out  of                 
  Committee  with  individual  recommendations  and  with  the                 
  accompanying fiscal note.  There  being NO OBJECTION, it was                 
  so ordered.                                                                  
  CSHB 216  (FIN) was  reported out  of Committee  with a  "do                 
  pass" recommendation and with  the accompanying fiscal note.                 
  HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9                                                 
       Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State                 
       of Alaska prohibiting the imposition of  state personal                 
       income  taxation, state  ad  valorem  taxation on  real                 
       property, or  state retail sales  taxation without  the                 
       approval of the voters of the state.                                    
  Representative  Martin  MOVED  to  RESCIND  the  Committee's                 
  action in failing to pass HJR 9 from committee.  There being                 
  NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                                             
  Representative Martin MOVED to report HJR 9 out of Committee                 
  with individual  recommendations and  with the  accompanying                 
  fiscal note.  Representative Foster OBJECTED.                                
  Representative   Foster  felt   that  the   powers   of  the                 
  legislature would be  weakened by HJR  9.  He stressed  that                 
  there would be a time delay  between fiscal crisis and voter                 
  approval which would magnify fiscal difficulties.                            
  A roll call vote was taken on the motion to move  HJR 9 from                 
  IN FAVOR: Hanley,  Martin,  Parnell,   Therriault,  MacLean,                 
  OPPOSED:  Foster                                                             
  The MOTION PASSED (6-1).                                                     
  HJR  9  was  reported out  of  Committee  with  a "do  pass"                 
  recommendation  and with a fiscal impact  note by the Office                 
  of the Governor, dated 2/3/93 and with a zero fiscal note by                 
  the Department of Revenue, dated 2/3/93.                                     
  HOUSE BILL NO. 216                                                           
       "An  Act  relating  to  power  cost  equalization;  and                 
       providing for an effective date."                                       
  Co-Chair Larson noted  that CSHB 216  (FIN) would require  a                 
  zero  fiscal  note.   He  MOVED  to report  a  House Finance                 
  Committee zero fiscal note with CSHB 216 (FIN).  There being                 
  NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered.                                             
  The meeting adjourned at 9:07 a.m.                                           

Document Name Date/Time Subjects