Legislature(1993 - 1994)
03/30/1993 08:40 AM House FIN
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 191 An Act relating to cost recovery by contractors who operate state-owned hatcheries. HB 191 was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation" and with a zero fiscal note by the Department of Fish and Game dated 3/17/93. HOUSE BILL 191 "An Act relating to cost recovery by contractors who operate state-owned hatcheries." REPRESENTATIVE BILL WILLIAMS testified in support of HB 191. The legislation would address how a contractor may spend cost recovery monies generated from a state-owned hatchery in which that contractor operates under a contract with the State. The bill is supported by aquaculture associations, fishermen, and the Department of Fish and Game. He pointed out that the bill has a zero fiscal note and indicated that the fiscal note would help to make the transition of the operation of the state facilities by contractors more feasible to accomplish weaning of the hatchery operations from the State funding. Co-Chair MacLean asked for an explanation of "reasonable" operating costs and questioned if they would include capital improvements at the hatchery. Representative Williams advised that the Board of Director submits a budget itemizing the costs to run the facilities. Representative Brown inquired if monies from cost recovery would be used at other hatcheries than that from which the cost is recovered. Representative Williams stated that HB 191 will enable funding of the Gulkana Hatchery with Main Bay Hatchery revenue. GERON BRUCE, SPECIAL ASSISTANT, DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME, stated the Gulkana Hatchery is being operated by the State using program receipts provided by the Prince William Sound Aquaculture Association. The FY 94 budget proposal would turn the facility over to a private firm. The Board of Directors of each hatchery can limit the cost of each facility in order that there may be surplus fish to harvest by the users. The Department of Commerce and Economic Development exercises the authority to determine how those funds are spent. Representative Brown stated that "reasonable" costs vary a lot. 2 Co-Chair MacLean noted her concern in allowing a contractor to use State money for private operations. Representative Williams replied that the State money is to be used for State owned and operated hatcheries. The State owned hatcheries sometimes do not receive the cost recovery money back. Co-Chair MacLean asked what the profits from the Aquaculture Corporation are used for. Mr. Geron replied, they are a non-profit organization which does not make profit. The Department of Commerce and Economic Development allows them to build a reserve fund to cushion for catastrophic failure. Excess fish provides an opening of the commercial area for other fishermen. Representative Hanley MOVED to report HB 191 out of Committee with individual recommendations and with the accompanying fiscal note. There being NO OBJECTION, it was so ordered. HB 191 was reported out of Committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with a zero fiscal note by the Department of Fish and Game dated 3/17/93.
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