Legislature(2023 - 2024)BARNES 124
01/30/2024 08:00 AM House COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS
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Audio | Topic |
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HB279 | |
HB182 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 279-LOCAL BOUNDARY COMMISSION 8:03:54 AM CHAIR MCCORMICK announced that the first order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 279, "An Act relating to the Local Boundary Commission; and providing for an effective date." 8:04:20 AM REPRESENTATIVE MIKE CRONK, Alaska State Legislature, prime sponsor, presented HB 279. He shared the sponsor statement [included in committee packets], which read as follows [original punctuation provided]: House Bill 279 is adding language to existing statute to accomplish three goals. 1. To ensure commissioners appointed from each of the four Judicial Districts actually live and vote in the Judicial District from which they are appointed. 2. To ensure that at least one of the five Commissioners is from the unorganized Borough. 3. To ensure the Local Boundary Commission keeps an updated record of the population of each community in the state. Note: The effective date is selected so the present LBC makeup is retained until the next LBC seat becomes open. At that time a person from the unorganized borough will be selected.9 CHAIR MCCORMICK sought questions from committee members. 8:05:35 AM REPRESENTATIVE HIMSCHOOT asked whether the updated population record was an issue. 8:05:54 AM DAVE STANCLIFF, Staff, Representative Mike Cronk, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of Representative Cronk, prime sponsor of HB 279, said he did not know it was an issue. He shared an anecdote in which the community of Tanana was asked to provide data from the U.S. Census Bureau to the Local Boundary Commission (LBC). He reasoned that it would be wise to make census data available through the LBC rather than burdening communities by requiring them to provide it. REPRESENTATIVE HIMSCHOOT questioned the language on page 1, line 12 of the bill, which provided that the governor shall designate the chair of the LBC. MR. STANCLIFF indicated that it was a drafting decision to allow the governor to select the most qualified individual. REPRESENTATIVE HIMSCHOOT asked how the chair was selected on other boards and commissions. MR. STANCLIFF shared his understanding that typically, the body at large determines the chair. However, since the LBC was a constitutionally required commission, it was decided that the governor should make that determination, as opposed to the commissioners. 8:10:03 AM REPRESENTATIVE MEARS asked whether there had been any discussion with the LBC about the bill and its implications. MR. STANCLIFF said [the bill sponsor's office] had made contact with the Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development (DCCED) and asked for feedback. At this time, the department had not communicated any concerns. REPRESENTATIVE MEARS said she often utilized community data through DCCED, which includes census data. She opined that the requirement for the commission to hold census data seemed like a duplication of effort. MR. STANCLIFF said he felt that way too until it appeared that [DCCED] needed to receive data from the communities as opposed to another agency. REPRESENTATIVE MEARS suggested that it would be appropriate for the department to testify at a future hearing. 8:13:34 AM REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE asked whether there was an anticipated cost to maintaining this record. MR. STANCLIFF responded that there should be no cost, as the data can be sent electronically to the LBC at any time. REPRESENTATIVE RUFFRIDGE stated, "Them maintaining the record does not require them to use the record." He questioned what would prevent the commission from still requiring communities to obtain their own data. He suggested including language that states, "Maintain for each community a record and then use that record." MR. STANCLIFF indicated that the bill sponsor preferred an unambiguous approach to statute changes. He added that Representative Ruffridge's comments made sense. 8:17:24 AM CHAIR MCCORMICK announced that HB 279 would be held over.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
HB 279 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 279 |
HB 279 Sectional Analysis.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 279 |
HB 182 Sectional Analysis.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 182 |
HB 182 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 182 |
HB 182 Zero Fiscal Note DOA-DMV.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 182 |
HB 182 Fiscal Note DPS.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 182 |
HB 279 Fiscal Note DCCED DCRA.pdf |
HCRA 1/30/2024 8:00:00 AM |
HB 279 |