Legislature(2001 - 2002)

04/11/2002 03:40 PM Senate STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                   SB 355-LET ME HELP ACCOUNT                                                                               
SENATOR LYDA GREEN, bill sponsor,  explained she has received many                                                              
letters from citizens that are urging  the Legislature to pass tax                                                              
legislation. Since there  is so much interest in  this issue, this                                                              
legislation would allow individuals  to provide greater support to                                                              
government  voluntarily. Individuals  could decide  how much  they                                                              
want  to pay  then make  that payment  to  government. The  amount                                                              
contributed would be deductible from  federal income tax and it is                                                              
her understanding that there are  established state accounts where                                                              
this money could be placed.                                                                                                     
CHAIRMAN   THERRIAULT  asked   how  the   contribution  would   be                                                              
deductible on federal tax forms.                                                                                                
SENATOR GREEN  replied she  wasn't sure, but  thought it  would be                                                              
some sort of donation.                                                                                                          
SENATOR DAVIS  asked whether  there was anyone  from the  state to                                                              
speak to the bill.                                                                                                              
SENATOR GREEN replied there was no one available.                                                                               
TAPE 02-21                                                                                                                      
5:12 p.m.                                                                                                                       
SENATOR DAVIS  said it would be  helpful to hear from  someone who                                                              
could provide support of the explanation for the legislation.                                                                   
CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT said it would  be beneficial for Senator Green                                                              
to provide information  on the tax mechanism by  which individuals                                                              
could get a  tax benefit before the  bill was heard in  the Senate                                                              
Finance Committee.                                                                                                              
SENATOR GREEN agreed to provide the information.                                                                                
CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT  noted he had not prepared a  CS and committee                                                              
members didn't offer  any amendments. He referenced  a zero fiscal                                                              
note  from the  Department of  Administration then  asked for  the                                                              
will of the committee.                                                                                                          
SENATOR PHILLIPS made a motion to  move SB 355 and attached fiscal                                                              
note from committee with individual recommendations.                                                                            
There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                                                    

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