Legislature(1995 - 1996)

05/01/1996 11:13 AM Senate FIN

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
  SENATE BILL NO. 216                                                          
       An  Act relating  to  fees or  assessment of  costs for                 
       certain   services   provided   by  state   government,                 
       including  hearing costs  related  to the  real  estate                 
       surety  fund;  fees  for  authorization  to  operate  a                 
       postsecondary educational institution or for an agent's                 
       permit  to   perform  services   for  a   postsecondary                 
       educational   institution;   administrative   fees  for                 
       self-insurers   in   workers'   compensation;  business                 
       license fees;  fees for  activities related  to coastal                 
       zone   management,   training  relating   to  emergency                 
       management  response,  regulation  of   pesticides  and                 
       broadcast chemicals, and  subdivision plans for  sewage                 
       waste  disposal  or  treatment;  and  providing for  an                 
       effective date.                                                         
  Co-chairman Halford  directed that  a draft  CSSB 216  (Fin)                 
  (version "K",  dated 5/5/96)  be distributed  for review  by                 
  members and consideration at a subsequent meeting.                           

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