Legislature(1993 - 1994)

02/22/1994 12:00 PM Senate RES

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
 CHAIRMAN MILLER called the Senate Resources Committee meeting to              
 order at 12:00 p.m. and announced  SB 215  (OIL/HAZARDOUS SUBS.               
 RELEASE RESPONSE FUND) to be up for consideration.  He explained              
 there was a proposed CS, dated 2/15/Resources/U version.  They                
 briefly discussed the changes from the "O" version.                           
 Number 97                                                                     
 SENATOR LEMAN moved to adopt the U version.  There were no                    
 objections and it was so ordered.                                             
 REPRESENTATIVE MIKE NAVARRE spoke in opposition to SB 215 and gave            
 the history of the 470 Fund.  He said he was co-sponsor of the                
 original bill.  He said because of lack of detailed records many              
 times it was hard to determine who was responsible for oil spills.            
 It will be impossible to find the responsible party for a number of           
 contaminated sites and the burden of cleaning will fall on the                
 state.  The estimate was significant.  He was looking for a way to            
 provide for eventual cleanup and protection from ground water.  At            
 the time, there was a lot of concern about who was going to be                
 ultimately liable for an independent contractor who had accepted              
 hazardous waste for disposal.                                                 
 He explained the 470 Fund was passed before Exxon Valdez spill and            
 it wasn't funded adequately before then.  His primary concern was             
 what if there was another big spill.  Had the nickel been split at            
 the time, it would have been adequate, but the legislature                    
 substantially changed what can be appropriated out of that fund               
 with respect to prevention, monitoring, contingency plans, etc.               
 Some of the things that might save money haven't been enacted.  For           
 instance, if there was one contingency plan, instead of having                
 numerous ones.                                                                
 The legislature recognized there would be an on/off provision.  He            
 thought the accounting was flawed.  He also noted they did not know           
 all the expenses involved in an adequate prevention program.                  
 He concluded that there is a legitimate concern that this has been            
 made an additional nickel per barrel tax to the industry.  On the             
 other hand, the fund is appropriated by the legislature.  The focus           
 of the debate should not be how to limit spending specifically, but           
 what is needed to provide the programs that we want to monitor and            
 have proper oversite for oil and hazardous substance.  He thought,            
 given the philosophy of the current administration regarding ANWR,            
 it would be good for Alaska to have proper oversite.                          
 He also noted that at the time they established the catastrophic              
 fund, the $50 million was a goal; although they realized it                   
 wouldn't be adequate for a catastrophic spill.                                
 Number 298                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF proposed the following amendments for Senator Adams           
 who was not able to attend.  He noted they were based on the "O"              
 version of the bill.                                                          
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #1.  SENATOR MILLER objected for              
 purposes of discussion.  This removes "the big stick" meaning if              
 the legislature doesn't appropriate funds the surcharge would be              
 suspended, SENATOR ZHAROFF explained.                                         
 SENATOR DONLEY asked if the subcommittee got a legal opinion on the           
 constitutionality of such a "dedication of funds" provision?                  
 SENATOR MILLER responded that Mr. Chenoweth, who drafted the                  
 legislation, did not raise that as an issue.  He would get an                 
 opinion on it, however.                                                       
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved the amendment and asked for unanimous                   
 consent.  SENATOR MILLER maintained his objection.  SENATOR ZHAROFF           
 just moved the amendment then.  Senators Zharoff and Donely voted             
 yes; Senators Leman and Miller voted no and the amendment failed to           
 Number 376                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #2 which would allow the fund to be           
 tapped to provide a safe drinking water source should the existing            
 source be polluted.  He said this issue has come up and sometimes             
 it is cheaper and faster to drill a new well than to clean up the             
 existing source.                                                              
 MARLA BERG, Aide to Senator Adams, said since the 470 Fund can't be           
 used for capital projects, and if a community didn't have enough              
 money to drill a new water source themselves, they would go through           
 village safe water to get funding and clean up the existing water             
 source which would cost a lot of money.  It would be a lot cheaper            
 to just drill a new well if they could have access to the 470 Fund.           
 SENATOR MILLER said he supported the amendment, but it was just a             
 little too broad.  Senators Donley and Zharoff voted yes; Senators            
 Leman and Miller voted no and the amendment failed.                           
 Number 420                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #3 which puts hazardous substances            
 back into the catastrophic fund.  Senators Donley, Zharoff, and               
 Leman voted yes; Senator Miller voted no and the amendment passed.            
 Number 431                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #4 which deletes the accrued                  
 interest from being part of the contingency and abatement account.            
 Senator Miller said he would get an opinion on the dedicated funds            
 issue.  Senator Zharoff voted yes; Senators Donley, Leman, and                
 Miller voted no and the amendment failed.                                     
 Number 480                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #5.  SENATOR MILLER objected.                 
 Senators Donley and Zharoff voted yes; Senators Leman and Miller              
 voted no and the amendment failed.                                            
 Number 493                                                                    
 SENATOR DONLEY said he also had some amendments at Senator Adams'             
 request.  He moved amendment #9 which deletes section 9 from the              
 bill.  SENATOR MILLER objected for discussion purposes.                       
 ROBERT POE, Department of Environmental Conservation, said they               
 supported the original language stating that a responsible party              
 would have to actually contain or clean up and not just take                  
 containment "action."  Deleting section 9 would accomplish that.              
 SENATOR LEMAN commented he thought the language in section 9 meant            
 that action would have to be taken to mitigate a spill which would            
 be substantial.                                                               
 SENATOR DONLEY said the Department of Environmental Conservation              
 supports the status quo, but he asked to hear why someone wanted to           
 change it.                                                                    
 SENATOR MILLER removed his objection and the amendment passed.                
 Number 590                                                                    
 SENATOR DONLEY said the next amendment requested by Senator Adams             
 was to delete sections 26 and 28 which was requested by the DEC.              
 MR. POE said these two items define when a release is imminent.               
 This part of the law is acted upon a couple of times a week.                  
  TAPE 93-11, SIDE B                                                           
  Number 590                                                                   
 MR. POE said the further refinements of the definition of imminent            
 release could call into question a lot of suits after the fact.               
 SENATOR MILLER said he thought the new language gave them more                
 flexibility.  SENATOR LEMAN agreed.  MR. POE reiterated that for              
 DNR, generally worded guidance has been best.                                 
 SENATOR FRANK asked for specific examples of this situation.                  
 MIKE CONWAY, Director, Division of Spill Prevention and Response,             
 said they deal with many times with the potential for a spill, for            
 example a fishing vessel on the rocks whose tank has not been                 
 punctured, but given the weather you take action to pump off the              
 tanks.  And then the weather changes and it never happens.  The new           
 language would allow more "Monday morning quarterbacking" which               
 would imply bad judgement was used.                                           
 SENATOR LEMAN said he would consider the example he cited as an               
 imminent release.                                                             
 SENATOR DONLEY asked if they had engaged in any litigation over the           
 existing statute?  MR. CONWAY answered that he hadn't while he                
 worked for the state, but as Federal On-Scene Coordinator with the            
 Coast Guard whenever they took action to mobilize gear and then go            
 back to the responsible party, yes, they had that problem.                    
 REPRESENTATIVE GREEN asked if that was before or after the Exxon              
 Valdez?  MR. CONWAY said it was before.  REPRESENTATIVE GREEN said            
 he didn't think that after the Exxon Valdez it would be a problem             
 to err on the side of prevention.                                             
 SENATOR ZHAROFF asked for another example.  MR. CONWAY couldn't               
 think of one at the moment.                                                   
 SENATOR PEARCE said she thought the new language gave them                    
 increased flexibility by expanding the definition to reasonably               
 expect there could be a problem instead of saying it's going to               
 MR. CONWAY said with the discussion on the intent of this issue as            
 a matter of record, the language would be acceptable.                         
 SENATOR DONLEY withdrew amendment #7.                                         
 Number 418                                                                    
 SENATOR LEMAN moved amendment #8 and asked for unanimous consent.             
 SENATOR MILLER objected for purposes of discussion.                           
 SENATOR LEMAN explained this is the inflation proofing provision              
 for the catastrophic oil release response account in which the $50            
 million will be placed.                                                       
 Senators Donley, Zharoff, Frank, Pearce, and Leman voted yes;                 
 Senator Miller voted no and the amendment passed from Committee.              
 Number 395                                                                    
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved to adopt amendment #9.  SENATOR MILLER                  
 objected for purposes of discussion.  SENATOR ZHAROFF explained a             
 report from the Commissioner is to be submitted in the first 120              
 hours, then the Governor does not need to do anything to let the              
 efforts continue.  However, by administrative order he could                  
 suspend use of the fund.  Now the Governor has to respond with an             
 executive order allowing the work to continue.                                
 Senators Donley and Zharoff voted yes; Senators Frank, Pearce,                
 Leman, and Miller voted no and the amendment failed.                          
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #10 which lets some of the funds be           
 used for the part of the construction of the ferries that have                
 spill equipment.                                                              
 Senators Donley and Zharoff voted yes;  Senators Frank, Pearce,               
 Leman, and Miller voted no and the amendment failed.                          
 SENATOR ZHAROFF moved amendment #11 which puts hazardous materials            
 back in and restores the mechanism by which municipal grants can be           
 made from the fund.  He said he is not certain what they did to               
 rural communities and the funding they need to be able to respond             
 to a spill.  SENATOR MILLER said this issue did need clarification.           
 However, the drafter couldn't be here today.  SENATOR ZHAROFF asked           
 to have this amendment forwarded.  SENATOR MILLER agreed.                     
 Number 272                                                                    
 SENATOR DONLEY pointed out that SB 215 is essentially a very large            
 spending bill, because it removes a source of revenue from the                
 state.  He is very concerned about how it is going to be rolled               
 into an overall spending plan that hasn't been developed, yet.                
 According to testimony, the tax is approximately 1% of the profit             
 for the industry and all kinds of Alaskans are going to have to               
 take very significant reductions in state assistance to them.                 
 He stated that there are conflicting opinions about the uses of the           
 fund and a lot of people have testified that it is being used                 
 exactly they way they intended it to be used.                                 
 Number 200                                                                    
 SENATOR LEMAN moved to discharge CSSB 215 U version, as amended,              
 with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes.                
 Senators Donley and Zharoff voted no; Senators Frank, Pearce,                 
 Leman, and Miller voted yes and CSSB 215 passed from Committee.               

Document Name Date/Time Subjects