Legislature(2013 - 2014)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

03/03/2014 08:00 AM Senate EDUCATION

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
Heard & Held
Scheduled But Not Heard
Charter School Funding; Residential School
Applications, Residential School Room and Board
Stipends; Tax Credits
Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled
        SB 100-EDUCATION GRANTS; CORRS STUDY; ALLOTMENTS                                                                    
8:01:20 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR STEVENS announced that the first order of business would                                                                  
be SB 100.                                                                                                                      
SENATOR DUNLEAVY, sponsor of SB 100, introduced the bill. He                                                                    
said it is a bill that encompasses several concepts to help with                                                                
innovative delivery systems. He read the sponsor statement:                                                                     
     Students come to school from diverse backgrounds with                                                                      
     very different learning styles and issues unique to                                                                        
     their particular circumstance. As a result, no one                                                                         
     approach to education can meet the specific needs of                                                                       
     all Alaska's children. Sponsor Substitute for Senate                                                                       
     Bill 100 recognizes this challenge and makes several                                                                       
     changes to the current correspondence study programs                                                                       
     offered by 33 school districts.                                                                                            
     Public correspondence/homeschool study programs serve                                                                      
     almost 10 percent of the total Alaska student                                                                              
     population. This approach to education is one of the                                                                       
     fastest growing options in the state. Its                                                                                  
     individualized learning, low-cost approach appeals to                                                                      
     independent learners and policy makers alike. A focus                                                                      
     on student proficiency is at the center of SB 100.                                                                         
     Most programs provide a student allotment to purchase                                                                      
     educational services or materials to meet the                                                                              
     student's Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Under SB
     100, a parent may purchase services and materials from                                                                     
     a private or religious organization with a student                                                                         
     allotment to meet the student's ILP. In addition, each                                                                     
     child's allotment may be rolled over to the next                                                                           
     school year. The funding received by the school                                                                            
     district for each student will go from 80% of the Base                                                                     
     Student Allocation (BSA) to 100% of the BSA, currently                                                                     
     Two educational grant programs are established in SB
     100. Through one grant program, school districts may                                                                       
     combine local funds with grant dollars to purchase                                                                         
     technology, along with professional development. With                                                                      
     the assistance of this grant program, opportunities                                                                        
     for one-on-one learning will increase statewide.                                                                           
     The second grant program recognizes that sometimes an                                                                      
     innovative idea needs financial support to get                                                                             
     started. Under SB 100, a school district may apply for                                                                     
     small, one-time grant funds to help plan a different                                                                       
     approach to learning that has promise. Residential                                                                         
     schools, charter schools, correspondence schools,                                                                          
     virtual schools are just a few of the possibilities in                                                                     
     this grant program.                                                                                                        
     Sponsor   Substitute  of   Senate  Bill   100  embraces                                                                    
     innovative  approaches   to  learning   and  encourages                                                                    
     school districts  do develop  such approaches  in order                                                                    
     to  meet the  educational  needs of  a growing  diverse                                                                    
     population of Alaska public school students.                                                                               
SENATOR DUNLEAVY read the sectional analysis of the bill:                                                                       
     Section 1. Establishes two new grant programs: (1) a                                                                       
     personalized learning opportunity grant program in the                                                                     
     Department of Education and Early Development to                                                                           
     provide funding to the Alaska Association of School                                                                        
     Boards for the purpose of awarding subgrants to school                                                                     
     districts to provide technological equipment, support,                                                                     
     and training; and (2) an innovative approach to                                                                            
     learning grant to provide grants to school districts                                                                       
     to encourage innovative approaches to learning.                                                                            
     Section 2. Requires correspondence study programs to                                                                       
     include an individual learning plan, as described in                                                                       
     the bill, for each student enrolled. Prohibits the                                                                         
     Department of Education and Early Development from                                                                         
     imposing requirements on a student enrolled in a                                                                           
     correspondence study program if the student is                                                                             
     proficient or advanced except for requirements                                                                             
     described in sec. 2 of the bill. Provides for annual                                                                       
     student allotments to be paid to a student's parent or                                                                     
     guardian for the purpose of meeting instructional                                                                          
     expenses of a correspondence student. Allows for the                                                                       
     purchase of materials from a private or religious                                                                          
     organization under specified conditions and for a                                                                          
     carry-over of an annual allotment for a student from                                                                       
     year to year.                                                                                                              
     Section 3. Increases state funding for correspondence                                                                      
     programs from 80 percent of ADM to the full ADM of the                                                                     
     Section 4. Provides for an effective date.                                                                                 
8:05:41 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR DUNLEAVY moved to adopt Amendment  1: On page 4, line 17,                                                               
following  "purchase", insert  "nonsectarian". He  explained that                                                               
the amendment provides that public  funds not be used to purchase                                                               
religious  materials.  Schools  may   use  vendors  that  have  a                                                               
religious   background  to   provide  courses   to  home   school                                                               
correspondence students.                                                                                                        
There being no objection, Amendment 1 was adopted.                                                                              
8:07:44 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR   GARDNER  inquired   about   Section   [2],  item   (b),                                                               
"notwithstanding  another provision  of the  law, the  department                                                               
may   not  impose   additional   requirements   other  than   the                                                               
requirements specified  under (a) of  this section, on  a student                                                               
who is proficient or advanced .  . ." She asked what requirements                                                               
this might be referring to.                                                                                                     
SENATOR DUNLEAVY asked  if the question was  asking what concerns                                                               
brought about the need for this provision.                                                                                      
SENATOR GARDNER said yes.                                                                                                       
SENATOR  DUNLEAVY said  education  is switching  from a  Carnegie                                                               
Unit concept  to one of  performance. The concept of  home school                                                               
correspondence  is  to  allow as  much  freedom  and  flexibility                                                               
possible  for  the  parent and  Individual  Learning  Plan  (ILP)                                                               
teacher.  He  provided an  example.  He  maintained that  an  ILP                                                               
should  support  the  outcome desired.  The  proficiency  of  the                                                               
outcome  is  what  is  important.  He  described  the  difference                                                               
between an ILP  in a charter school and in  the public school. He                                                               
said  there   is  a   list  of   prohibitions  for   home  school                                                               
correspondence schools.  The bill aims  to help the  programs and                                                               
the department focus on the outcomes, not the inputs.                                                                           
SENATOR GARDNER requested to see the list of prohibitions.                                                                      
8:11:22 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  STEVENS suggested  that the  bill removes  school district                                                               
and department  oversight when it  comes to expenditures  and the                                                               
learning plan. The  constitution says that this  oversight has to                                                               
be in the hands of the department and the school district.                                                                      
SENATOR DUNLEAVY  did not think  it that was true.  He maintained                                                               
that  oversight  is the  district's  responsibility  and not  the                                                               
CHAIR STEVENS suggested the legal issues be addressed.                                                                          
8:12:39 AM                                                                                                                    
JEAN MISCHEL,  Attorney, Legislative Legal  Services, Legislative                                                               
Affairs Agency, Juneau, Alaska,  answered questions related to SB
CHAIR STEVENS asked about the  constitutionality of SB 100 and if                                                               
a  change in  the constitution  would be  required to  remove the                                                               
responsibility from the department and the district.                                                                            
MS.  MISCHEL  questioned  which  version   of  the  bill  he  was                                                               
CHAIR STEVENS said it was version I.                                                                                            
MS. MISCHEL said  the language on page 4, lines  8 - 11, combined                                                               
with  lines 17  -  21,  creates a  potential  for violating  both                                                               
Article 7,  Section 1, and  Article 4, Section 1.  The difficulty                                                               
with removing departmental oversight  rests with the concern that                                                               
if  the  parent who  has  control,  under  lines  17 -  21,  over                                                               
purchasing of materials, if they  choose to purchase religious or                                                               
sectarian materials  in violation of that  provision, there would                                                               
be very  little way of  knowing, without some  oversight, whether                                                               
the parent has overstepped the constitutional boundaries.                                                                       
MS. MISCHEL continued to say  what the legislature has done under                                                               
Article 7 is given the  department supervisory oversight over all                                                               
public schools. This bill is  a large change from that structure.                                                               
With regard to whether or  not the school district would continue                                                               
to have some  oversight, there is some  ambiguity. The department                                                               
often  provides  regulatory  direction  to  school  districts  in                                                               
administrative code,  as Senator  Dunleavy mentioned.  Lines 8-11                                                               
would  restrict the  department from  adopting those  regulations                                                               
that might  provide additional guidance  to the  districts, which                                                               
receive  their authority  both through  the  legislature and  the                                                               
department. Much of the district  authority is restricted by that                                                               
in the  bill because  the department no  longer has  control over                                                               
the  district. There  is an  ambiguity about  whether the  school                                                               
district  would,  in fact,  continue  to  provide oversight.  For                                                               
example,  school   districts  now  must  approve   textbooks  for                                                               
correspondence  students.  She said  she  does  not know  if  the                                                               
sponsor's intention  is to remove  the district's  oversight over                                                               
textbook purchases and selections.                                                                                              
8:17:38 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR DUNLEAVY  clarified that in  the bill, any  purchase must                                                               
be  done in  line with  ILP and  the teacher.  He explained  that                                                               
vendors are  approved by school  district boards; parents  do not                                                               
seek  purchases outside  of the  ILP and  the teacher  who has  a                                                               
selection  of vendors.  The public  school  district approves  of                                                               
CHAIR  STEVENS  noted  textbooks  have  to  be  approved  by  the                                                               
district currently.                                                                                                             
SENATOR DUNLEAVY agreed  and said that does not  change under the                                                               
bill. Vendors need to be approved by the district.                                                                              
CHAIR STEVENS asked  what change the bill makes  to the oversight                                                               
by the department.                                                                                                              
SENATOR DUNLEAVY said there is  a series of regulations that list                                                               
things  that can  and  cannot  be purchased  or  done. The  state                                                               
determines  the output  -  proficiency. The  bill  relies on  the                                                               
teacher,  parent,  and  ILP  to determine  what  the  inputs  are                                                               
instead of department regulations.                                                                                              
CHAIR  STEVENS summarized  that SB  100 removes  the department's                                                               
oversight of financial expenditures and the ILP.                                                                                
SENATOR DUNLEAVY  agreed. He  said it  places the  oversight with                                                               
the district.                                                                                                                   
CHAIR STEVENS requested further  comments on whether that impacts                                                               
the constitution as mentioned by legislative legal.                                                                             
8:22:17 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. MISCHEL  said she does  not have a  clear enough idea  of the                                                               
legislative  intention  of  removing   the  department  from  its                                                               
legislatively   authorized   oversight  role.   The   description                                                               
provided by  Senator Dunleavy is  the current procedure  that the                                                               
districts are restricted by the  regulations that this bill would                                                               
override. From  a constitutional  standpoint, the  legislature is                                                               
delegating  its constitutional  oversight  function  to a  school                                                               
teacher,  a parent,  and a  district,  in a  more limited  sense,                                                               
because   the   regulations    that   restrict   these   district                                                               
expenditures would  no longer be  in effect. She  reiterated that                                                               
she does not know the legislative intent for doing so.                                                                          
MS. MISCHEL  noted that the Constitutional  Convention was filled                                                               
with conversations about  Article 7 and why the  last sentence in                                                               
Article 7, Section  1, is there. It is for  the very purpose that                                                               
teachers  and parents  and districts,  and  even the  department,                                                               
would not have to "get into  the weeds" of deciding whether it is                                                               
government entanglement or  an Article 1, Section  4 problem. The                                                               
framers  of the  state  constitution discussed  very clearly  the                                                               
desire to spend public money  for private school students when it                                                               
addressed their  public health and welfare  issues, a legislative                                                               
and state function.                                                                                                             
She explained that other states  that lack Article 7 prohibitions                                                               
have to  determine whether there  is a neutral affect  or whether                                                               
the magnitude of  the benefit, such as under  the Sheldon Jackson                                                               
Case, is  so great that  it is a   direct benefit to  the school.                                                               
She  said  she does  not  know  whether purchasing  BYU  courses,                                                               
currently, would  be upheld  by the  Alaska Supreme  Court. Under                                                               
the Sheldon Jackson precedent, they  would have to go through the                                                               
3-step test to  determine if the effect was  neutral, whether the                                                               
magnitude  was  great, and  whether  there  was an  incentive  to                                                               
purchase private materials.                                                                                                     
She said  it is an  interesting question in this  context because                                                               
when  the  constitutional   conventioneers  were  discussing  the                                                               
issue, they  had the opposite  question; "can we  provide private                                                               
school students  with a public correspondence  program."  Today's                                                               
discussion is the opposite of  that. She concluded that under the                                                               
Sheldon Jackson  analysis, the  benefit may  be neutral  if there                                                               
are  other public  correspondence  materials and  courses that  a                                                               
student or parent could choose.                                                                                                 
8:26:55 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  DUNLEAVY   remarked  that   the  original   question  is                                                               
oversight.  He  emphasized that  this  bill  is a  public  school                                                               
issue.  The  next  step  is an  independent  approach  under  the                                                               
guidance of a  public school teacher governed by an  ILP. He said                                                               
it has  nothing to do  with going to  a private school.  The bill                                                               
would  stop the  department from  regulating schools  because the                                                               
local level  should be regulating them.  The ultimate performance                                                               
model is  the test for  credit. The bill focuses  on performance,                                                               
not on  sending kids  to private schools.  It allows  teachers to                                                               
purchase public materials, not sectarian, and not religious.                                                                    
CHAIR STEVENS said he needs  to understand what the advantage for                                                               
removing the department from oversight is.                                                                                      
8:30:06 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR GARDNER pointed out that  there already is a system where                                                               
homeschoolers can  enroll in a  public homeschool system  and get                                                               
access  to materials  through approved  vendors.  She asked  what                                                               
else is new in the bill, besides the ILP.                                                                                       
SENATOR  DUNLEAVY said  most correspondence  programs require  an                                                               
ILP and the bill would require them  all to have an ILP. The bill                                                               
would also require that if a  child is proficient, no one meddles                                                               
with proficiency; whatever  they are doing is  working. For those                                                               
students  who are  not proficient,  time and  resources would  be                                                               
spent to  find out why they  are not successful. The  teacher and                                                               
parent would amend the ILP to address the lack of proficiency.                                                                  
SENATOR GARDNER asked if that is  not what should be done for all                                                               
SENATOR DUNLEAVY agreed.                                                                                                        
SENATOR  GARDNER  asked  why  it  is  limited  to  correspondence                                                               
homeschoolers in the bill.                                                                                                      
SENATOR  DUNLEAVY replied  because SB  100 deals  with homeschool                                                               
correspondence programs.                                                                                                        
SENATOR  GARDNER suggested  input versus  output is  the same  as                                                               
form over function.                                                                                                             
SENATOR DUNLEAVY said it is looking at results.                                                                                 
8:32:54 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR STEVENS requested that Ms. Mischel explain Article 7.                                                                     
MS.  MISCHEL explained  that it  states that  "No money  shall be                                                               
paid from  public funds for  the direct benefit of  any religious                                                               
or other private educational institutions."  She pointed out that                                                               
one of the  regulations that the department sets  up for district                                                               
correspondence programs  requires a  reporting from  the district                                                               
on  who is  attending and  what the  performance is.  Without the                                                               
department looking  at that it would  be left up to  the district                                                               
to do.  The department  would not  have a  role in  reviewing the                                                               
report and making adjustments under SB 100.                                                                                     
8:34:24 AM                                                                                                                    
LON  GARRISON,  President,  Sitka School  Board,  Sitka,  Alaska,                                                               
testified in  favor of SB  100. He  said he especially  liked the                                                               
one-to-one  digital   initiative  program  which  would   have  a                                                               
tremendous impact to the district. He  said he is also in support                                                               
of innovation  - options which  offer the public  various choices                                                               
of public  education. He noted  Sitka has a thriving  home school                                                               
program. He concluded that Alaska is  unusual and is on the right                                                               
path  for offering  various paths  to  education, including  home                                                               
school programs.                                                                                                                
8:38:04 AM                                                                                                                    
SUE  HULL, Past-President,  Alaska Association  of School  Boards                                                               
(AASB),  Fairbanks, Alaska,  testified in  favor of  SB 100.  She                                                               
suggested  that adding  tools  to the  choices  for students  for                                                               
personal learning is  a good idea, as is  the one-to-one proposal                                                               
for  technology.  The  bill would  enable  large  districts  like                                                               
Fairbanks to move  forward with access to  programs. The district                                                               
can show that is it currently  spending more money now than would                                                               
be required to adopt a lease program.                                                                                           
She also testified in favor of  the second provision in the bill,                                                               
innovation   grants,  and   the   third   provision  related   to                                                               
correspondence programs.  She opined  that the change  in funding                                                               
makes  it  more  attractive  for districts  to  participate.  She                                                               
concluded that options are the future.                                                                                          
STEWART  MCDONALD, Superintendent,  Kodiak Island  Borough School                                                               
District,  Kodiak, Alaska,  testified in  support of  SB 100.  He                                                               
shared the profile  of the students who would be  affected by the                                                               
bill. Some students  live in remote sites and it  is expensive to                                                               
provide them  correspondence courses. He  said he is in  favor of                                                               
the increase in funding. He  also liked the innovation grants. He                                                               
shared  the suicide  rate  in his  district  and maintained  that                                                               
innovative programs help  to reduce this rate.  He concluded that                                                               
after  5.5  years of  innovative  programs,  there have  been  no                                                               
8:45:20 AM                                                                                                                    
JERRY  COVEY, Education  Consultant,  JSC Consulting,  Anchorage,                                                               
Alaska, testified  in support  of SB 100.  He predicted  that the                                                               
Governor's proposal  and SB  100, or a  similar program  by AASB,                                                               
would  merge to  provide  the  type of  service  that covers  the                                                               
state. He spoke about the oversight  issue. He said he sees it as                                                               
mastery  of  learning  versus  the  Carnegie  Unit.  The  current                                                               
education  system  is built  around  process  versus outcome.  He                                                               
expected the oversight issues with  the constitution will resolve                                                               
themselves. He  opined that the  bill creates an  opportunity for                                                               
school districts to deliver education in the proposed fashion.                                                                  
SENATOR GARDNER asked about the one-to-one approach.                                                                            
MR. COVEY  said he looks  at the approach as  a way to  work with                                                               
school  districts that  puts technology  in their  hands. It  has                                                               
significant reporting expectations.                                                                                             
SENATOR GARDNER  said the Governor,  the State School  Board, and                                                               
the sponsor have proposals. She inquired how they differ.                                                                       
MR. COVEY  said he probably was  not the best one  to answer that                                                               
8:49:16 AM                                                                                                                    
STEVE  NOONKESSER, Technology  Director, Southwest  Region School                                                               
District, Dillingham, Alaska, testified in  support of SB 100. He                                                               
said he  would like to address  the first provision in  the bill.                                                               
He noted  his district was  an original member of  the Consortium                                                               
for  Digital  Learning in  2006.  The  focus  at that  time,  and                                                               
currently, is the  access to resources -  quality learning tools.                                                               
He  said in  order  to  take advantage  of  the opportunity,  the                                                               
district  took  several  steps,  guided by  AASB  and  the  grant                                                               
process.  The   district  had  to   ensure  that   the  networks,                                                               
infrastructure, and  support were  ready to handle  the increased                                                               
loads  and  demands.  They  installed   new  hardware  and,  most                                                               
importantly,  trained  staff. He  stressed  the  importance of  a                                                               
three-legged  approach;  readiness  and  support,  hardware,  and                                                               
training. He concluded  that Section 1 of the bill  does that, as                                                               
well as  puts leadership  and management on  AASB and  focuses on                                                               
tablet technology, which  fits in with a district  focus on early                                                               
8:51:37 AM                                                                                                                    
PETER  HOEPFNER,   President,  Cordova  School   Board,  Cordova,                                                               
Alaska, testified  in support  of SB 100.  He said  technology is                                                               
the way  of the world and  the district wants its  children to be                                                               
prepared for the future. He gave  an example of a student who was                                                               
able to  keep up with AP  courses via technology while  away from                                                               
school  for six  weeks. Cordova  has been  a one-to-one  district                                                               
since 2005.                                                                                                                     
CHAIR STEVENS said he is impressed by Cordova School District.                                                                  
8:54:36 AM                                                                                                                    
BOB WHICKER,  Director, Consortium  for Digital  Learning, Alaska                                                               
Association  of School  Boards (AASB),  Juneau, Alaska,  answered                                                               
questions  regarding  SB  100. He  called  personalized  learning                                                               
opportunity grants the  answer for all kids to  move forward with                                                               
learning.  He added  that the  one thing  that is  different with                                                               
this bill is that AASB is ready  to take this on in Alaska. Other                                                               
states are not as ready as Alaska is.                                                                                           
SENATOR  GARDNER reiterated  her question  about the  differences                                                               
between the three proposals.                                                                                                    
MR. WHCKER replied that he  answered this question for the Alaska                                                               
Society of Technology Educators last  week. He described the one-                                                               
to-one  as a  program  that targets  every  student. It  includes                                                               
using  internet  as  an  option. The  Governor's  proposal  is  a                                                               
demonstration  program  that  moves things  forward  in  distance                                                               
delivery, which  the one-to-one can  do also. He said  that there                                                               
are many initiatives  out there, but all are  pieces. The one-to-                                                               
one creates the environment for all the rest to move forward.                                                                   
8:58:30 AM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL HANLEY,  Commissioner, Department of Education  and Early                                                               
Development  (DEED), Juneau,  Alaska, answered  questions related                                                               
to SB  100. He said  the bill is  very similar to  the Governor's                                                               
proposal  last year,  in purpose  and intent.  The Governor  this                                                               
year  chose a  more  focused, targeted,  and  modest proposal  to                                                               
build on  current strengths. The  Digital Teaching  Initiative is                                                               
designed to focus on best  practices already in place and provide                                                               
a  critical professional  development component  through teaching                                                               
academies. He  saw the programs  as complementary to  each other;                                                               
however, the Governor's initiative is more focused.                                                                             
CHAIR  STEVENS  requested  more information  about  removing  the                                                               
department's role  regarding the  monitoring of  expenditures and                                                               
ILP's and putting it on the district.                                                                                           
COMMISISIONER HANLEY said there are a  few items in the bill that                                                               
need  further examination.  He quoted  the line  "notwithstanding                                                               
another  provision   of  law  the   department  may   not  impose                                                               
additional  requirements   on  students"  and  stated   that  the                                                               
department does  not monitor individual students;  they work with                                                               
districts  and set  requirements that  districts need  to follow.                                                               
The  wording removes  perceived  barriers from  students who  are                                                               
proficient;  the  department  focuses  on  what  is  required  of                                                               
He referred to  page 4, line 12, and noted  that all students are                                                               
currently  required to  have  ILP's  in correspondence  programs.                                                               
Regulations  state  how  the  ILP  must be  developed  -  with  a                                                               
certified  teacher  and  parents,  and  have  common,  recognized                                                               
curriculum. He  read, "The department  or district  that provides                                                               
the correspondence  study program  may provide an  annual student                                                               
allotment to a parent or a  guardian of a student enrolled in the                                                               
correspondence  study   program  for   the  purpose   of  meeting                                                               
instructional expenses  for the  student enrolled in  the program                                                               
as provided  in this section." He  said that part is  key because                                                               
he  sees  public  money  for   a  public  purpose  for  educating                                                               
students.  The sentence  above is  concerning because  it removes                                                               
restrictions that are  in regulation, such as  family travel, and                                                               
family gym  memberships. The "notwithstanding"  provision removes                                                               
that restriction,  but it still  is required to  meet instruction                                                               
expenses  for the  student, so  it would  be public  money for  a                                                               
public purpose.                                                                                                                 
CHAIR STEVENS asked the sponsor what his intention is.                                                                          
9:04:22 AM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR DUNLEAVY  said his intention  is to focus on  the outputs                                                               
instead  of   the  inputs.  He   noted  a  discussion   with  the                                                               
commissioner regarding the concern that  some of the money may be                                                               
used for non-educational materials or trips.                                                                                    
COMMISSIONER HANLEY agreed.                                                                                                     
SENATOR  DUNLEAVY  maintained  that  "the line  below"  seems  to                                                               
satisfy the  commissioner and himself.  He said he wants  as much                                                               
flexibility at the district school  teacher level to come up with                                                               
programs and  ILP's that meet  the individual needs  of children.                                                               
He  opined that  unnecessary  regulations  interfere with  having                                                               
acceptable  outputs. The  bill personalizes  instruction under  a                                                               
public school system.                                                                                                           
9:06:03 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR STEVENS asked if the  commissioner is comfortable with this                                                               
component of SB 100.                                                                                                            
COMMISSIONER HANLEY  said yes, because  of the lines  relating to                                                               
instructional expenses,  which seem to negate  several items that                                                               
are removed  from regulation. The department  could still monitor                                                               
instructional expenses for a district.                                                                                          
SENATOR  GARDNER  inquired   if  the  language  "notwithstanding"                                                               
includes  anything  else  the  district   might  want  to  do  or                                                               
currently does that  would be prohibited under  that provision on                                                               
page 4, line 8.                                                                                                                 
COMMISSIONER  HANLEY   said  no.  He  said   the  department  has                                                               
identified  the sections  that would  be removed.  He offered  to                                                               
provide that information to the committee.                                                                                      
CHAIR STEVENS held SB 100 in committee.                                                                                         

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
01_SB100_BillText_VersionI.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
02_SB100_Sponsor Statement_VersionI.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
04_SB100_Sectional_VersionI.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
05_SB100_iPad for Literacy Project.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
06_SB100_Budget Proposal.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
07_SB100_Letter of Support.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
08_SB100_Brief Description on Grant Program.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
09_SB100_Personalized Learning Opportunity Summary.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 100
01_SB113_Stipends_BillPacket_AsOf_28Feb2014.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 113
02_SB113_FiscalNote1_28Feb2014.pdf SEDC 3/3/2014 8:00:00 AM
SB 113