Legislature(2023 - 2024)DAVIS 106

03/11/2023 09:00 AM House WAYS & MEANS

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Please Note Time Change --
+ Presentations: TELECONFERENCED
- Responsible Alaska Budget and Spending Limits
by Quinn Townsend, Policy Manager, Alaska Policy
<Above Item Removed from Agenda>
- Spending Caps by Rob Carpenter, Deputy
Director, Legislative Finance
<Above Item Removed from Agenda>
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
+ "An Act on the Permanent Fund Dividend" TELECONFERENCED
<Pending Introduction & Referral>
<Above Item Removed from Agenda>
         HJR  9-CONST AM: PERMANENT FUND; POMV;EARNINGS                                                                     
         HJR  8-CONST AM: GUARANTEE PERM FUND DIVIDEND                                                                      
             HJR  7-CONST AM: PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND                                                                       
         HB  90-PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND; $1000 DIVIDEND                                                                     
        HB  72-PERMANENT FUND DIVIDEND; 75/25 POMV SPLIT                                                                    
9:22:23 AM                                                                                                                    
VICE  CHAIR MCCABE  announced  that the  next  order of  business                                                               
would be HOUSE  JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 9,  "Proposing amendments to                                                               
the Constitution  of the State  of Alaska relating to  the Alaska                                                               
permanent fund  and to appropriations  from the  Alaska permanent                                                               
fund" and HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION  NO. 8, "Proposing amendments to                                                               
the Constitution  of the State  of Alaska relating to  the Alaska                                                               
permanent  fund  and  appropriations from  the  Alaska  permanent                                                               
fund" and HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION  NO. 7, "Proposing amendments to                                                               
the Constitution  of the State  of Alaska requiring payment  of a                                                               
dividend to eligible state residents"  and HOUSE BILL NO. 90, "An                                                               
Act  relating to  income of  the  Alaska permanent  fund and  the                                                               
amount  available for  appropriation; relating  to appropriations                                                               
from the earnings reserve account;  relating to the amount of the                                                               
permanent  fund dividend;  and providing  for an  effective date"                                                               
and HOUSE BILL NO.  72, "An Act relating to use  of income of the                                                               
Alaska permanent  fund; relating to  the amount of  the permanent                                                               
fund  dividend; relating  to the  duties of  the commissioner  of                                                               
revenue; and providing for an effective date."                                                                                  
9:22:41 AM                                                                                                                    
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE opened public testimony  on HJR 9, HJR  8, HJR
7, HB 90, and HB 72.                                                                                                            
9:24:01 AM                                                                                                                    
JOHN  MILLER,   representing  self,  expressed  the   support  of                                                               
returning  to the  original  PFD formula,  and  he expressed  the                                                               
opinion that  it has been successful  for the last 35  years.  He                                                               
said the process  had been destroyed in 2016, and  there has been                                                               
a major contention since.   He offered his understanding that the                                                               
people feel  betrayed because the  legislature no longer  has the                                                               
people's best interests  in mind, as the Permanent  Fund has been                                                               
used  to pay  back special  interest groups  and unions  who fund                                                               
elections.  He  urged members to follow the law  and the original                                                               
PFD  formula.    He  warned  that until  the  Permanent  Fund  is                                                               
returned to the original formula, there will be contention.                                                                     
9:25:55 AM                                                                                                                    
ED MARTIN, representing self, shared  that he has been a resident                                                               
of the state for over 50 years.   He shared that a family member,                                                               
Ed Martin, Sr., was a lawmaker in  1999 and part of the "save the                                                               
dividend" campaign.   He reminded  the committee of  the advisory                                                               
vote, in  which the  legislature was  recommended to  never touch                                                               
the  PFD  process  established  in 1982,  which  entails  a  full                                                               
statutory PFD.   He suggested that some members  of the committee                                                               
have  voted  for budgets  which  defy  statute; furthermore,  the                                                               
Alaska Supreme Court's actions have  not mandated the legislature                                                               
can defy statute.   He referred to the sponsor  statement for HJR
7 [included  in the  committee packet],  which states  that draws                                                               
are sustainable.   He opined that  this statement was a  lie.  He                                                               
said, "No  one in that  room has a  crystal ball."   He expressed                                                               
the opinion  that the  $1,000 PFD  proposed in HB  90 would  be a                                                               
"slap in the  face" to the people who own  the resources, as well                                                               
as  the  investments and  the  return  on  the investments.    He                                                               
expressed support for a Permanent Fund constitutional amendment.                                                                
9:28:27 AM                                                                                                                    
MISTY COLE,  representing self, expressed  support for HJR  7 and                                                               
HJR 8; however, she testified in  opposition to HB 72, HB 90, and                                                               
HJR 9.                                                                                                                          
9:29:41 AM                                                                                                                    
DONALD MITCHEL,  representing self, shared  that he has  lived in                                                               
Alaska for  51 years.   He expressed  the opinion there  are many                                                               
benefits to  living in Alaska,  of which is having  competent and                                                               
consistent  government services  without  having to  pay a  state                                                               
tax; however, he expressed the  opinion that things have changed,                                                               
as now funding for state  services is inadequate or inconsistent.                                                               
He pointed  out that the  roads in  his area are  "horrible," the                                                               
Alaska Marine  Highway System (AMHS)  is unreliable,  and funding                                                               
for state employees  is difficult.  He expressed  the belief that                                                               
the structure of the PFD  hurts the elections process because the                                                               
amount of the PFD  is being used as a tool to pay  for votes.  He                                                               
argued that  HB 72 would  provide reliability and  consistency to                                                               
state services and the PFD.  He urged support for HB 72.                                                                        
9:30:49 AM                                                                                                                    
SARAH CAMPBELL, representing  self, shared that she  is a public-                                                               
school  teacher and  has  lived  in Alaska  for  48  years.   She                                                               
expressed  support  of  increasing the  base  student  allocation                                                               
(BSA)  and would  like  to  see the  state  return  to a  defined                                                               
benefit  retirement package  for  state  employees; however,  she                                                               
expressed  the understanding  that this  would cost  money.   She                                                               
expressed support for fully funding  state services and expressed                                                               
the opinion that  HB 72 "seems fair," because  Alaskans would get                                                               
a PFD, and there would be money for state services.                                                                             
9:32:48 AM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL GARHART,  representing self,  commented that, out  of the                                                               
bills up  for testimony, he  only supports  HJR 7.   He expressed                                                               
the understanding  that too  much PFD money  has been  taken from                                                               
the public.   He  stated, since  the 1990s,  it was  tracked that                                                               
$27.3 billion  had been "stolen."   He said that  the legislature                                                               
has been questioned  for 10 years, but answers  were never given.                                                               
He argued that the state needs to follow the law.                                                                               
9:33:48 AM                                                                                                                    
ANTONIA LENARD,  representing self,  pointed out the  legalese in                                                               
the materials  provided in the  meeting.  She suggested  that the                                                               
Permanent Fund  was originally intended  to give the  residents a                                                               
stake in  Alaska's resources, and  residents were supposed  to be                                                               
paid out  of the  fund, and  not have  people profiting  from the                                                               
fund.   She  suggested that  the  75/25 percent  of market  value                                                               
(POMV) split  should instead  be 25/75.   She expressed  the idea                                                               
that state  funding should go  away because residents  would have                                                               
enough  money  individually to  carry  out  state services,  like                                                               
building  a school.    She opined  that  anytime the  legislature                                                               
seeks to draw from the fund, the draw should be put to a vote.                                                                  
9:36:03 AM                                                                                                                    
BERT  HOUGHTALING,  representing self,  stated  that  out of  the                                                               
bills put  forward at the meeting,  only HJR 8 should  be allowed                                                               
to move forward.  He referred  to the other bills and resolutions                                                               
as "putting  lipstick on a  pig" and giving the  legislature more                                                               
control on  the Permanent Fund.   He  explained that HJR  8 would                                                               
put the  corpus into legislative control;  however, combining the                                                               
corpus  and the  Permanent Fund  would allow  the legislators  to                                                               
also have the corpus.  He  expressed support for HJR 7 because it                                                               
would  formalize what  has been  in Alaska  statute for  the last                                                               
four  decades.    He  pointed  out  that  the  Legislative  Legal                                                               
Service's definition of  "shall" and "may" might  be the clinical                                                               
definition in a  dictionary; however, it does not  compare to the                                                               
definition provided in  Wielechowski v. State.   He expressed the                                                             
idea that the  Alaska Supreme Court ruled that  "shall" and "may"                                                               
have the exact same meaning.                                                                                                    
9:39:01 AM                                                                                                                    
SARANA  SCHELL,  representing  self, expressed  support  for  the                                                               
sustainability  of the  Permanent  Fund.   She  said that,  while                                                               
large dividends are great, she supports  a cap on the PFD because                                                               
this would help with the sustainability of the fund.                                                                            
9:40:07 AM                                                                                                                    
JAMELIA  SAIED, representing  self, shared  that she  has been  a                                                               
resident  for 61  years.   She  said that  the PFD  has served  a                                                               
valuable purpose; however,  she expressed the opinion  that it is                                                               
time  for it  to end  and an  income tax  be reestablished.   She                                                               
remarked that this  does not seem to be  politically possible, so                                                               
she  offered her  support to  whichever bill  proposes a  smaller                                                               
PFD, such as  [HJR 9].  She expressed the  opinion that the state                                                               
should  stay conservative,  otherwise a  full PFD  would mean  no                                                               
state services.                                                                                                                 
9:42:23 AM                                                                                                                    
ROYAL  KIEHL, representing  self,  said he  and  his family  have                                                               
lived in Alaska  since 1974, when the state had  levied an income                                                               
tax.   He expressed the  opinion that, without the  intention to,                                                               
the state  has turned  into a welfare  state, with  every citizen                                                               
believing they  cannot live without  a PFD.   He argued  that the                                                               
state cannot afford  to live up to the  responsibility because of                                                               
the  annual payouts,  and he  compared the  PFD to  an addiction.                                                               
For  example, he  stated  that large  PFDs  have interfered  with                                                               
quality education  and adequate  ferry service.   He  stated that                                                               
while it may be painful to  give up the annual "money bombs," the                                                               
situation has  gotten out  of hand because  people believe  it is                                                               
their right  to have unearned money.   He suggested that  the PFD                                                               
amount be reduced to $1000,  with annual inflation increases.  He                                                               
continued  that  the  rest  of the  earnings  should  fund  state                                                               
services.  He  suggested that, if HB 90 passes,  so residents can                                                               
process the  change, they  should be  given a  year before  it is                                                               
9:44:46 AM                                                                                                                    
RACHEL  LORD,  representing  self,  testified in  support  of  an                                                               
increased reliance on  the Permanent Fund earnings  to fund state                                                               
services,  and  she  expressed  support for  HB  72.    Regarding                                                               
raising broad-based  revenues in  the state, she  echoed comments                                                               
that this would  be the right way forward.   She suggested that a                                                               
combination of income  tax with a reduced PFD  would also achieve                                                               
the  effect.   She  said  that in  the  Kenai Peninsula  Borough,                                                               
citizens pay for  the services via property and  sales taxes, and                                                               
this  funding goes  toward schools,  roads,  and state  troopers.                                                               
She spoke  on economic development  and said that  businesses can                                                               
only thrive  when there is stability  in the public sector.   She                                                               
expressed the  opinion that  things will  not get  better without                                                               
financial  investment.    She  concluded  by  pointing  out  that                                                               
everyone benefits from state services.                                                                                          
9:46:59 AM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 9:46 a.m. to 9:49 a.m.                                                                       
9:49:00 AM                                                                                                                    
VICE CHAIR MCCABE passed the gavel to Chair Carpenter.                                                                          
9:49:31 AM                                                                                                                    
DIANNE  HOLMES,  representing  self,  echoed  previous  testimony                                                               
regarding  the benefits  everyone receives  in untaxed  services,                                                               
but  she  recognized  that  oil   revenues  are  volatile.    She                                                               
expressed  the opinion  that state  services  should always  come                                                               
first.  She pointed out that  during the past few years the state                                                               
has  had to  face the  COVID-19 pandemic,  and now  it must  face                                                               
educational needs.   She  offered that, of  the PFD  plans before                                                               
the committee,  a percentage  split would  impact services.   She                                                               
stated that Alaska  does not need larger PFDs  if losing services                                                               
would  be  a  result.    She  urged  members  to  listen  to  the                                                               
economists and  their advice that  a 25/75 split would  take away                                                               
from state services.                                                                                                            
9:51:26 AM                                                                                                                    
JAN  CONITZ,  representing  self,  expressed  concern  about  the                                                               
recent PFD  debate, and  the amount of  time the  legislature has                                                               
spent on  the discussion.   She  said the  PFD is  symbolically a                                                               
"good  thing;" however,  she  pointed out  the  decline of  state                                                               
services, such  as AMHS and  public schools.  She  reiterated the                                                               
concern  about  the amount  of  time  the legislature  has  taken                                                               
discussing the PFD; furthermore, she  expressed the fear that the                                                               
state  would go  bankrupt trying  to pay  out high  PFD payments.                                                               
She acknowledged  that the Permanent  Fund is  symbolically good,                                                               
as  it allows  a  sense of  ownership to  the  residents, but  it                                                               
should only be  symbolic.  She said the annual  PFD debate crowds                                                               
out the  discussion on  other policies, such  as education.   She                                                               
further   suggested  better   support  for   transportation,  the                                                               
university system,  economic development,  care for  seniors, and                                                               
care for people with disabilities.   She expressed support for an                                                               
income tax.                                                                                                                     
9:54:50 AM                                                                                                                    
RANDY GRIFFIN, representing self, referenced  HJR 7 and HJR 8, in                                                               
that the Permanent  Fund has no place in the  Constitution of the                                                               
State of  Alaska.   He acknowledged the  thousands of  dollars in                                                               
PFD  payments that  he has  received; however,  in 2014  he began                                                               
returning the  check back to  the state.   He said he  is against                                                               
enshrining  the  PFD  into  the  state  constitution,  rather  he                                                               
supports a dividend  funded by surplus profits.   He argued that,                                                               
if it is not funded by  surplus profits, it is public assistance.                                                               
He reiterated  that "hand-out" money  should not be  written into                                                               
the  constitution.    He expressed  appreciation  for  the  "free                                                               
money;" however, he stated that he  will only collect a PFD if it                                                               
is based on a surplus.                                                                                                          
9:57:23 AM                                                                                                                    
NICOLAS ABRAMCZYK, representing self,  expressed the opinion that                                                               
the state  had done  a good thing  when it  initially established                                                               
the Permanent  Fund; however, he  advised members to look  at the                                                               
economic context  of Alaska in  the 1980s, as the  population was                                                               
about one-third of  the population that it is today.   He pointed                                                               
out  that,  in the  last  ten  years,  there have  been  economic                                                               
challenges which  were not  present in the  1980s.   He continued                                                               
that,  before  enacting  the proposed  legislation,  the  members                                                               
should first examine the state's revenue streams.                                                                               
9:59:01 AM                                                                                                                    
PHILLIP  TAFS,  representing self,  shared  that  he is  a  small                                                               
business owner  in Alaska  with 28 employees.   He  expressed the                                                               
opinion that  state services need to  be funded first.   While he                                                               
appreciates the  PFD, he continued  that large PFDs  impact state                                                               
services.   He  expressed opposition  to adding  language to  the                                                               
constitution  which would  make  these proposals  permanent.   He                                                               
said that  the state should  maintain its flexibility  in funding                                                               
programs.   He  said  that as  a small  business  owner he  needs                                                               
consistency  and  the  ability   to  plan  without  having  every                                                               
legislative session  bring fear.   He expressed  frustration from                                                               
having to  wait until  the last  minute in  August for  a special                                                               
session and  said this creates a  difficult business environment.                                                               
He suggested that  anyone who needs the PFD should  rely on state                                                               
services more, which  as a small business owner,  would allow him                                                               
to grow his business.                                                                                                           
10:01:55 AM                                                                                                                   
CANDY  MILLER expressed  support for  HJR 7.   She  expressed the                                                               
opinion  that money  from the  Permanent  Fund should  go to  the                                                               
residents, and  then there would  be no concern on  raising taxes                                                               
because the people will direct it.                                                                                              
10:05:12 AM                                                                                                                   
MICHAEL  BUCY,  representing self,  shared  that  he has  been  a                                                               
resident of  Alaska and has received  a PFD since 1982.   He said                                                               
he would support  putting language into the  constitution only if                                                               
it  were  to  cap  the  PFD  payout.    He  shared  that  he  was                                                               
flabbergasted  when  the  governor  announced a  $4,000  PFD,  in                                                               
conjunction with no  BSA increase.  He stated  that this prompted                                                               
him to rally at the capitol.   He expressed appreciation for what                                                               
the PFD has done for his  family, and he acknowledged that others                                                               
rely  on the  PFD; however,  he  suggested that  the state  needs                                                               
robust welfare funding  instead.  He opined  that millionaires do                                                               
not need  the PFD and  should not receive  it.  He  described the                                                               
function  of government  as doing  economically what  individuals                                                               
cannot do  alone.  He  said that  residents now are  depending on                                                               
the government;  however, the problem  is not  simply government,                                                               
it is  bad government.   He said  that people are  leaving Alaska                                                               
despite  high  PFDs.    He   suggested  that  this  needs  to  be                                                               
addressed,  and the  PFD should  no longer  be the  center of  an                                                               
[annual] debate.                                                                                                                
10:08:49 AM                                                                                                                   
GEORGE  PIERCE  expressed the  opinion  that  the PFD  should  be                                                               
mandated in the Constitution of the  State of Alaska, and, if the                                                               
state  needs resources,  the  oil and  gas  companies should  not                                                               
receive  subsidies.    He further  suggested  taxing  individuals                                                               
coming to Alaska  to conduct tourism.  He advised  that there are                                                               
other  kinds of  revenues  to generate  instead  of allowing  the                                                               
legislature to take  it from "poor" Alaskans.   He reiterated the                                                               
suggestion to raise taxes on the oil and gas companies.                                                                         
10:11:13 AM                                                                                                                   
HAROLD BORBRIDGE, representing self,  expressed the idea that the                                                               
public needs to  realize every dollar the state  receives is from                                                               
the people,  whether it  is paid with  the people's  resources or                                                               
the Permanent  Fund's returns.   He  continued that  every dollar                                                               
[the  state] spends  is either  from  oil resources  or from  the                                                               
Permanent Fund.   He suggested that  a simple handout be  made to                                                               
the residents, along with an  explanation of the sources of state                                                               
10:12:46 AM                                                                                                                   
WILLY KEPPEL,  representing self,  urged members to  follow state                                                               
statute and pay a full PFD.   He suggested that baseline spending                                                               
be set  at $4.2 billion  so the  state's tax and  future revenues                                                               
could pay for state services.   He reminded members that for many                                                               
years Alaskans  have paid  for special sessions.   He  recalled a                                                               
previous session where  there was a testimony  which related that                                                               
paying PFDs  is not a  problem because  the state has  the money.                                                               
He  further recounted  that prior  to the  Walker Administration,                                                               
money going toward  PFDs had never gone  through the legislature.                                                               
Continuing,  he referenced  the  conversation in  a past  session                                                               
where Senator Lyman Hoffman had  inquired why the legislature was                                                               
not following  the law on  PFDs, and  the response had  been that                                                               
the legislature does  not have to follow the law.   He reiterated                                                               
to members to pay a full PFD and cut spending.                                                                                  
10:16:08 AM                                                                                                                   
TIM WILKINS, representing self, agreed  with the comments made by                                                               
Mr. Keppel.  He recounted  that in 2015 the Walker Administration                                                               
had moved to take 50 percent  of everyone's PFD, and he expressed                                                               
his own  disagreement with  this action.   He suggested  that the                                                               
PFD be enshrined in the Constitution  of the State of Alaska.  He                                                               
said that the  state of Alaska needs to balance  its expenses and                                                               
urged that  the money should  be replaced in the  Permanent Fund.                                                               
He expressed his support for the Dunleavy Administration.                                                                       
10:18:18 AM                                                                                                                   
PAULINE  HESSING,   representing  self,  thanked   the  committee                                                               
members for  the discussion; however,  she expressed  the opinion                                                               
that  debates  on the  Permanent  Fund  is  wasted time,  as  the                                                               
legislature  should  be  debating  more pressing  matters.    She                                                               
suggested that  the PFD  be capped at  $1,000, and  anything over                                                               
this should  be given  to the  state to  use for  state services.                                                               
She pointed  out there is no  income tax in Alaska  and suggested                                                               
that  her idea  would be  like an  income tax.   She  stated that                                                               
Permanent Fund earnings are not  for the individual but are owned                                                               
by all  Alaskans.  She suggested  that if the PFD  was capped, it                                                               
would also be less of an  enticement for people who have no money                                                               
to come to Alaska for "free money."                                                                                             
10:20:01 AM                                                                                                                   
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
10:20:05 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR CARPENTER  made comments  regarding the  committee's intent                                                               
to hear further public testimony.                                                                                               
10:21:47 AM                                                                                                                   
The committee took an at-ease from 10:21 a.m. to 10:31 a.m.                                                                     
10:31:45 AM                                                                                                                   
LEONARD MILLER,  representing self, stated that  he could support                                                               
HJR 7  and HJR 8 but  would need more information.   He expressed                                                               
concern   that,  without   research   and  legal   understanding,                                                               
legislation which deals  with the Permanent Fund  is difficult to                                                               
understand,  so it  is  hard  for ordinary  Alaskans  to make  an                                                               
informed  decision.   As  far  as  what  is  fair, he  said  that                                                               
residents share the Permanent Fund's  wealth, and this encourages                                                               
him to defend the principal of  the Permanent Fund.  Since a vast                                                               
majority  of the  residents do  not  have mineral  rights in  the                                                               
state, he expressed the opinion  that the minerals should be part                                                               
of  the residents'  corporate royalties,  as former  Governor Jay                                                               
Hammond's vision  was that  Alaska residents  would share  in the                                                               
earnings so residents  would stay engaged in  limiting the growth                                                               
of government.  He urged the  members not to steal the residents'                                                               
10:34:22 AM                                                                                                                   
LILA  HENDERSON,  representing  self,  disclosed that  she  is  a                                                               
registered  member  of  the  Republican  Party.    She  expressed                                                               
disagreement with HB  72 and HB 90 and expressed  support for HJR
8 and  parts of  HJR 7.   She  continued that  she is  overall in                                                               
favor of  constitutionalizing the  PFD.   She expressed  the idea                                                               
that the  state is taking  more of  the Permanent Fund  each year                                                               
and opined that the people are  entitled to their royalties.  She                                                               
echoed Mr. Millers comments on this matter.                                                                                     
10:35:34 AM                                                                                                                   
JAMES SQUYRES, representing self, stated  that he supports a full                                                               
statutory PFD.  He pointed out  that the public has testified for                                                               
many  years for  a  full  statutory PFD.    He  urged members  to                                                               
remember the  people who have  testified in  favor of the  PFD in                                                               
the past.   He argued that  just because these people  are not in                                                               
the room  today, this should  not take away from  past testimony.                                                               
He said he  does not support putting POMV in  the Constitution of                                                               
the State of Alaska unless  the earnings reserve account (ERA) is                                                               
rolled into  the Permanent  Fund.   He questioned  the difference                                                               
between statutory  PFDs not previously  paid, and  refundable oil                                                               
and gas  tax credits.  He  pointed out that rolling  ERA into the                                                               
Permanent Fund would  end PFD paybacks, of which  he insisted are                                                               
still owed  to residents  in the  state.   He advised  members to                                                               
repeal Senate Bill  26 [passed during the  thirtieth Alaska State                                                               
Legislature],  which he  said put  POMV into  statute.   He noted                                                               
that last  year the  administration had POMV  in the  budget, but                                                               
there was  no effort to repeal  Senate Bill 26.   He argued that,                                                               
if Alaska wants to  go back to the way it was  with the PFD, this                                                               
bill will need  to be repealed.  He suggested  that enacting POMV                                                               
is  what  put  the  "squeeze"   on  the  funding  for  government                                                               
10:37:56 AM                                                                                                                   
JEAN HOLT, representing  self, testified in opposition  to HB 72.                                                               
She stated  the government has  taken away freedoms, and  the PFD                                                               
should be enshrined  in the Constitution of the  State of Alaska.                                                               
She further urged members not to "mess" with the PFD.                                                                           
10:39:17 AM                                                                                                                   
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
10:39:54 AM                                                                                                                   
GARY  MCDONALD, representing  self, stated  that he  supports the                                                               
regular PFD formula which Alaska had used for about 30 years.                                                                   
10:41:12 AM                                                                                                                   
RYAN BROUSSARD,  representing self, inquired about  the number of                                                               
active military members who receive a  PFD.  He explained that in                                                               
boot camp  he was  told to  go to  Alaska, do  a short  tour, and                                                               
collect  the PFD  for  the rest  of  his career.    He said  this                                                               
process  is  recommended to  people,  and  he recounted  that  in                                                               
Virginia there  were many  Alaska license  plates.   He expressed                                                               
concern that  many PFDs are  going out of  state, and out  of the                                                               
country.   He said that  he and his family  rely on the  PFD, and                                                               
the statutory levels should be returned.                                                                                        
10:43:20 AM                                                                                                                   
The committee took an at-ease from 10:43 a.m. to 10:47 a.m.                                                                     
10:47:57 AM                                                                                                                   
LAURA HECKERT, representing self, called  for the passages of HJR
7  and HJR  8.   She  expressed  support for  going  back to  the                                                               
previous PFD distribution formula.                                                                                              
10:49:18 AM                                                                                                                   
The committee took an at-ease from 10:49 a.m. to 10:52 a.m.                                                                     
10:52:09 AM                                                                                                                   
WILLIAM REINER,  representing self,  expressed support for  HJR 8                                                               
and expressed disagreement  with HB 72, HB 90, HJR  7, and HJR 9.                                                               
He highlighted  that in  HJR 9  "muddies the  water."   He shared                                                               
that he's been  an Alaska resident since 1976 and  was around for                                                               
the start  of the  PFD.   He referred to  the U.S.  Supreme Court                                                               
case,  Zobel  v. Williams,  457  U.S.  55 (1982),  and  expressed                                                             
support for the  court decision in this case.   Regarding mineral                                                               
and  gas  royalties, he  disclosed  that  he  is not  an  Alaskan                                                               
Native, and because  of the 1948 law, he is  unable to access any                                                               
minerals, oil, or gas on his own property.                                                                                      
10:55:55 AM                                                                                                                   
JOEL SIGMAN,  representing self, testified  in support of  HJR 7,                                                               
as  he wants  a full  PFD.   He  expressed the  opinion that  the                                                               
legislature is  stealing people's money and  budgeting improperly                                                               
and all  residents should get  a full PFD.   He urged  members to                                                               
not take the money from the state's residents.                                                                                  
10:58:15 AM                                                                                                                   
SYBIL  CURRY, representing  self, shared  that she  has lived  in                                                               
Alaska for  20 years and  is a  legal immigrant from  a socialist                                                               
country.   She further shared that  she is a U.S.  citizen, a law                                                               
enforcement veteran,  and her grandparents are  survivors of Nazi                                                               
Germany.   She expressed  the opinion that  what is  happening in                                                               
America  is horrible,  noting that  several  banks have  crashed.                                                               
She said the people want  an original statutorily determined PFD,                                                               
and  she   recommended  that   the  PFD   be  enshrined   in  the                                                               
Constitution of the State of Alaska.                                                                                            
11:00:00 AM                                                                                                                   
[HB 90, HB 72, HJR 9, HJR 8, and HJR 7 were held over.]                                                                         

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HJR009A.PDF HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
HJR 9 sponsor statement.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
HJR 9 sectional analysis.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
2003-05-APFC-Resolution-POMV.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
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2020-01-APFC-Resolution-POMV-Support.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
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PF_singleaccount_graphic.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
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PF_TwoAccountgraphic.pdf HW&M 3/11/2023 9:00:00 AM
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