Legislature(2003 - 2004)

05/01/2003 08:06 AM House STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR  4-CONST AM: 90 DAY LEGISLATIVE SESSION                                                                                   
CHAIR WEYHRAUCH  announced that the  first order of  business was                                                               
HOUSE  JOINT RESOLUTION  NO.  4, Proposing  an  amendment to  the                                                               
Constitution of the  State of Alaska relating to  the duration of                                                               
a regular  session.   [Before the committee  is CSHJR  4, Version                                                               
23-LS0178\D, Cook, 3/28/03.]                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE RALPH SAMUELS, Alaska  State Legislature, spoke as                                                               
the sponsor of  HJR 4.  He informed the  committee that it should                                                               
have a copy of [Version 23-LS0178\H, Cook, 4/29/03].                                                                            
The committee took an at-ease from 8:11 a.m. to 8:12 a.m.                                                                       
CHAIR  WEYHRAUCH,  upon determining  no  one  wished to  testify,                                                               
closed public testimony.                                                                                                        
Number 0495                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE SAMUELS  explained that the change  encompassed in                                                               
Version  H specifies  that after  a gubernatorial  election there                                                               
would be  a 110-day session.   He noted that this  change was per                                                               
the committee's  amendment at  the prior  hearing of  HJR 4.   In                                                               
response   to  Representative   Seaton,  Representative   Samuels                                                               
related that Section 2(b) reads as follows:                                                                                     
          (b) Notwithstanding (a) of this section, the                                                                          
     first  regular  session   held  after  a  gubernatorial                                                                    
     election  is limited  to  one  hundred ten  consecutive                                                                    
     calendar  days.    The  session   may  be  extended  as                                                                    
     provided in (a) of this section.                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE  GRUENBERG  recalled  that it  was  generally  the                                                               
policy of the drafters to not use "Notwithstanding" language.                                                                   
Number 0624                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  moved  to  adopt  CSHJR  4  [Version  23-                                                               
LS0178\H, Cook,  4/29/03] as the  working document.   There being                                                               
no objection, [Version H] was before the committee.                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  moved  to  report CSHJR  4  [Version  23-                                                               
LS0178\H,  Cook,  4/29/03]  out   of  committee  with  individual                                                               
recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes.                                                                              
Number 0671                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  BERKOWITZ   objected.    He  remarked   that  the                                                               
constitution  should  only  be  amended  when  there's  no  other                                                               
alternative.   He  said that  there are  other alternatives  that                                                               
would lead to a 90-day session  or a shorter session.  Therefore,                                                               
he  viewed the  truly  conservative avenue  to  vote against  any                                                               
amendment  to  the  constitution  unless there  is  a  compelling                                                               
reason to do so and all other remedies have been exhausted.                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE HOLM  pointed out that [a  shorter session] hasn't                                                               
been  done since  1959.   He  believes  legislators will  perform                                                               
better by having the stricture of the constitution.                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE SAMUELS  remarked that he  doesn't view this  as a                                                               
[partisan] issue.  Furthermore,  a shorter session would possibly                                                               
increase  the pool  of people  who would  be willing  to run  for                                                               
office.  Representative Samuels pointed  out that 120 days was an                                                               
arbitrary number  and thus 90  days is also an  arbitrary number.                                                               
If the  length of  the session  isn't going  to be  limited, then                                                               
don't.  However, he suggested  that a session without a specified                                                               
length would result  in legislators working in  July.  Therefore,                                                               
if the desire  is to choose an arbitrary number,  then choose one                                                               
that is shorter.                                                                                                                
Number 0886                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE   BERKOWITZ    highlighted   that   this    is   a                                                               
constitutional  amendment and  it's  important  to have  dialogue                                                               
regarding the sponsor's and the  committee's intent.  With regard                                                               
to changing the  constitution because it might  increase the pool                                                               
of potential legislators,  Representative Berkowitz remarked that                                                               
he  didn't believe  the  constitution should  be  changed on  the                                                               
basis  of  supposition and  conjecture;  there  need to  be  more                                                               
concrete reasons.  Although he  agreed that there is a likelihood                                                               
that  more  people would  run  for  office,  there have  been  no                                                               
studies to determine  whether that's true nor  has the experience                                                               
of   other   states   with  shorter   sessions   been   reviewed.                                                               
Representative Berkowitz reiterated that  there are other ways in                                                               
which to  achieve a shorter  session, such as statutorily  or not                                                               
starting until the  30th day.  Because there is  no evidence that                                                               
shortening the  session to 90  days would improve  government, it                                                               
seems arbitrary to act in  support of a constitutional amendment.                                                               
"The  balance of  power argument  is significant,"  he said.   He                                                               
recalled that  when BP and ARCO  merged it was a  major issue for                                                               
the state  and because the  legislature wasn't in  session, there                                                               
were some severe problems for  the state's response to the issue.                                                               
However, he  agreed that having  an indefinite length  of session                                                               
would probably  result in the  expansion to meet  that indefinite                                                               
length.  There  hasn't been a showing that a  120-day session has                                                               
lead to too  many bad things.  Furthermore, no  matter the length                                                               
of the session, there will be the flurry of activity at the end.                                                                
Number 1105                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON noted that it  has been postulated that the                                                               
legislature did nothing  for the six weeks.   However, he recalls                                                               
being   very   busy   serving   his   constituents,   introducing                                                               
legislation, and  working with the  [Salmon Industry  Task Force]                                                               
and people  to draft legislation for  senior citizen legislation.                                                               
Representative Seaton  said he didn't  view [the notion  that the                                                               
legislature  did   nothing  for  the   first  six  weeks]   as  a                                                               
justification for going to a 90-day session.                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GRUENBERG said  that he  would like  to associate                                                               
himself with Representative Berkowitz's comments.                                                                               
Number 1280                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  BERKOWITZ  withdrew  his objection  to  reporting                                                               
Version H from committee.                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON withdrew  his motion  to report  Version H                                                               
from committee.                                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG  expressed concern regarding the  use of                                                               
the "Notwithstanding"  language and  offered the removal  of that                                                               
language   as  a   conceptual  amendment   upon  the   review  of                                                               
Legislative Legal and Research Services.                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE SAMUELS  asked if he promised  to have Legislative                                                               
Legal   and   Research   Services   review   the   use   of   the                                                               
"Notwithstanding"   language,   would  Representative   Gruenberg                                                               
withdraw  his motion  and the  matter could  be addressed  in the                                                               
House Judiciary Standing Committee.                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE GRUENBERG withdrew his motion.                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON  moved  to  report CSHJR  4,  Version  23-                                                               
LS0178\H,  Cook,  4/29/03,  out   of  committee  with  individual                                                               
recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes.                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE BERKOWITZ objected.                                                                                              
A  roll  call vote  was  taken.   Representatives  Holm,  Seaton,                                                               
Dahlstrom, Lynn, and Weyhrauch voted  in favor of reporting CSHJR
4,  Version H.   Representatives  Berkowitz  and Gruenberg  voted                                                               
against  it.   Therefore, CSHJR  4(STA) was  reported out  of the                                                               
House State Affairs Standing Committee by a vote of 5-2.                                                                        

Document Name Date/Time Subjects