Legislature(2009 - 2010)BARNES 124
02/26/2009 10:15 AM House FISHERIES
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
HB43 | |
HB143 | |
HCR6 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HCR 6-COOK INLET SALMON TASK FORCE 11:50:40 AM CHAIR EDGMON announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 6, Recreating the Cook Inlet Salmon Task Force as a joint legislative task force. 11:50:42 AM REPRESENTATIVE CRAIG JOHNSON introduced HCR 6 as an extension of the Cook Inlet Salmon Task Force, which originally formed due to constituent complaints. The task force had a specific mission: to investigate the causes of low salmon returns to the Cook Inlet area. He reported that the task force met four times, without conclusive results. 11:52:13 AM REPRESENTATIVE MILLETT moved to adopt committee substitute (CS) for HCR 6, Version 26-LS0395\E, Kane, 2/4/09, as the working document. 11:52:22 AM CHAIR EDGMON objected for discussion. 11:52:26 AM REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON said that the CS adds public members to the task force, in concert with the legislative members. Community participation will be further encouraged by integrating the publicly appointed members. The task force will be reduced in size by this action, but the expectation is to have private sector representation from commercial and sport fishing entities. He opined that recreating this body as a joint task force will provide a means to avoid continued pit falls, allow a neutral stance to address issues, and opined "I think we would be ahead of the game." 11:55:24 AM CHAIR EDGMON announced that the bill would be held for further review, and public testimony.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
CSHB143(FSH)--Sponsor Statement.pdf |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HB 143 |
DraftCSHB143(FSH).PDF |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HB 143 |
Work Draft for HCR6 CS.PDF |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
DraftCSHB143(FSH).PDF |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HB 143 |
HB143-KRSASupportLetter.PDF |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HB 143 |
HB143--ProgramRegs.PDF |
HFSH 2/26/2009 10:15:00 AM |
HB 143 |