Legislature(1995 - 1996)

04/18/1996 02:20 PM Senate L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                HB 497 CHIROPRACTIC PEER REVIEW                               
 SENATOR KELLY announced HB 497 to be up for consideration.                    
 TIM SULLIVAN, Staff to sponsor, Representative Eldon Mulder,                  
 testified that the Chiropractic Peer Review Committee consists of             
 three chiropractors and one lay person.  Under current statute only           
 the chiropractors on the committee have immunity for decisions they           
 make as committee members, not the lay person.  This bill gives all           
 members immunity.                                                             
 Section two of the bill provides that patient records are                     
 confidential to the peer review process if they were confidential             
 before being submitted to the committee.                                      
 SENATOR TORGERSON moved to pass HB 497 from committee with                    
 individual recommendations.  There were no objections and it was so           

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