Legislature(2007 - 2008)

03/18/2008 02:40 PM House TRA

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 372-HIGHWAY DESIGN FLEXIBILITY/MUNICIPALITIES                                                                              
[Due  to  technical  difficulties  there  is  no  audio  for  the                                                               
following five minutes.  The  minutes were reconstructed from the                                                               
secretary's notes.]                                                                                                             
4:01:55 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR JOHANSEN announced  that the final order  of business would                                                               
be  HOUSE  BILL NO.  372,  "An  Act  relating to  highway  design                                                               
flexibility and  to the assumption  by municipalities  of certain                                                               
duties related to highways."                                                                                                    
4:02:16 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH  moved that the committee  adopt as the                                                               
working  document  Version  25-LS0525\L, Kane,  3/13/08.    There                                                               
being no objection, Version L was before the committee.                                                                         
4:02:35 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE BOB  BUCH, Alaska State Legislature,  reminded the                                                               
committee  that context  sensitive solutions  (CSS) is  a process                                                               
for the  design of new roads  and redesign of old  roads in which                                                               
all of the  stakeholders are involved from the  beginning.  Under                                                               
CSS, community  involvement is  expanded when  the road  is being                                                               
designed and  also includes experts with  different perspectives.                                                               
Most importantly,  these folks are  brought in early in  order to                                                               
take  into   account  all  the   different  uses  of   the  road.                                                               
Representative Buch related  that CSS is being used  all over the                                                               
nation  with  great  success.    In  fact,  the  Federal  Highway                                                               
[Administration]  (FHWA) has  as one  of its  strategic goals  to                                                               
have CSS adopted  in all 50 states by 2007.   Representative Buch                                                               
opined that  CSS has reduced  controversies in roads,  the number                                                               
of lawsuits, and has resulted in  better roads.  According to the                                                               
FHWA, 43 states have implemented CSS.                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE  BUCH acknowledged  that last  week the  committee                                                               
expressed  concerns, which  he  subsequently  discussed with  the                                                               
Department  of Transportation  & Public  Facilities (DOT&PF)  and                                                               
addressed in  Version L.  He  mentioned that to this  point there                                                               
have  been four  committee  substitutes (CS),  every concern  has                                                               
been addressed,  and Legislative Legal and  Research Services has                                                               
made it legally sound.   Therefore, Representative Buch asked the                                                               
committee to support [Version L].                                                                                               
4:05:16 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE    FAIRCLOUGH   asked    from   who    the   facts                                                               
Representative Buch related come.                                                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE BUCH related  that he has worked  with a community                                                               
council  on  this   matter  for  years  and   has  received  much                                                               
information  from a  community councilman  who has  been involved                                                               
with this  issue for over a  decade and who testified  at a prior                                                               
hearing.   Furthermore, there is a  web site that has  all of the                                                               
aforementioned information.                                                                                                     
4:05:35 PM                                                                                                                    
[Recording starts.]                                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE  BUCH recalled  giving staff  a DVD  that reviewed                                                               
this and included web sites  and information.  Basically, this is                                                               
something that  the FHWA  has been promoting  for some  time, and                                                               
therefore most of the information came from FHWA.                                                                               
4:06:24 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH said she will check with the FHWA.                                                                    
4:06:39 PM                                                                                                                    
DEBORAH BREVOORT, Staff to Representative  Bob Buch, Alaska State                                                               
Legislature, speaking  on behalf  of the  sponsor, Representative                                                               
Buch, noted  that she will  be referring to  Version 25-LS0525\L.                                                               
She recalled that last week  the committee expressed the need for                                                               
the legislation to  contain language that allows  DOT&PF to scale                                                               
the  CSS  process  to  the  complexity,  size,  and  scope  of  a                                                               
particular  project.   She further  recalled that  Representative                                                               
Neuman  and  DOT&PF   were  concerned  with  the   long  list  of                                                               
stakeholders  in the  previous  version  because different  folks                                                               
would come forward and  ask to be added to the  list.  To address                                                               
those concerns,  on page  2, lines  9-14, the  following language                                                               
was added:                                                                                                                      
      (d) In carrying out the design process described in                                                                       
     (c) of this section, the commissioner may                                                                                  
          (1) consult with affected citizens, elected                                                                           
       officials, interest groups, and other stakeholders                                                                       
     appropriate for a particular project; and                                                                                  
          (2) scale the process commensurate with the                                                                           
     scope, complexity, and effect of the project.                                                                              
MS. BREVOORT noted that the  aforementioned language was provided                                                               
by DOT&PF.  Another key change  in the above subsection is use of                                                               
the word  "may" rather  than "shall."   The belief,  she related,                                                               
was  that the  term  "may" would  provide  the commissioner  more                                                               
flexibility  and   avoid  lawsuits  due  to   the  discretion  it                                                               
provides.   Ms. Brevoort then  recalled that DOT&PF wanted  to be                                                               
sure  that  this  legislation  only  applied  to  those  projects                                                               
beginning after the  effective date of the  legislation, which is                                                               
now specified on page 2, lines  30-31.  The other change embodied                                                               
in  Version  L  is  on  page  1, line  6,  which  uses  the  term                                                               
"principles" rather than "standards."                                                                                           
4:10:13 PM                                                                                                                    
MS. BREVOORT, in  response to Representative Buch,  said that she                                                               
can provide members a handout from  the CSS web site, which is in                                                               
partnership with FHWA.   The web site relates that  Alaska is not                                                               
one of the  43 states employing CSS.  The  information also comes                                                               
from the  Anchorage Road Coalition  and the  American Association                                                               
of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO).                                                                         
4:11:19 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH clarified  that she  is interested  in                                                               
specific studies with specific report  dates in order to know who                                                               
collected the specific data.                                                                                                    
MS. BREVOORT offered to obtain that information.                                                                                
4:12:11 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH  then inquired as to  who testified for                                                               
the Anchorage Road Coalition.                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  DOOGAN answered  that it  was a  gentleman named,                                                               
Frank McQueary.                                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  BUCH,  in   further  response  to  Representative                                                               
Fairclough, specified  that Mr. McQueary  was with the  Sand Lake                                                               
Community  Council.   Mr. McQueary  has been  involved with  this                                                               
process for  15 years,  although he  doesn't have  an engineering                                                               
degree.  The  research mainly came through  highway engineers and                                                               
their particular design process in the Lower 48.                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH informed  the committee  that she  has                                                               
been involved  in multiple projects  that used CSS, and  thus she                                                               
has  a  different  perspective after  serving  on  the  Anchorage                                                               
Metropolitan Area Transportation Solutions (AMATS).                                                                             
4:13:40 PM                                                                                                                    
JEFF   OTTESEN,  Director,   Division  of   Program  Development,                                                               
Department  of  Transportation   &  Public  Facilities  (DOT&PF),                                                               
opined that  Representative Buch and  DOT&PF have worked  hard to                                                               
develop legislation that everyone  can support, although it's not                                                               
quite  there.   He  expressed  concern  that the  legislation  is                                                               
prescriptive rather  than permissive,  which is  a risk.   Forty-                                                               
three  states have  implemented CSS.    Alaska should  be on  the                                                               
list, but Alaska isn't listed  because the state's policy doesn't                                                               
use the  term CSS.  Mr.  Ottesen related that DOT&PF  takes issue                                                               
with the  term CSS,  which he characterized  as a  moving target.                                                               
Mr.  Ottesen said  Alaska adopted  flexible design  standards and                                                               
involved stakeholders  in design  much earlier than  most states.                                                               
Furthermore,  [DOT&PF]  has  been   training  with  a  nationally                                                               
prominent training center  to involve nontraditional stakeholders                                                               
since the early 1990s.   Since CSS has become a  term of art, the                                                               
department  has  received  training   in  CSS.    Currently,  CSS                                                               
approaches  are  utilized  in   all  relevant  projects  and  all                                                               
regions.    For  example,   the  highway-to-highway  request  for                                                               
proposals (RFP) specifically speaks to  the team being trained in                                                               
4:16:05 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. OTTESEN clarified that DOT&PF  supports and already uses CSS.                                                               
The  department's  concern  is  how  it's put  on  paper.    From                                                               
experience, the  department knows that prescriptive  statutes can                                                               
be used to stall  or kill a project.  Most  states that adopt the                                                               
CSS policy don't do  so in statute.  Of the  four states that did                                                               
adopt  the CSS  policy  in statute,  three  states utilized  very                                                               
permissive language and the fourth  state, without the permissive                                                               
language,  has  an  exemption of  liability.    Therefore,  those                                                               
states  have allowed  for the  fact that  the state  shouldn't be                                                               
sued  for these  issues  should they  proceed to  use  CSS.   Mr.                                                               
Ottesen related that the department's  concern that CSS is a term                                                               
of art.   The  legislation points  to a policy  of the  FHWA, and                                                               
therefore the state is tying its  future to the policy of a third                                                               
party that  can change  its policies  and can  do so  without any                                                               
notification or  involvement of  the state.   As an  example, Mr.                                                               
Ottesen  informed  the  committee  that the  FHWA  has  a  policy                                                               
regarding how  scenic byway grants  are selected.  In  2008, FHWA                                                               
changed those  criteria, didn't announce  that to the  states, or                                                               
ask states  for input.   The department  happened to  learn about                                                               
this after staff read about it on a web site.                                                                                   
4:18:37 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. OTTESEN then expressed concern  that HB 372 doesn't allow any                                                               
exemptions.   There  are frequently  categories of  projects that                                                               
need  exemption.    For  instance, an  emergency  response  on  a                                                               
failing  bridge   or  a  wash   out  during  a  flood.     Again,                                                               
prescriptive  language often  gets interpreted  in very  specific                                                               
ways before  a judge and  without exemption language there  is no                                                               
way  out.   In  conclusion,  Mr.  Ottesen  said that  DOT&PF  has                                                               
implemented  and already  does  CSS  and the  risk  is that  this                                                               
legislation is prescriptive.                                                                                                    
4:19:57 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN asked  if Mr. Ottesen considers  the use of                                                               
the term "shall" as prescriptive.                                                                                               
MR. OTTESEN replied yes, adding  that he's also referring to [the                                                               
way in which] it ties it to  a list of things that the department                                                               
has to  do.  He  reiterated his  earlier comments that  there are                                                               
other  states  with  much  more  permissive  language  than  that                                                               
specified in HB 372.                                                                                                            
4:20:29 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN  related his  understanding that HB  372 is                                                               
intended  to get  DOT&PF to  design  projects in  a certain  way,                                                               
which he  said he  wasn't sure  how that  could be  achieved with                                                               
permissive language.   Therefore, he  surmised that at  times the                                                               
department doesn't want to follow these requirements.                                                                           
MR. OTTESEN  replied no,  and added  "We don't  want to  have ...                                                               
someone be able to  use this as a club against us  if we have not                                                               
talked to  every single  group because we  didn't know  about the                                                               
new group  that formed last week."   Mr. Ottesen opined  that the                                                               
reference to  all stakeholders is a  fairly broad list.   He then                                                               
reiterated that  DOT&PF already uses  [CSS] in policy  and design                                                               
manuals and the  department isn't being sued,  and therefore [the                                                               
existing process]  is working successfully.   He highlighted that                                                               
the  department  does  flex  its   design  standards  and  engage                                                               
stakeholders in the process.                                                                                                    
4:22:33 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  JOHANSEN  suggested  that Representative  Doogan  and  Mr.                                                               
Ottesen may be talking about two different "shalls."                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN inquired as to  what Mr. Ottesen means when                                                               
he refers to prescriptive language.                                                                                             
MR. OTTESEN  deferred to  other staff scheduled  to testify.   He                                                               
then  reiterated that  only  four states  out of  42  or 43  have                                                               
chosen to  go the statutory route.   If 90 percent  of the states                                                               
that have  adopted CSS are  doing so  without statute, it  can be                                                               
done other ways, he opined.                                                                                                     
4:23:43 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN  surmised that  DOT&PF would prefer  not to                                                               
pass  HB  372, but  if  it  is  passed  the department  wants  it                                                               
MR.  OTTESEN, in  response  to  Representative Doogan,  confirmed                                                               
that DOT&PF  would prefer not  to pass HB  372.  However,  if the                                                               
legislation is passed, it would want  to change it.  In fact, the                                                               
department did  have a  version of  the legislation  that doesn't                                                               
use the CSS term of art, but it speaks to the principles of CSS.                                                                
4:24:19 PM                                                                                                                    
PETER PUTZIER, Senior  Assistant Attorney General, Transportation                                                               
Section, Civil  Division (Juneau), Department of  Law, echoed Mr.                                                               
Ottesen's testimony  that the  principle of  CSS by  itself isn't                                                               
problematic.   The question is regarding  how to get it  on paper                                                               
if it is  decided to be placed  in statute.  Mr.  Putzier said he                                                               
will  discuss the  six legal  issues  with Version  L.   Firstly,                                                               
Section  1 is  a mandate,  but  it is  unclear how  to meet  that                                                               
mandate.    For  instance,  he questioned  how  early  is  "early                                                               
enough" and  what does  "ongoing" mean.   Section  1 opens  up an                                                               
immediate  problem  of implementation,  which  he  said he  would                                                               
discuss  later.   Secondly, Version  L requires  DOT&PF to  use a                                                               
design  process   that  ensures  consistency  with   federal  CSS                                                               
principles.   However,  to his  knowledge,  no one  can point  to                                                               
where these  principles are or  exactly how these  principles are                                                               
defined.  A  vague and ambiguous term is being  applied.  He then                                                               
questioned how  the standard  can be  met and  compliance proven.                                                               
He opined  that CSS appears  to be an "aspirational"  goal, which                                                               
really isn't  a principle, to  get the community involved  in the                                                               
design process.  Thirdly, consideration  of many specific factors                                                               
must occur.  The aforementioned is  what Mr. Ottesen refers to as                                                               
the  prescriptive  factors.    Section  1  lists  nine  different                                                               
factors.  In  so far as those factors are  required, the question                                                               
regarding  whether  each  was adequately  addressed  is  invited.                                                               
Therefore,  anyone  who is  disgruntled  with  any given  project                                                               
could challenge  on the basis  that the specific  factors weren't                                                               
adequately  met.     The  best  analogy  is   with  the  National                                                               
Environmental Policy  Act (NEPA),  which is a  procedural statute                                                               
that was  passed in  1970 by the  federal government  to consider                                                               
environmental  consequences.   As  everyone  is  aware, NEPA  has                                                               
engendered massive amounts of litigation  charging that there was                                                               
failure  to adequately  consider environmental  consequences, the                                                               
analysis was  flawed in some  manner, or all  viable alternatives                                                               
weren't considered.   Therefore,  even if  the statute  is merely                                                               
procedural, it  can engender a  tremendous amount  of litigation,                                                               
he stated.                                                                                                                      
4:28:46 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. PUTZIER turned  to the fourth issue, which  is something that                                                               
he  said  he  would  need  to   follow-up.    He  noted  that  AS                                                               
19.10.160(a) specifies that DOT&PF  must conform its standards as                                                               
closely  as practicable  to  those adopted  by  AASHTO, while  in                                                               
proposed  AS  19.10.160(c)  the legislation  mandates  compliance                                                               
with principles in  the CSS system.  Therefore,  he expressed the                                                               
need to  ensure that  those two  subsections aren't  in conflict.                                                               
Mr. Putzier moved on to  his fifth concern regarding the conflict                                                               
between AS  19.10.160(c) and  (d) in  which it's  unclear whether                                                               
it's permissive  or mandatory to consult  with affected citizens.                                                               
Therefore, AS 19.10.160(c)  and (d) need to be  harmonized.  With                                                               
regard to the  sixth concern, Mr. Putzier opined that  there is a                                                               
tort and  civil liability aspect  to this legislation  that needs                                                               
to be  explored.  A  spectrum of design  choices can result  in a                                                               
situation   in  which   community/citizen  involvement   would've                                                               
resulted in  one choice,  while the  process resulted  in another                                                               
choice.    The  aforementioned, he  opined,  invites  plaintiffs'                                                               
attorneys to challenge  the design decisions made as  a result of                                                               
this process.   This is  a very real  danger, which seemed  to be                                                               
recognized in  Hawaii where waiver  of liability  provisions were                                                               
included.   Mr.  Putzier concluded  by clarifying  that he  isn't                                                               
arguing  against CSS  as an  idea,  which he  characterized as  a                                                               
worthy concept.   However, this  legislation in its  current form                                                               
requires  uncertain  procedures  and  principles,  and  virtually                                                               
guarantees litigation.                                                                                                          
4:31:04 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH requested  that Mr.  Putzier speak  to                                                               
his experience with litigation on transportation projects.                                                                      
MR. PUTZIER informed the committee  that he has been representing                                                               
DOT&PF since  December 1999  and represented  DOT&PF, in  a broad                                                               
spectrum,    regarding   construction    claims,   administrative                                                               
proceedings, and environmental  litigation.  He said  that he has                                                               
represented DOT&PF in numerous venues.                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE   FAIRCLOUGH   inquired   as  to   Mr.   Putzier's                                                               
experience with challenges to the  NEPA process and the impact in                                                               
terms of cost of the project and time involved.                                                                                 
MR. PUTZIER acknowledged that once  a project is disputed, it can                                                               
take years  and cost untold  amounts of money in  litigation fees                                                               
and additional  studies.  In  further response  to Representative                                                               
Fairclough, Mr. Putzier confirmed that  DOL does bill DOT&PF, but                                                               
he didn't know what  it totals at the end of the  year.  He noted                                                               
that  he bills  project by  project,  and thus  could inform  the                                                               
committee of the legal fees by project.                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH related  her understanding  that legal                                                               
fees can  cut both  ways, that  is litigation  can mean  that the                                                               
department  is  challenged  a  lot  or it  isn't  doing  its  job                                                               
4:34:09 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  PUTZIER, in  response  to  Representative Doogan,  confirmed                                                               
that  DOT&PF  gets  sued  as  it is.    In  further  response  to                                                               
Representative Doogan, Mr. Putzier  related his opinion that this                                                               
legislation  would result  in  more litigation.    He echoed  his                                                               
earlier remarks  that as consideration  of these  various factors                                                               
are required,  it invites the  question regarding  whether DOT&PF                                                               
has  done   its  job  adequately.     Therefore,   an  individual                                                               
disgruntled with  a project can  result in a good  faith argument                                                               
that the department didn't adequately  consider a specific matter                                                               
or group.   He further pointed  out that the factors  aren't very                                                               
tangible and are  factors on which reasonable  people can differ.                                                               
"In  so  far  as  reasonable   can  differ  and  we're  requiring                                                               
compliance,  I see  no other  outcome but  that there's  probably                                                               
going to be litigation engendered," he opined.                                                                                  
4:36:09 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  DOOGAN   surmised  then   that  there   would  be                                                               
litigation  to  define  what is  not  defined  or  insufficiently                                                               
defined for  the legal  profession.  Therefore,  he asked  if the                                                               
lawsuits would taper off or continue.                                                                                           
MR. PUTZIER reiterated his earlier  analogy with NEPA litigation,                                                               
for which  there has  been no  clarity.   In further  response to                                                               
Representative  Doogan,  Mr.  Putzier  confirmed  that  it's  his                                                               
opinion that this  proposed legislation opens up a  legal hole of                                                               
undetermined depth for DOT&PF.                                                                                                  
4:37:38 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH  outlined the  steps in the  process of                                                               
project  proposal,   public  notification,  design,   and  public                                                               
comment.   She opined that  the time when  one can make  the most                                                               
difference is  about 15 years  before a  project starts.   When a                                                               
project is  first proposed and  public notice goes out,  few come                                                               
forward to speak.   However, by the time the  project reaches its                                                               
design  phase,  more community  members  come  forward since  the                                                               
project  seems more  real.   The litigation  arises in  the first                                                               
phase, she noted.   As the process continues,  more people become                                                               
aware of  the projects.   Representative Fairclough  related that                                                               
she supports  CSS, but recalled when  it was used on  15th Avenue                                                               
in Anchorage and the project went  from a $1 million project to a                                                               
$15  million  project.    The  more  groups  that  are  involved,                                                               
different ideas  come forward,  she said.   She relayed  that she                                                               
has  watched  projects  languish  for 10  years  because  various                                                               
groups feel  disenfranchised.   She suggested  that she  would be                                                               
supportive if there was a site  on which notice [of projects] was                                                               
posted versus the state having to reach out to all groups.                                                                      
4:42:50 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  DOOGAN clarified  that  he was  trying  to get  a                                                               
handle on  the scope  of the  litigation on  these projects.   He                                                               
said he  is unwilling to  open up  more options to  delay things,                                                               
particularly  when   he  believes   there  is   already  adequate                                                               
opportunity to  do so.  Therefore,  he said he will  have trouble                                                               
supporting HB 372  if it means that there will  be more lawsuits,                                                               
more delays, and higher cost projects.                                                                                          
4:44:02 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH  pointed   out  that  the  legislature                                                               
establishes  law   at  a  "30,000-foot  level"   and  allows  the                                                               
departments to interpret that law.   If CSS or its principles are                                                               
already being  utilized by  DOT&PF, then it  would seem  to solve                                                               
some of the problems, she remarked.                                                                                             
4:45:16 PM                                                                                                                    
MARK NEIDHOLD,  Chief Design  & Construction  Standards, Division                                                               
of Design  & Engineering Standards, Department  of Transportation                                                               
&  Public Facilities,  echoed earlier  testimony  that DOT&PF  is                                                               
already applying the principles  of early and ongoing stakeholder                                                               
involvement  in the  project development  process.   He specified                                                               
that  he chose  not to  use the  term CSS  because it's  a moving                                                               
target.   As  early as  1991 DOT&PF  offered training  classes to                                                               
DOT&PF staff  and consultants because  it was the right  thing to                                                               
do to  meet the needs  of all the affected  people.  In  2003 and                                                               
2004 additional  training regarding the flexibility  that existed                                                               
in the design standards was provided.   Alaska is an AASHTO state                                                               
and  per  the federal  regulations,  Alaska  is required  to  use                                                               
AASHTO's design standards  on all highway projects  that are part                                                               
of the National  Highway System.  He noted that  virtually all of                                                               
those  standards  have  been adopted  for  non-NHS  projects  and                                                               
state-funded  projects.     Mr.  Neidhold  reiterated   that  the                                                               
flexibility  of CSS  already exists  in  the [design]  standards.                                                               
There  is  a range  of  values/standards;  AASHTO and  FHWA  have                                                               
offered guidance  with regard to  applying flexibility  in design                                                               
issues.      He  informed   the   committee   that  the   current                                                               
environmental  procedures  manual  and design  procedures  manual                                                               
identify the department's expectation  at a management level that                                                               
the design  project development staff  use the early  and ongoing                                                               
stakeholder  development   and  coordination  process   when  the                                                               
projects  are  developed.   Currently,  CSS  isn't recognized  by                                                               
name.   With regard to the  comment that CSS is  a moving target,                                                               
Mr.  Neidhold related  that  he has  sat in  on  meetings of  the                                                               
AASHTO subcommittee on  design at the federal  level during which                                                               
people  have   said  that  CSS   stands  for  Consensus   by  all                                                               
Stakeholders.  The aforementioned is  untenable and would be like                                                               
trying to  pass a  bill unanimously.   Furthermore,  CSS includes                                                               
language  specifying   involving  all  stakeholders,   which  Mr.                                                               
Neidhold said is  an impossible task.  Mr.  Neidhold informed the                                                               
committee   that  his   staff  is   updating  the   environmental                                                               
procedures manual to  include CSS, by name, while  taking care to                                                               
incorporate  CSS,  as practiced  by  Alaska  DOT&PF.   He  echoed                                                               
earlier testimony that since DOT&PF  already uses CSS, it doesn't                                                               
see  the need  to  address it  in statute  due  to the  potential                                                               
liability exposure.                                                                                                             
4:50:56 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  NEIDHOLD recalled  Representative  Doogan's earlier  comment                                                               
that DOT&PF  doesn't want to have  to apply CSS all  the time, to                                                               
which Mr.  Neidhold noted his  agreement.  He related  that there                                                               
are  many  classes of  projects  in  which  the response  to  the                                                               
public's need  warrants moving ahead  without an  involved public                                                               
involvement process.   For example, a  highway safety improvement                                                               
project in  which the department  has identified a  guardrail end                                                               
terminal that isn't  safe.  It would be unreasonable  to say that                                                               
DOT&PF has to  go through an involved public process  in order to                                                               
address  that  particular safety  issue.    Therefore, there  are                                                               
projects on which DOT&PF doesn't want  to be required to use CSS.                                                               
Mr.   Neidhold  then   turned   to  Representative   Fairclough's                                                               
statements regarding the process.   He pointed out that DOT&PF is                                                               
charged  with balancing  the public  need for  the transportation                                                               
system with  the impacts  to the  individual property  owners and                                                               
other interest groups.  The  department, he opined, works hard to                                                               
address  the balance  in a  manner that  results in  the greatest                                                               
public  good  with  the  least private  harm.    If  prescriptive                                                               
statutory  language  that  could   potentially  be  construed  as                                                               
requiring steps that  the department was judged to  have not done                                                               
or  done  inadequately  is  used,  it  could  potentially  impair                                                               
DOT&PF's ability to deliver projects,  he opined.  In conclusion,                                                               
Mr.  Neidhold  said, "And  the  bottom  line  is it's  not  DOT's                                                               
transportation  system;  the  department  is  responding  to  the                                                               
public's need  for their transportation  system and we  work very                                                               
hard through the public process  to deliver projects that do just                                                               
that ...."                                                                                                                      
4:54:52 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.   NEIDHOLD,  in   response   to  Representative   Fairclough,                                                               
confirmed   that  principles   or   early   and  ongoing   public                                                               
involvement are included.  In  further response to Representative                                                               
Fairclough, Mr.  Neidhold confirmed that  as a matter  of federal                                                               
law,   as  part   of  Safe,   Accountable,  Flexible,   Efficient                                                               
Transportation Equity  Act:  A  Legacy  for  Users  (SAFETEA-LU),                                                               
public involvement is required in  the development of the initial                                                               
plan.   Under  SAFETEA-LU, the  federal funding  for the  highway                                                               
transportation   bill  further   required  state   transportation                                                               
organizations  to  engage  the public  with  amendments  to  that                                                               
statewide  transportation improvement  plan  (STIP).   Therefore,                                                               
there's a  very prescriptive  requirement for  public involvement                                                               
on the STIP.                                                                                                                    
4:56:01 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH clarified  that she  is interested  in                                                               
whether the  federal government is  already requiring CSS  or not                                                               
and whether  the state is  applying it through principles  in the                                                               
department's  regulations,  or  is  the  department  meeting  the                                                               
federal requirements in a different method than outlined in CSS.                                                                
MR. NEIDHOLD  responded that under  the federal  requirements for                                                               
the  development  of the  STIP  for  the development  of  highway                                                               
system projects, early on in  the development of the program/plan                                                               
as well as  in the development of individual  projects, there are                                                               
requirements  for public  involvement.    Those requirements  are                                                               
being  met  under the  department's  current  procedures.   Under                                                               
federal projects,  the language in HB  372 wouldn't substantially                                                               
change how  the department  does business  with respect  to those                                                               
federal  projects.     With  regard  to   state-funded  projects,                                                               
although there  isn't law that  requires that process,  DOT&PF is                                                               
already applying those.                                                                                                         
4:57:45 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH  asked if all the  factors specified in                                                               
the proposed  legislation are  being taken  into account  now and                                                               
the sponsor  is seeking alignment with  the federal requirements.                                                               
She then  inquired as to  what isn't in the  legislation, besides                                                               
early and  often public involvement,  that the sponsor  is trying                                                               
to address.                                                                                                                     
MR. NEIDHOLD  responded that  he believes the  answer to  that is                                                               
nothing.   With regard  to whether  the department  is addressing                                                               
all  those  issues  specified  in  every  project,  Mr.  Neidhold                                                               
reiterated  that the  department doesn't  address all  the issues                                                               
for  certain  classes of  projects  whereas  for the  significant                                                               
projects they are addressed.   Version L, with the language which                                                               
allows scaling  the process commensurate  with the  complexity of                                                               
the  project,  would  change  nothing  short  of  any  litigation                                                               
regarding  how   effectively  the  department   administered  the                                                               
process.   The department's concern with  HB 327 is in  regard to                                                               
the exposure to  litigation because of the  prescriptive list and                                                               
the removal of the department's  ability to apply principles that                                                               
are appropriate for an individual project.                                                                                      
5:01:18 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR JOHANSEN  surmised that this  committee is in favor  of the                                                               
concept of CSS, while the  department is saying that it's already                                                               
doing  some of  the  things  specified in  the  legislation.   He                                                               
related his  understanding that the department's  real concern is                                                               
in regard to  exposure to litigation.   However, this committee's                                                               
jurisdiction  doesn't extend  to  legal matters.   Therefore,  he                                                               
said he  hesitated to have  the drafter comment.   Chair Johansen                                                               
then said he  would feel most comfortable requesting  that HB 372                                                               
be sent to the House Judiciary Standing Committee.                                                                              
5:03:06 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE BUCH said that while  he can understand the issues                                                               
raised by DOT&PF,  those concerns have been  addressed in Version                                                               
L.    In  fact,  he  opined  that  the  legislation  offers  less                                                               
litigious  language  than  the department  already  faces.    The                                                               
reason  for  coming  forth  with  this idea  is  because  of  the                                                               
existing process that  has been prolonged due to  litigation.  By                                                               
having early involvement  in the process, it  removes the chances                                                               
of litigation  and shortens  the length  of projects,  he opined.                                                               
With  regard  to the  proposal  to  refer  HB  372 to  the  House                                                               
Judiciary  Standing Committee,  Representative  Buch deferred  to                                                               
the committee's experience and expertise.                                                                                       
5:05:25 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR JOHANSEN closed public testimony on HB 372.                                                                               
5:05:41 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH  moved to report CSHB  372, Version 25-                                                               
LS0525\L,  Kane,  3/13/08,  out   of  committee  with  individual                                                               
recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes.                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN objected.                                                                                                 
5:06:04 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH clarified  that  she  isn't trying  to                                                               
stop  the process  with  her  questions, but  she  noted the  she                                                               
hasn't   had   good   experience   with   this   in   the   past.                                                               
Representative Fairclough  informed the committee that  she won't                                                               
oppose moving  Version L  from committee,  but will  recommend Do                                                               
Not  Pass  in  the  bill  report.     She  opined  that  she  has                                                               
experienced so  much litigation,  in the  form of  delay tactics,                                                               
along the lines of NEPA.   She then related that she doesn't know                                                               
how to  appropriately allow community  members who  see something                                                               
is wrong with the process to  express that in an equitable manner                                                               
without having the cost of the project increase.                                                                                
5:07:44 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOOGAN withdrew his objection.                                                                                   
5:07:54 PM                                                                                                                    
There  being no  further  objection, CSHB  372(TRA) was  reported                                                               
from the House Transportation Standing Committee.                                                                               

Document Name Date/Time Subjects