Legislature(1999 - 2000)

03/29/2000 01:40 PM House RES

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 333 - DIVE FISHERY MANAGEMENT ASSESSMENT                                                                                   
CO-CHAIR  HUDSON announced  that the  next order  of business  was                                                              
HOUSE BILL  NO. 333, "An  Act relating  to the accounting  for and                                                              
appropriations  of the  dive  fishery management  assessment;  and                                                              
providing  for   an  effective  date."    Co-Chair   Hudson  asked                                                              
Representative John Harris to speak  to the bill as co-chairman of                                                              
the House Special Committee on Fisheries.                                                                                       
Number 1405                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  HARRIS explained  that the  bill reauthorizes  the                                                              
dive fishery to collect and deposit  fees into the state treasury.                                                              
In that  way, the  fees collected  can be  expended in  accordance                                                              
with the  annual oversight  provided by  the Alaska Department  of                                                              
Fish & Game (ADF&G).                                                                                                            
CO-CHAIR HUDSON remarked that the bill is long overdue.                                                                         
Number 1452                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  BARNES  made  a  motion  to move  HB  333  out  of                                                              
committee with individual recommendations  and accompanying fiscal                                                              
notes; she asked unanimous consent.   There being no objection, HB
333 moved from the House Resources Standing Committee.                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects