Legislature(2007 - 2008)CAPITOL 106

01/22/2008 08:00 AM House STATE AFFAIRS

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Moved CSHB 305(STA) Out of Committee
Moved Out of Committee
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
HB 305-CAMPAIGN FUND RAISING DURING SESSIONS                                                                                  
8:13:34 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR LYNN announced  that the first order of  business was HOUSE                                                               
BILL NO.  305, "An  Act relating  to campaign  fund raising  by a                                                               
legislator, legislative  employee, or  candidate for  election to                                                               
the  legislature   during  a   regular  or   special  legislative                                                               
8:13:57 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KEVIN  MEYER, Alaska State  Legislature, presented                                                               
HB  305  as prime  sponsor.    He  said  the law  that  prohibits                                                               
legislators from  raising money  during service in  office should                                                               
extend to federal and local  law.  The proposed legislation would                                                               
make the laws uniform.  He  stated that there is not an effective                                                               
date  in the  bill.   In response  to a  question Chair  Lynn, he                                                               
confirmed that unless the proposed  bill is amended to include an                                                               
effective  date, no  one currently  in the  legislature would  be                                                               
affected.   Representative  Meyer  said the  bill is  essentially                                                               
simple, but may look complicated because of its impact.                                                                         
8:17:20 AM                                                                                                                    
MIKE  PAWLOWSKI,  Staff  to Representative  Kevin  Meyer,  Alaska                                                               
State Legislature,  testified on behalf of  Representative Meyer,                                                               
prime  sponsor, during  the hearing  on HB  305.   He noted  that                                                               
language was  added on  page 1,  line 14,  which would  allow for                                                               
session or special session to be held outside of Juneau.                                                                        
8:17:59 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES  offered  his  understanding  that  current                                                               
statute  prohibits  any  candidate from  campaigning  during  the                                                               
legislative session,  not just incumbents.   He noted  that there                                                               
is  information pertaining  to a  State  v. ACLU  lawsuit in  the                                                             
committee packet.  He said he  thinks Mr. Pawlowski has said that                                                               
because the  lawsuit speaks  to the  constitutional rights  of an                                                               
individual, "the  ruling has been  that we've sort  of overlooked                                                               
what statute is in favor of this lawsuit."                                                                                      
8:18:57 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MEYER told  Representative  Roses  he is  correct                                                               
that "we've been overlooking that for non-legislators."                                                                         
8:19:35 AM                                                                                                                    
MR.  PAWLOWSKI referred  to a  memorandum from  Legislative Legal                                                               
and Research Services,  dated April 3, 1999,  which addresses the                                                               
Ethics  Act.   He  stated  that the  Ethics  Act prohibition  was                                                               
acceptable  because  it did  not  apply  to non-incumbents.    He                                                               
      We noticed in reading the existing statute, that the                                                                      
       APOC provision, which is separate from the Ethics                                                                        
     Code, does apply to both.                                                                                                  
MR.  PAWLOWSKI,  in response  to  a  comment from  Representative                                                               
Roses, regarding  campaigning, stated  that APOC  statute applies                                                               
only to  fundraising.  He  concluded, "So, a  non-incumbent could                                                               
perform any  number of  campaign activities,  but they  could not                                                               
raise  money  while the  legislature's  in  session, unless  it's                                                               
within 90 days and outside of the capital."                                                                                     
8:20:59 AM                                                                                                                    
BROOK   MILES,   Executive   Director,  Alaska   Public   Offices                                                               
Commission (APOC),  answered questions  during the hearing  on HB
305.  She stated that APOC  does not enforce the provisions of AS                                                               
15.13.072(d),  because,  in  its  decision,  the  Alaska  Supreme                                                               
Court,  although   not  striking   this  section   from  statute,                                                               
nullified it  by striking  a provision that  was currently  in AS                                                               
15.13.074(c), which  called for non-incumbents and  incumbents to                                                               
have "a legislative time out."   She said it was found that there                                                               
was no  "state-compelling" reason for the  limitation; therefore,                                                               
it was "left to the  Select Committee on Legislative Ethics where                                                               
it is appropriate for incumbents."   She concluded, "So, I'd have                                                               
to tell  you, under advice  of the attorney general,  it's likely                                                               
that even if  this bill is passed, the commission  will still not                                                               
be enforcing that against non-incumbent candidates."                                                                            
CHAIR LYNN asked,  "Well, if they're not enforcing  it, should it                                                               
be there?"                                                                                                                      
MS. MILES replied:                                                                                                              
     It shouldn't  be there.   Actually, in past  years, ...                                                                    
     APOC  has suggested  that  because it's  unenforceable,                                                                    
     the  provision of  AS  15.13.072(d)  should be  deleted                                                                    
     from the  statute.  The  last time the  legislature was                                                                    
     set  to do  that,  a huge  controversy  arose, in  that                                                                    
     there was interest in the  members that if you couldn't                                                                    
     apply it to incumbents  that legislators should be able                                                                    
     to campaign as  much as they wanted  to during session,                                                                    
     too,  and  there was  a  move  to  strike it  from  the                                                                    
     legislative  ethics provisions,  which of  course, then                                                                    
     caused great controversy and things just stalled.                                                                          
8:22:41 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR LYNN shared his understanding  that while a [non-incumbent]                                                               
running for  office has  the advantage  of raising  money through                                                               
campaigning,  the  incumbent  has   the  advantage  of  being  an                                                               
incumbent, and those factors balance each other out.                                                                            
MS.  MILES replied  that that  has also  been her  understanding.                                                               
She reported that  data does not show that  a non-incumbent gains                                                               
a significant edge during the  time that an incumbent is spending                                                               
in session.  Notwithstanding that,  she said she thinks the added                                                               
language previously  highlighted by  Mr. Pawlowski  regarding the                                                               
location in  which the  legislature is convened  in a  regular or                                                               
special session is "probably very positive."                                                                                    
8:24:07 AM                                                                                                                    
JOYCE  ANDERSON, Administrator,  Select Committee  on Legislative                                                               
Ethics  ("the   Ethics  Committee"),   said  the   committee  has                                                               
discussed campaigning during a regular  or special session and is                                                               
"very much in  agreement and made a  recommendation regarding the                                                               
other  change that's  in the  law."   She confirmed  the previous                                                               
statement of Ms. Miles that  the Ethics Committee does enforce AS                                                               
24.60.031,  regarding   legislators  not  campaigning   during  a                                                               
session.   She  said  there has  been  past discussion  regarding                                                               
campaigning  by  legislators for  any  office,  and although  the                                                               
committee has  not officially come  out with an  endorsement, its                                                               
members feel that there should not be any campaigning.                                                                          
8:25:42 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES commented  that  Ms.  Anderson covered  the                                                               
topic well, and,  as a member of the Ethics  Committee, he agrees                                                               
that a  majority of the committee  members "would like to  see it                                                               
covering all offices and not just one here currently listed."                                                                   
8:26:01 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOLL asked how other states handle this issue.                                                                   
MS. ANDERSON  replied that  she does  not have  that information,                                                               
but she said she can find out.                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE  COGHILL suggested  that request  be fulfilled  by                                                               
the sponsor, rather  than asking APOC or the  Ethics Committee to                                                               
conduct that kind of research.                                                                                                  
8:27:08 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE MEYER deferred to Mr. Pawlowski.                                                                                 
8:27:32 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. PAWLOWSKI offered to compile that information.                                                                              
8:27:55 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR LYNN closed public testimony.                                                                                             
8:28:02 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE JOHANSEN  agreed with the  need for the  bill, but                                                               
expressed concern that  it is "one more place in  print where the                                                               
capital would be somewhere else in the state."                                                                                  
8:28:50 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON moved to adopt  Amendment 1, which read as                                                               
     Page 1, line 2, following "session":                                                                                     
         Insert "; and providing for an effective date"                                                                       
     Page 2, line 4, following "contribution":                                                                              
          Insert "for the legislator or legislative                                                                         
     employee's own campaign"                                                                                               
     Page 2, line 7:                                                                                                            
          Delete "candidate or individual"                                                                                  
          Insert "legislator or legislative employee"                                                                       
     Page 2, line 11, through page 3, line 7:                                                                                   
          Delete all material and insert:                                                                                       
        "* Sec. 2.  AS 15.13.074 is amended by  adding a new                                                                
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (j)  While the legislature is convened in a                                                                           
     regular  or special  legislative session,  a legislator                                                                    
     may not  solicit or  accept a  contribution to  be used                                                                    
     for  the  purpose  of influencing  the  outcome  of  an                                                                    
     election under this chapter unless                                                                                         
               (1)  it is an election in which the                                                                              
     legislator is a candidate;                                                                                                 
               (2)  the solicitation or acceptance occurs                                                                       
     during the  90 days  immediately preceeding  [sic] that                                                                    
     election; and                                                                                                              
               (3)  the solicitation or acceptance occurs                                                                       
     in a  place other than  the capital city or  a location                                                                    
     in which  the legislature is  convened in a  regular or                                                                    
     special  session  if the  location  is  other than  the                                                                    
     capital city.                                                                                                              
        * Sec. 3. AS 24.60.031(a) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (a)  A [LEGISLATOR OR] legislative employee may                                                                       
               (1)  on a day when either house of the                                                                           
     legislature is  in regular or special  session, solicit                                                                    
     or  accept a  contribution or  a promise  or pledge  to                                                                    
     make  a  contribution  for a  campaign  for  municipal,                                                                
     state,  or  federal  office  [THE  STATE  LEGISLATURE];                                                                
     however,  a [LEGISLATOR  OR] legislative  employee may,                                                                    
     except in the capital city  or in the location in which                                                                
     the  legislature  is  convened in  regular  or  special                                                                
     session  if  the location  is  other  than the  capital                                                                
     city,  solicit or  accept a  contribution, promise,  or                                                                
     pledge for a campaign  for municipal, state, or federal                                                                
     office [THE  STATE LEGISLATURE] that occurs  during the                                                                
     90  days immediately  preceding the  [AN] election  for                                                            
     that office; or                                                                                                    
               (2)  accept money from an event held on a                                                                        
     day when either house of  the legislature is in regular                                                                    
     or  special session  if a  substantial  purpose of  the                                                                    
     event is  to raise money  on behalf of the  [MEMBER OR]                                                                    
     legislative employee for  [STATE LEGISLATIVE] political                                                                    
     purposes; however,  this paragraph does not  prohibit a                                                                    
     [LEGISLATOR  OR]  legislative employee  from  accepting                                                                    
     money  from an  event held  in a  place other  than the                                                                    
     capital city or a location  in which the legislature is                                                                
     convened in regular or special  session if the location                                                                
     is  other than  the  capital city  during  the 90  days                                                                
     immediately preceding an election  for public office in                                                                
     which the legislative employee is a candidate [; OR                                                                    
               (3)      IN   A  CAMPAIGN   FOR   THE   STATE                                                                    
     LEGISLATURE,  EXPEND MONEY  THAT  WAS RAISED  ON A  DAY                                                                    
     WHEN  EITHER   HOUSE  OF  THE  LEGISLATURE   WAS  IN  A                                                                    
     LEGISLATIVE  SESSION BY  OR ON  BEHALF OF  A LEGISLATOR                                                                    
     UNDER A  DECLARATION OF CANDIDACY  OR A  GENERAL LETTER                                                                    
     OF  INTENT TO  BECOME  A CANDIDATE  FOR PUBLIC  OFFICE;                                                                    
     HOWEVER, THIS PARAGRAPH DOES NOT  APPLY TO MONEY RAISED                                                                    
     IN A  PLACE OTHER THAN  THE CAPITAL CITY DURING  THE 90                                                                    
     DAYS IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING AN ELECTION].                                                                                   
        * Sec.  4. AS 24.60.031 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  A legislator may not                                                                                             
               (1)    on a  day  when  either house  of  the                                                                    
     legislature is  in regular or special  session, solicit                                                                    
     or  accept a  contribution or  a promise  or pledge  to                                                                    
     make a contribution                                                                                                        
               (A)   for the  legislator's own  campaign for                                                                    
     public  office,  unless the  solicitation,  acceptance,                                                                    
     promise, or  pledge occurs  in a  place other  than the                                                                    
     capital city or a location  in which the legislature is                                                                    
     convened in regular or special  session if the location                                                                    
     is  other than  the  capital city  during  the 90  days                                                                    
     immediately  preceding   the  election  in   which  the                                                                    
     legislator is a candidate;                                                                                                 
               (B)   for  another candidate  in an  election                                                                    
     for municipal, state, or federal office; or                                                                                
               (C)  to influence  a state ballot proposition                                                                    
     or question;                                                                                                               
               (2)   accept money  from an  event held  on a                                                                    
     day when either house of  the legislature is in regular                                                                    
     or  special session  if a  substantial  purpose of  the                                                                    
     event is to  raise money on behalf  of the legislator's                                                                    
     campaign  for public  office;  however, this  paragraph                                                                    
     does  not prohibit  a legislator  from accepting  money                                                                    
     from an  event held in  a place other than  the capital                                                                    
     city  or  a  location   in  which  the  legislature  is                                                                    
     convened in regular or special  session if the location                                                                    
     is  other than  the  capital city  during  the 90  days                                                                    
     immediately   preceding  an   election  in   which  the                                                                    
     legislator is a candidate; or                                                                                              
               (3)   in a campaign for  municipal, state, or                                                                    
     federal office, expend  money that was raised  on a day                                                                    
     when  either   house  of  the  legislature   was  in  a                                                                    
     legislative  session by  or on  behalf of  a legislator                                                                    
     under a  declaration of candidacy  or a  general letter                                                                    
     of  intent to  become  a candidate  for public  office;                                                                    
     however, this paragraph does not  apply to money raised                                                                    
     in a  place other than  the capital city or  a location                                                                    
     in  which the  legislature  is convened  in regular  or                                                                    
     special  session  if the  location  is  other than  the                                                                    
     capital city  during the 90 days  immediately preceding                                                                    
     an election in which the legislator is a candidate.                                                                        
        * Sec.  5. This  Act takes effect  immediately under                                                                  
     AS 01.10.070(c)."                                                                                                          
8:29:02 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR LYNN objected for discussion purposes.                                                                                    
8:29:09 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  JOHNSON spoke  to  Amendment 1.    He stated  his                                                               
belief that a legislator should  not be allowed to participate in                                                               
a  fundraising effort  for another  candidate for  another office                                                               
during session, no  matter what title the  candidate is pursuing.                                                               
For example, he  said he thinks it  would be wrong if  he were to                                                               
assist in a  fundraising effort for the mayor of  his city during                                                               
session.   The fundraising letters  would be going out  to people                                                               
who have brought legislation to  him, and it would exercise undue                                                               
influence  on  contributors.    In response  to  Chair  Lynn,  he                                                               
clarified that  he does not  view endorsements as falling  in the                                                               
same category as fundraising.                                                                                                   
8:31:18 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE DOLL noted  that she attends a  monthly meeting of                                                               
the Democrat  Party in Juneau.   At the function,  fundraising is                                                               
done and  checks are made  out, although not  to her.   She asked                                                               
how such a situation would pertain to Amendment 1.                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON  stated that it  is not his  intention for                                                               
Amendment  1  to  affect  such  a  situation.    He  said  he  is                                                               
specifically  addressing "specific  fundraising events  sponsored                                                               
by legislators during the session, for other candidates."                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  DOLL  noted  that   the  capital  city  throws  a                                                               
Democratic Party  event every  February, and  the purpose  of the                                                               
auction at the event is to serve  as a fundraiser.  She asked how                                                               
that would be affected by Amendment 1.                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON said he does  believe Amendment 1 pertains                                                               
to  that  situation;  it  only  pertains  to  fundraising  for  a                                                               
specific  candidate.   Amendment 1  is  intended to  not allow  a                                                               
legislator to use his/her office, the  name of the office, or the                                                               
power of  the incumbent to  raise funds for another  candidate or                                                               
bond initiative  of any kind  during session.   In response  to a                                                               
question from Chair Lynn, he  said that would not include raising                                                               
funds for a political party.   However, he said he would not have                                                               
a  problem with  that, because  he does  not believe  a political                                                               
candidate   should  be   raising  funds   for  anyone   during  a                                                               
legislative  session.   He  stated, "When  we're  in session,  we                                                               
should be  concentrating on  the business of  the state,  and not                                                               
advancing some political agenda."                                                                                               
8:35:17 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  LYNN said  he often  receives  requests for  contributions                                                               
from national offices in his political party.                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  JOHNSON said  he  does not  think contributing  a                                                               
donation to  a candidate is  the same as  putting ones name  on a                                                               
fundraising event.                                                                                                              
8:36:12 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. ANDERSON stated that the  Ethics Committee issued an advisory                                                               
opinion  in December,  based on  the current  statute, that  said                                                               
that during  session, legislators  are not  allowed to  put their                                                               
name, as host  or co-host, on a  campaign fund-raising invitation                                                               
in support of  a legislative candidate.   Legislators are allowed                                                               
to endorse  the candidate, as long  as their name remains  off of                                                               
any  campaign invitation.    She said  they  could certainly  put                                                               
their name  on a  signature advertisement  that solicits  a vote.                                                               
She said the new language that  is being proposed would make this                                                               
true for federal and municipal candidates.  She continued:                                                                      
     The only  thing that isn't  in here that  you mentioned                                                                    
     happens to be ... a  ballot initiative.  ... There have                                                                    
     been  questions in  the past  for the  Ethics Committee                                                                    
     regarding  what type  of work  a legislator  may do  in                                                                    
     relation to a  ballot initiative, and what  side is the                                                                    
     campaigning   side   and   what  side   is   more   the                                                                    
     legislators' side, which is more  of a policy statement                                                                    
     ... - you're ... either ...  for it or against it - and                                                                    
     so, you're  talking about more  policy issues  versus a                                                                    
     campaigning aspect.                                                                                                        
     ... I haven't  had a chance to really  look too closely                                                                    
     at your  amendment, but  I think  that what's  in place                                                                    
     right now would cover your concern.                                                                                        
MS.  ANDERSON,  in  response  to Chair  Lynn,  said  currently  a                                                               
legislator  is allowed  on his/her  own  time -  not using  state                                                               
resources  - to  work on  an initiative,  gather signatures,  and                                                               
conduct fundraising.  If this  issue were added into the proposed                                                               
legislation, she  observed, than the fundraising  aspect would be                                                               
removed from those actions that are allowable.                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON  said that  is intent  of Amendment  1, to                                                               
treat all  elections as  if they  were legislative  elections, in                                                               
terms of the restrictions that apply.                                                                                           
8:39:59 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  LYNN asked  the  sponsor  if he  would  support or  oppose                                                               
Amendment 1.                                                                                                                    
8:40:08 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MEYER  replied that  he  supports  the intent  of                                                               
Amendment 1.  He said the intent  of the bill is "to prohibit any                                                               
of us  from leveraging  our offices  to raise  money for  our own                                                               
elections or  elections of others."   He said he had  not thought                                                               
much  about the  initiative process,  but can  see where  someone                                                               
could use  his/her office  to help  raise money  for initiatives,                                                               
which he said he does not condone.                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE  JOHNSON,   in  response  to  the   sponsor,  said                                                               
language regarding 90 days is included in Amendment 1.                                                                          
8:41:16 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. PAWLOWSKI pointed  out language on page 2,  beginning on line                                                               
28 [as numbered on the amendment], and said:                                                                                    
     I believe  this is very  specific that you  cannot, for                                                                    
     another person, raise money  when ... the legislature's                                                                    
     in  session, regardless  of the  90  days.   So, it  is                                                                    
     different  than what  Joyce was  talking  about in  the                                                                    
     Ethics  Committee.    Because   the  provision  in  the                                                                    
     existing  statute  would  allow that  type  of  conduct                                                                    
     within 90 days of the election.                                                                                            
8:42:07 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON  indicated that he may  have misunderstood                                                               
[the sponsor's] statement.  He  clarified that he does not intend                                                               
to affect a candidate's ability  to campaign and raise money, but                                                               
does intend  to affect a  candidate's ability to raise  money for                                                               
someone  else.   He said  he does  not think  that would  exclude                                                               
joint fundraisers, for  example.  He said he  agrees with current                                                               
law that  says only a  treasurer can  accept money, and  he would                                                               
not  want  to  see  anyone using  his/her  incumbent  office  for                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON noted that if  Amendment 1 is adopted, the                                                               
proposed legislation would have an immediate effective date.                                                                    
8:43:35 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ROSES  said he  has no  problem with  an immediate                                                               
effective date.                                                                                                                 
8:44:01 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  COGHILL said  he  does have  a  problem with  "an                                                               
effective date that becomes kind  of retroactive."  He said there                                                               
may  be municipal  and federal  entities that  have "already  set                                                               
things in motion."                                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE   JOHNSON,  in   response  to   a  question   from                                                               
Representative   Coghill,   offered    his   understanding   that                                                               
[Amendment 1] would  not change existing statute  that says funds                                                               
can be raised  within 90 days of  the election, as long  as it is                                                               
"not in the city where the session's being held."                                                                               
8:46:28 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. PAWLOWSKI  clarified that the  90-day rule would apply  for a                                                               
legislator's own  campaign, but  not in  a situation  regarding a                                                               
ballot initiative or fundraising for another candidate.                                                                         
8:47:07 AM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR LYNN withdrew his objection to Amendment 1.                                                                               
8:47:24 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  DOLL  objected to  Amendment  1.   She  said  she                                                               
believes it  is broad, and  without further study, she  would not                                                               
vote in favor of it.                                                                                                            
A roll  call vote  was taken.   Representatives  Roses, Johansen,                                                               
Johnson,   and   Lynn   voted    in   favor   of   Amendment   1.                                                               
Representatives Coghill  and Doll  voted against it.   Therefore,                                                               
Amendment 1 passed by a vote of 4-2.                                                                                            
8:48:34 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MEYER,  in  response to  Representative  Coghill,                                                               
said he has  not considered conforming language,  but agreed that                                                               
it would be good to do so.                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE COGHILL said he is  still trying to figure out how                                                               
to  create conforming  language.   He said  it would  be wise  to                                                               
either challenge or agree with the  court.  He added, "I'm always                                                               
open  to challenging  the court,  but in  this particular  case I                                                               
think  I agree  with them."   He  suggested that  the words  - "A                                                               
candidate  or an  individual"  -  on page  1,  line  5, could  be                                                               
changed  to,  "A  legislator  or a  legislative  employee".    In                                                               
response to  Chair Lynn,  he offered  his understanding  that the                                                               
bill had  not been  referred to  any other  House committee.   He                                                               
said it could be heard in the House Rules Standing Committee.                                                                   
8:50:58 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  DOLL expressed  concern  regarding  the speed  at                                                               
which the  bill was being  heard, and  she stated that  she would                                                               
like the committee  to discuss whether or not the  bill should be                                                               
heard by the House Judiciary Standing Committee.                                                                                
8:51:26 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  COGHILL  said  he   does  not  know  that  making                                                               
decisions  under pressure  is good  reason  to send  the bill  to                                                               
another committee of referral.                                                                                                  
8:52:06 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE COGHILL moved to adopt Amendment 2, as follows:                                                                  
     On page 1, line 5:                                                                                                         
          Delete "A candidate or an individual"                                                                                 
          Insert "A legislator or a legislative employee"                                                                       
There being no objection, Amendment 2 was adopted.                                                                              
8:52:49 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  COGHILL   moved  Amendment   3,  to   strike  the                                                               
effective date just adopted through Amendment 1.                                                                                
8:53:10 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON objected.   He said, "I think  this is one                                                               
of those  things that  may be  legal, but isn't  right.   And any                                                               
time we  delay enacting ethical behavior  or ethical legislation,                                                               
we've done a disservice to the public."                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES pointed  out  that even  with an  effective                                                               
date, the  bill still has  to continue through discussion  of the                                                               
House,  then the  Senate, then  be signed  by the  governor.   He                                                               
     ... Anybody  that would  be affected  by this  piece of                                                                    
     legislation  will have  plenty of  notice to  make sure                                                                    
     that they don't run afoul of  it by the time it becomes                                                                    
     effective.     So,   if  there's   anybody  out   there                                                                    
     campaigning now  or anybody  out there  fundraising now                                                                    
     or  sponsoring  fundraisers   for  other  people,  this                                                                    
     certainly would give  them plenty of time  to make sure                                                                    
     their  name  was  removed  from  future  activities  or                                                                    
     future fundraising mailers or so on.                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES  concurred  with  Representative  Johnson's                                                               
statement that if there is something  to be fixed, it needs to be                                                               
fixed  immediately,  without postponing  the  effect  of what  is                                                               
trying to be done.                                                                                                              
CHAIR  LYNN expressed  his concern  that people  or entities  may                                                               
have acted in reliance of the law  as it is today, "and then this                                                               
upsets the apple cart."                                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE JOHNSON said he  agrees with Representative Roses'                                                               
comments regarding  the timing  of moving  the bill  through, and                                                               
furthermore, he indicated that another  factor in the equation is                                                               
that this is  a 90-day session.  He  offered further calculations                                                               
leading  to the  conclusion that  it would  be two  months before                                                               
people  "see this  legislation coming,"  and 180  days before  it                                                               
would take effect.                                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE COGHILL withdrew Amendment 3.                                                                                    
8:57:37 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE COGHILL  moved to report  HB 305, as  amended, out                                                               
of   committee   with    individual   recommendations   and   the                                                               
accompanying  fiscal  notes.   There  being  no  objection,  CSHB
305(STA) was  reported out  of the  House State  Affairs Standing                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  MEYER said  he  would  be considering  conforming                                                               
language  and,  if  that  task   becomes  more  complicated  than                                                               
anticipated, would  request a  hearing of the  bill in  the House                                                               
Rules Standing Committee.                                                                                                       

Document Name Date/Time Subjects