Legislature(1995 - 1996)

04/24/1995 03:20 PM House L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
 HB 266 - HEALTH CARE PREFERRED PROVIDER PROGRAMS                            
 Number 266                                                                    
 CHAIRMAN KOTT announced the next order of business the committee              
 would address would be HB 266, introduced by the House Labor and              
 Commerce Committee.                                                           
 MR. MOURANT came forward to give the sponsor statement:                       
 "In the preferred providers bill, which is HB 266 before you, it              
 allows a hospital or a medical services corporation to offer a                
 preferred provider service agreement to a health care provider or             
 a hospital.  It prohibits exclusion of a health care provider or              
 a hospital from being treated as a preferred provider if the                  
 health care provider or hospital agrees to the terms and                      
 conditions of the existing preferred provider agreement."                     
 The first person to testify was DAVID A. MCGUIRE, Orthopedic                  
 Surgeon.  He testified via teleconference from Anchorage.  He                 
 said he is in support of HB 266.  It is clear that the cost of                
 health care has become a major issue for everyone.  He said he                
 believes that there is unanimous agreement that we would like to              
 make the provision of health care more affordable and more                    
 available for everyone.  The question of how to do that is not                
 one on which there is unanimous agreement.  An alternative                    
 approach has been promulgated by private non-governmental                     
 approaches and has been one of so called managed care, preferred              
 providers or HMOs.  There have been cost savings affected by                  
 these (indisc.)  Dr. McGuire said the state of Alaska is a little             
 bit different, in some regards, than down town Los Angeles, New               
 York, or other similar urban environments.  The problems that we              
 face in the state of Alaska are one of total numbers of                       
 population and geographic distances and, therefore, the                       
 availability and the dispersion of health care facilities.                    
 DR. MCGUIRE explained the problem is that in the end we've got to             
 remember that the reason health care facilities and health care               
 exists is that we're concerned about providing for the individual             
 needs of the patients.  He said there are some specialties in the             
 state that are represented by as few as three or four                         
 practitioners.  It is clear that there is an exclusive HMO or PTO             
 provider and that arrangements will either have to be made with               
 those practitioners or with the ability to send patients outside              
 for treatment.  We advance the proposition that anyone should be              
 free to set up any kind of a program that they like that                      
 restricts the total payment for circumstances under which they                
 can be delivered.  If any other provider is willing to provide                
 the same service for the same price, same quality, etc., then                 
 given the geographic limitations of Alaska, it would be in the                
 best interest, as opposed to having the case that a single                    
 dominate provider may be the only one that provides (indisc.)                 
 excluding other providers, and in the end reducing or eliminating             
 rather than enhancing competition.                                            
 DR. MCGUIRE said it is the patient, sometimes, who is (indisc.)               
 being used as the trading chip in order to get a service for a                
 lower price.  One of the negotiating strategies is to say that                
 insurance company or another entity will agree to deliver an                  
 increased volume of patients to a health care provider in return              
 for a reduction in cost.  The problem is that the patients                    
 involved don't know that they have been traded in the cost until              
 they come to use the service, then many times, they become aware              
 that they are not able to go to the provider of their choice                  
 because of the restriction in their insurance contract of which               
 they may have been unaware.                                                   
 DR. MCGUIRE said he would argue that nobody disputes the need                 
 that we should reduce the cost for (indisc.).  He said there once             
 was a time when hospitals and doctors provided information about              
 the cost of service in advance to the patient.  Dr. McGuire                   
 suggested that we go back to that concept.  Almost anybody who                
 provides service should at least have a good idea of how much it              
 costs to provide the things that are most commonly provided.  He              
 suggested a system be established in which any patient can call a             
 health care provider, whether it be the hospital, the doctor, the             
 nursing home, the pharmacy, etc., and inquire as to the price of              
 a service.  That service should be represented as being                       
 comprehensive.  Once the patient has received that service, the               
 bill should be the same as that which was quoted prior to the                 
 patient selecting that provider for the service.                              
 DR. MCGUIRE said in the instance in which there are complications             
 or other contingencies that were not foreseen, the provider would             
 have the opportunity to charge more for their services, but would             
 also have to refer to the Division of Insurance that there had                
 been a deviation from their prospective pricing.  This puts the               
 power where it should be, in the hands of the patient.  They                  
 decide who their provider will be and what they are willing to                
 pay for (indisc.) provider.  It requires that the provider adhere             
 to an economic (indisc.) that they have not (indisc.) asked to                
 adhere to.  He suggested that HMOs are a good deal, but asked                 
 where all the money is going to be saved.  Mr. McGuire said he                
 would be happy to answer questions.                                           
 Number 384                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON said if anyone is free to match the terms                
 and conditions of preferred provider service agreements, what is              
 the incentive for a group to come in and bid at a low rate.  They             
 may say that they can provide services at a low rate.  What is                
 the incentive for them to quote a low price if they know that if              
 they lose the bid, they still get to provide the service anyway               
 by matching what the competitor bid.                                          
 DR. MCGUIRE said any insurance company is free to provide an                  
 insurance policy with a maximum limitation.  Of course, the                   
 argument goes that if the patient has an insurance policy, they               
 will be subject to the remaining balance should the insurance                 
 company not pay it.  He said what occurs when that is reality is              
 the patient is infinitely more in tune to the cost of medicine                
 that he/she may choose to have.  Dr. McGuire referred to his own              
 office and said they never have screwed someone because of their              
 ability to pay or not pay, so an insurance policy that provides a             
 benefit that is less than some other insurance policy is not very             
 likely to be thrown out the window.  He suggested that there is               
 also a competition that can improve with the insurance companies              
 and that is that they can provide a product that says, "For `X'               
 amount of dollars in reduction of monthly benefits, you will have             
 this coverage, and this coverage will pay up to `X' in certain                
 instances.  Then there can be built into those policies                       
 provisions for catastrophic losses."                                          
 DR. MCGUIRE explained not much has been said about the paperwork              
 hassles associated with insurance companies.  He informed the                 
 committee he is a one person practitioner and has an association              
 with a group to be certain.  He said he pays the salaries of his              
 staff and has a full-time person doing nothing but (indisc.)                  
 authorization on insurance, certification, follow up on claim                 
 denials, etc.  Dr. McGuire said he would be more than happy to                
 negotiate reductions in rates with insurance companies.  The                  
 (indisc.) being that they would relieve  him of some of the                   
 hassle that is associated in provided care for patients.  He said             
 there are a lot of incentives out there to reduce health care.                
 DR. MCGUIRE said he would like to remind everyone that he                     
 believes in advancing the proposition that these prices ought to              
 be public, posted and accountable.  That would give the patient               
 the opportunity to be a deciding consumer of health care by being             
 able to legitimately compare prices between the various                       
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON said there is currently nothing that stops a             
 provider from posting a price.  The bill doesn't get to that                  
 issue at all.                                                                 
 DR. MCGUIRE noted he isn't proposing that one bill will solve the             
 entire health care problem.  He is proposing that what is being               
 said by those proponents is that the only tool they have is one               
 that is restrictive, coercive, and in the end, limits the                     
 patient's freedom of choice as to what provider they want to                  
 have.  He doesn't believe that it is right, on behalf of the                  
 patient, to be limited as to choice.  There are other means of                
 controlling health care.                                                      
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON said he doesn't see the bill as limiting                 
 choice at all.  The bill only provides that if you want to go                 
 elsewhere, you pay the difference.  If there is not a difference,             
 there is no problem with choice.                                              
 DR. MCGUIRE said he agrees with Representative Elton's last                   
 statement completely.  Dr. McGuire said what he is saying is that             
 there are those people who would propose that they would limit                
 the patients access by requiring that they would only be able to              
 go to a single provider or else they wouldn't be covered; or, the             
 differences between coverage would be so financially onerous as               
 to be effectively unavailable.                                                
 Number 456                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG said the effect of the legislation is                 
 that a patient may not have (indisc.) to pay that cost                        
 differential between what the insurance company is going to                   
 provide and what another physician may be charging.  He asked if              
 that statement is correct.                                                    
 DR. MCGUIRE referred to so called preferred provider organization             
 plans (PPO) or HMO or other kind of plans, and said there is one              
 in Anchorage where if a patient goes to the designated preferred              
 provider, then they are billed at the standard rate.  The                     
 insurance pays 80 percent of the charge and they pay 20 percent.              
 However, if they do not go to the designated provider, then the               
 insurance company will only pay 20 percent and the patient has to             
 pay 80 percent.  The difference between those two is so                       
 financially onerous that very few individuals have the (indisc.)              
 to make up that difference.  Passage of this bill would say that              
 if a patient felt strongly that they wanted to go to another                  
 provider, the insurance company would be required to pay the same             
 benefit as they would to the first provider.  If the insurance                
 company in question wants to limit the total amount that they                 
 would pay, there is no restriction on that ability whatsoever.                
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked Dr. McGuire if he thinks the bill               
 would really only affect the Anchorage area.  DR. MCGUIRE said he             
 doesn't think that is true.  He said we are talking about                     
 providers as a group.  It isn't too difficult to imagine that in              
 some of the other outlying areas, a hospital could decide that it             
 would only allow certain physicians to provide these services.                
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG said he appreciates Dr. McGuire's                     
 comments about choice, selection, health delivery services, etc.              
 He asked Dr. McGuire if he posts his prices in his office.  DR.               
 MCGUIRE said he doesn't, but when anybody asks him, he does give              
 a detailed accounting of what they will be.  He said the prices               
 are available to anyone who asks.                                             
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG stated that he had asked a surgeon less               
 than twelve months ago what he was going to charge for a major                
 operation.  The surgeon had no idea and referred him to his                   
 office risk management claims supervisor because he didn't know               
 what he charged.  DR. MCGUIRE said he didn't know exactly the                 
 history of how that has come to be but believes that has                      
 something to do with the contest of a third party payer.  When                
 the consumer is not really going to pay the price of service of               
 product (indisc.) ordered, than there becomes less pressure to                
 ask the provider exactly how much it is going to be.  That is one             
 thing that can be done to encourage more cost awareness on the                
 part of everyone.                                                             
 Number 516                                                                    
 CHAIRMAN KOTT referred to Dr. McGuire statement that, if someone              
 asked, he would give the cost of what a particular surgery might              
 be.  He asked Dr. McGuire if he is fairly accurate in his cost                
 estimates based on no complications.  DR. MCGUIRE said he tries               
 to be accurate.  There has been instances where the patient comes             
 back and says that wasn't the cost.  He said he reviews the bill              
 and tries to find out where any misunderstandings occur.  That is             
 the way it should be.                                                         
 Number 528                                                                    
 JACK MCRAE, Senior Vice President, Blue Cross of Washington and               
 Alaska, was next to testify in opposition to HB 266.  He read his             
 statement into the record:                                                    
 "We are very concerned about the concept of any willing provider              
 and we strongly believe that if passed, HB 266 will increase                  
 health care costs for our members and other Alaskan citizens.  As             
 you are aware, health care costs have decreased over the last                 
 year.  They are not down to rate of inflation nationally, but are             
 lower by half of what most economists predicted for 1994.  A                  
 major factor in this decline is managed care and HB 266 will take             
 a step backwards if passed.                                                   
 "Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska's goal is to keep health                 
 care costs down and to provide the highest quality of health care             
 costs to our members.  Under the present concept of managed care,             
 we're able to offer the highest quality health care costs at the              
 lowest cost.                                                                  
 "Now I'd like to comment on specific concerns with the bill                   
 itself.  The language that states, `A subscriber's contract                   
 containing a preferred provider program must provide for payment              
 for a service provided by a non-preferred provider or hospital.'              
 Our interpretation is that that could mean that we have to pay                
 any bill that comes to us if this law were to pass, and we're                 
 very concerned about the cost that will be accelerated under the              
 willing provider concept.                                                     
 "We're also concerned about the 90 day implementation portion of              
 the bill.  We believe it's going to be very very difficult to                 
 change computer systems and a variety of things that are in the               
 90 day implementation schedule.  It doesn't seem workable from                
 our perspective.                                                              
 "We are also concerned about the constitutionality of the state               
 legislature modifying contracts between private parties.  I                   
 understand there have been court rulings in Alaska pertaining to              
 that subject.                                                                 
 "The next area I would like to cover are the positions that the               
 national associations have taken on the concept of any willing                
 provider.  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners,               
 the National Governors Association, and the Federal Trade                     
 Commission have all opposed the concept of any willing provider               
 and we have some documentation we'll hand out pertaining to those             
 positions they've taken.  These organizations and many state                  
 organizations have recognized the inflationary and quality                    
 problems created by implementing what is in HB 266.  I will not               
 quote from the above organizations because we've submitted all                
 the information for testimony.                                                
 "In conclusion, we believe that it would not be in the best                   
 interest of our members in Alaska if HB 266 were to become law.               
 We believe health care costs will go up if HB 266 passes and the              
 quality of the care could go down.                                            
 "I want to thank the committee for taking the time today to                   
 listen to Blue Cross and if you have any questions, I will be                 
 more than willing to try to answer those."                                    
 Number 563                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG said, "Assuming the worst case scenario               
 from Mr. McRae's perspective, is there a time frame that would be             
 workable?"  MR. MCRAE said it would take until 1996 at least.  He             
 noted his company is currently in the process of adding new                   
 computer programs, they would all have to be modified.  It would              
 be much longer than 90 days.  But noted he couldn't give a                    
 specific answer.                                                              
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG referred to having caps on particular                 
 procedures and said Mr. McRae suggested that he would be in a                 
 position where he would have no control whatsoever.  He asked Mr.             
 McRae if he internally provides some maximum caps in terms of                 
 what they pay on all procedures to all policy holders.  MR. MCRAE             
 said they are able to do that because they go into an area and                
 negotiate with preferred providers.  They tell the preferred                  
 providers that they will bring them a volume of business and that             
 this is what they'll pay for a certain service.  He said that is              
 a way that costs can be held down.  If there weren't any                      
 negotiations and everyone is free to send Blue Cross the bills                
 even though they have put a cap on it, there is not leverage to               
 go into a specific area and negotiate because everyone is in the              
 same playing field.  There is not a preferred provider concept.               
 Mr. McRae said they currently go to one block of providers,                   
 clinics or hospitals and say, "Do you want to accept our rate for             
 this process and, in turn, we'll bring you a volume which is                  
 greater than you have now."  In a lot of cases, they say yes.                 
 Number 592                                                                    
 JERRY REINWAND, Lobbyist, Blue Cross of Washington and Alaska,                
 said part of the testimony was directed at the last sentence of               
 the bill, "What is the net effect of that sentence?  It would                 
 appear that anybody who submits a bill who is a non-preferred                 
 provider, we'd have to pay the bill.  I think that was the issue              
 Mr. McRae was trying to  raise."                                              
 Number 599                                                                    
 STEVEN LEBRUN, Senior Account Manager, AETNA Health Plans,                    
 testified via teleconference from Seattle, Washington.  He said               
 AETNA is an insurance and managed care company that offers most               
 traditional medical benefit programs and managed care programs                
 that include preferred provider arrangements.  He said he is in               
 opposition to HB 266.  Preferred provider programs are a tool for             
 employers and collective bargaining groups, in many cases, to                 
 help manage benefit costs.  Managed care saves money and these                
 savings are passed on to employers in the form of lower premium               
 rates.  Perhaps more importantly, you can (indisc.) in the form               
 of lower co-payments and out of pocket costs.  Currently, many                
 thousands of Alaska residents are enrolled in preferred provider              
 arrangements sponsored by AETNA, both in the public sector and                
 private sector employer groups.                                               
 MR. LEBRUN said AETNA feels they need to encourage and not thwart             
 a market based solution that leverages competition and provides               
 for lower costs while not compromising the quality of care.                   
 Preferred provider networks involve appropriate and beneficial                
 collaboration between insurance companies and provider groups.                
 AETNA feels that the results of these collaborations are in the               
 public interest of providing cost effective quality care.                     
 MR. LEBRUN referred to the issue of choice and said there has                 
 been testimony relating HMOs and excluding providers.  He said he             
 would like to clarify and said he isn't talking about HMO                     
 (indisc.) plans, with regard to HB 266, that they require special             
 regulatory authorization.  Under preferred provider arrangements,             
 providers are not excluded nor are individual unable to see                   
 providers.  Under AETNA sponsored plans, there are still                      
 meaningful and significant reimbursements available regardless of             
 the provider chosen.  Most typically, AETNA's plans provide a 10              
 to 20 percent benefit differential and that occurs within the                 
 context of still providing a very reasonable overall out of                   
 pocket limit for any individual in any calendar year.                         
 MR. LEBRUN said the problems AETNA has with any willing provider              
 is that it removes incentives for contracting and removes the                 
 leverage that they have with providers.  That is the trading of               
 patient volume for preferential pricing and, therefore, being                 
 able to construct networks or provider relationships that are                 
 suitably sized to take advantage of competitive market dynamics.              
 In addition, the ability to contract selectively also allow AETNA             
 to maximize their ability to work with providers in the areas of              
 quality assurance, performance standards and the like.                        
 MR. LEBRUN referred to the value to consumers and said as part of             
 AETNA's contracting with preferred providers, they do negotiate               
 prices with providers and do not allow balance billings.  It does             
 provides consumers of health care a certainty that the percentage             
 they pay of the bill will be their only obligation and all other              
 payment requirements will be fully met by the insurance company.              
 This would avoid the situation with non-preferred arrangements of             
 having reasonable and customary limits that create a balance                  
 billing situation for individuals.                                            
 MR. LEBRUN said AETNA feels that any willing provider provisions              
 like those in HB 266 threaten to blunt the effectiveness of                   
 managed care plans to control costs and manage quality.  AETNA                
 finds that in Alaska and the lower 48, where managed care is in               
 much broader acceptance, that rates of inflation are lower then               
 they are with traditional plans.  Costs are often 10 to 20                    
 percent lower than traditional (indisc.) service plans, at the                
 same time that managed care plans promote and provide extensive               
 benefits for wellness and Medicare and avoid the imposition of                
 large up-front deductibles.                                                   
 TAPE 95-44, SIDE A                                                            
 Number 000                                                                    
 MR. LEBRUN said he is available to answer any questions the                   
 committee may have.                                                           
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG referred to AETNA being the provider for              
 state of Alaska employees and asked if they provide any kind of               
 policy like that to an individual person in the private sector                
 with a non-group basis.  MR. LEBRUN stated AETNA only operates in             
 the group insurance market in Alaska and elsewhere.  Their health             
 insurance is employer based.                                                  
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked if it would be a fair proposition               
 to say that the savings that you realize when you negotiate a                 
 preferred provider (indisc.) contract is passed along to the                  
 policy holders within AETNA's groups.  MR. LEBRUN said,                       
 "Certainly, we prepare reports that show the value of the managed             
 care arrangements that are in place."                                         
 Number 051                                                                    
 DOUGLAS CARTER SMITH, President, Anchorage Medical Society,                   
 testified via teleconference.  He said he represents 211                      
 physicians in Alaska.  Mr. Smith said he is in support of the                 
 preferred provider bill.  HB 266 protects or preserves the                    
 autonomy of the doctor/patient relationship.  The health consumer             
 would be able to continue with the care of his/her chosen                     
 position regardless of who becomes the third party payer.  When               
 the hospital or medical service corporation selected by Alaskan               
 employers is switched, that person would not have to switch                   
 physicians.  When Alaskans change jobs and find themselves under              
 a new health care program, they would not be forced (indisc.) to              
 achieve this new position.  Some have argued that potential                   
 hazard exists if this bill goes into effect.  They say that the               
 motivation for offering services at a savings would be lost if a              
 specific (indisc.) patient population cannot be guaranteed to the             
 same physician or hospital provider.  This could be the stance                
 taken by some physicians or hospitals.  He said he suspects it is             
 more likely the competition and free market encouraged by HB 266              
 will result in the offering of services at the lowest possible                
 prices.  Mr. Smith said providers would understand that to get                
 and keep more patients, they would have to offer services at a                
 minimum cost with maximum (indisc.)  The Anchorage Medical                    
 Society supports the preferred provider concept such as described             
 in HB 266.                                                                    
 Number 082                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON asked Mr. Smith to explain a little more                 
 about his organization.                                                       
 MR. SMITH said the Anchorage Medical Society is from the                      
 Municipality of Anchorage and includes all specialties.  The 211              
 physicians who are current members represent a majority of all                
 physicians in the area.                                                       
 Number 100                                                                    
 GORDON EVANS, Lobbyist, Health Insurance Association of America               
 (HIAA), testified in opposition to HB 266.  He said HIAA is a                 
 trade association of the nation's leading commercial health                   
 insurers which provides health insurance for approximately 55                 
 million Americans.  He said the bill would essentially allow                  
 hospitals or medical service corporations to offer a preferred                
 provider service agreement to a provider or hospital licensed in              
 Alaska.  Currently, Alaska doesn't have a statute directly                    
 authorizing the operation of PPOs in the state.  He noted there               
 is a model PPO Act drafted by the National Association of                     
 Insurance Commissioners which has not been adopted in Alaska.  HB
 266 would not serve the same purpose as a true PPO Act.  HB 266               
 is nothing more than a badly disguised provider mandate.  The                 
 consequences would increase the costs and reduce the efficiencies             
 of managed care.  An integral part of managed care is the                     
 provider network.  When a managed care plan such as a PPO, enters             
 into a contract with a particular provider it seeks to accomplish             
 several purposes.  One is to establish a long-term relationship               
 with that provider that enhances the plan's market attractiveness             
 and its ability to provide access to quality health care.  A                  
 second purpose of the plan is to establish a method of                        
 reimbursement with the provider that improves the plan's ability              
 to manage its health care costs effectively.  Managed care plans              
 attract providers by guaranteeing access to a specified pool of               
 enrollees.  If all providers in a community are required to be                
 included in a plan, as the second sentence in HB 266 would                    
 require, there is no economic incentive for any provider to enter             
 into an alternative delivery or reimbursement system.  Any                    
 willing provider laws erode savings since the costs of a plan                 
 increase, savings can no longer be passed to the consumers.  The              
 value of the plan for consumers is lost.                                      
 MR. EVANS said HIAA believes that managed care systems should be              
 able to limit their networks of providers and to alter                        
 reimbursement systems to reward efficient providers in their                  
 network.  Insurers should be free to negotiate reimbursement                  
 schedules with providers to contain health care expenditures.                 
 HIAA is opposed to legislation that would restrict the ability of             
 an insurer or other entity to contract with providers and which               
 would require the insurer to accept any provider in a particular              
 service agreement.  The Federal Trade Commission has determined               
 that any willing provider mandates are anti-consumer and, "may                
 discourage competition among providers, in turn, raising prices               
 for consumers and unnecessarily restricting consumer choice in                
 prepaid health care programs without providing any substantial                
 public benefit."  Mr. Evans urged the committee to reject HB 266.             
 Number 178                                                                    
 MARILYN PATTERSON, Human Affairs Alaska, said her organization                
 has been in business since 1979, when the owner pioneered the                 
 concept of employee assistance programs in Alaska.  They provide              
 employees an employer prepaid mental health benefit.  The                     
 preventive approach for helping employees to get back on track by             
 resolving their personal or work related problems early, helps to             
 maintain workplace productivity and other job performance                     
 indicators as well as reduce potential costs later for medical                
 and surgical claims.  Ms. Patterson said they also provide                    
 managed behavioral health care programs since 1989.  They are the             
 largest of employee assistance programs and are the leading                   
 provider of managed mental health care.  She noted they serve                 
 over 200 companies and organizations, have more than 50,000                   
 employees and with 120,000 covered members.  Their offices are in             
 Fairbanks, Juneau, Wasilla and Anchorage.  Ms. Patterson noted                
 they are strongly opposed to HB 266, or any other amendment or                
 legislation that would potentially restrict their ability to                  
 offer managemental health care programs.                                      
 MS. PATTERSON said many of their customers are interested in                  
 providing a mental health benefit to their employees, but                     
 managing this benefit helps to contain costs for the company                  
 while still providing a valuable service to the employee.  Human              
 Affairs Alaska uses a preferred provider network of physicians,               
 therapists and treatment facilities that meets their clinical                 
 standards and they contract with providers who share their brief              
 therapy - problem - resolution behavioral management philosophy               
 assuring compliance with the health plan's requirements.  They                
 are able to negotiate favorable financial arrangements with                   
 providers in return for supply and increased patient volume.                  
 Having preferred provider networks makes it possible for them to              
 monitor provider performance, ongoing quality assurance and                   
 utilization management programs more efficiently.  It helps to                
 minimize administrative overhead in monitoring the treatment                  
 patterns by maintaining the electronic connectivity.  Ms.                     
 Patterson said she believes HB 266 discourages competition among              
 providers of health care.  Requiring that programs be open to all             
 providers wishing to participate on the same terms, reduces the               
 portion of her business that each preferred provider can expect               
 to obtain.  This makes it less advantageous for providers to                  
 enter into agreements at discounted prices, since any provider                
 would be entitled to contract on the same terms as other                      
 providers, gives little incentive for providers to compete in                 
 developing attractive innovative and cost containing proposals.               
 Because this would make it possible for all providers to free                 
 ride on a successful proposal formulation, providers would likely             
 be less willing to bear the costs of developing a proposal.                   
 There would be no reason or motivation for them to be                         
 MS. PATTERSON said she understands that the Federal Trade                     
 Commission's staff, in response to requests from officials in                 
 other states considering legislation that requires managed care               
 plans to contract with any willing provider that wants to beat                
 the health plan terms and conditions, has issued opinion letters              
 stating that this type of legislation discourages competition                 
 among providers of health care and may promote increased costs.               
 MS. PATTERSON said HB 266, in its current form, applies only to               
 Blue Cross at the moment, could easily be expanded to cover Human             
 Affairs.  If applied to them, the legislation would eliminate                 
 their ability to offer managed health care programs to their                  
 customers.  She said it is their experience that competition is a             
 powerful and necessary tool in controlling costs.  Managemental               
 health care will only work in a competitive environment, which                
 contains costs by integrating financing and delivery of health                
 MS. PATTERSON said her company believes HB 266 is anti-                       
 competitive, will promote increased costs and provides no benefit             
 for her company, customers, or the thousands of employees they                
 serve across the state who benefit from their contracts with                  
 preferred providers.  She asked that HB 266 not be passed out of              
 committee in any form.                                                        
 Number 265                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked Ms. Patterson who she works for.                
 MS. PATTERSON said she works for Human Affairs Alaska.  She said              
 they contract with individual companies and organizations across              
 the state to provide employee assistance programs for their                   
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked if they are already under an                    
 insurance program.  MS. PATTERSON indicated they could be under               
 AETNA, Blue Cross, etc.                                                       
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked if Human Affairs Alaska is                      
 compensated from the individual's existing group policy or are                
 they selling another type of service which requires an additional             
 premium.  MS. PATTERSON said they are compensated by the                      
 organization they contract with.  She said they are organizations             
 from the Municipality of Anchorage, the Alaska Railroad, Aleyska,             
 British Petroleum, small little non-profits, etc.  She explained              
 the Employee Assistance Program is a gatekeeping means for the                
 managemental health care that Human Affairs does, but many                    
 organization just have the Employee Assistance Program.                       
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked how the bill would make things less             
 competitive for her organization.  MS. PATTERSON said her                     
 organization negotiates with preferred providers.  They have a                
 partnership with them where they agree to work with them in                   
 managing the mental health care of somebody who comes in for                  
 service.  For example, if an employee decided they wanted a                   
 psychiatrist and picked one out of the "Yellow Pages."  She said              
 by coming to Human Affairs Alaska, they could assess what their               
 needs are and a psychiatrist could be a very inappropriate level              
 of service for what they need.  So they work with Human Affairs               
 Alaska, go through counseling and, if necessary, they are sent to             
 the appropriate level of care.  HB 266 would eliminate                        
 competition.  She said they have partnerships with various people             
 who are in agreement with the type of behavioral health care that             
 they do.  They have negotiated discounted rates for them.                     
 Number 343                                                                    
 CHARLIE MILLER, Alaska Regional Hospital, indicated that his                  
 organization would give testimony at the next meeting on HB 266.              
 He noted that the person who was going to give testimony had                  
 become ill.                                                                   
 DON KOCH, Chief, Marketing Surveillance Section, Division of                  
 Insurance, Department of Commerce and Economic Development, said              
 they have some challenges with the bill as it is currently                    
 structured.  He said the department would like to suggest an                  
 alternative that they believe accomplishes what the committee                 
 MR. KOCH said HB 266 only impacts a medical or hospital service               
 corporation that has been formed under AS 21.87.  The service                 
 corporations are not insurers in the normal sense.  He referred               
 to the solvency of these two types of organizations, an insurance             
 company versus a service corporation.  With an insurance company,             
 you base your solvency on capital, surplus and reserves.  In                  
 order for an insurance company to operate in the state, they have             
 to have a certain level of capital and surplus.  Generally, it is             
 fairly high.  In addition, they are subject to a guarantee fund               
 so that if an insurance company goes down, all of the other                   
 companies in the state writing that kind of business pick up the              
 ticket.  A service corporation, formed under Chapter 87, is                   
 dependent upon the contracts it enters into as the basis of their             
 solvency.  They use two contracts.  The first one is called a                 
 service agreement.  That is what they enter into with their                   
 provider, the hospital or doctor.  That is the basis of their                 
 solvency.  Blue Cross, Blue Shield or a medical or hospital                   
 service corporation is not required under the statutes to have a              
 capital surplus kind of structure because it basically is                     
 accomplished through these contracts.  Mr. Koch said in order to              
 provide service, they use a second contract which is a                        
 subscriber's contract.  What the subscribers contract does is it              
 offers access to the service agreements that they have with                   
 hospitals.  He explained that is distinct from the way an                     
 insurance company does it.  When they offer a policy, they offer              
 an indemnity contract.  Mr. Koch said as of Friday, they have the             
 Attorney General's opinion that says preferred provider                       
 arrangements are legal in the state of Alaska without specific                
 authorization.  This means that an insurance company could enter              
 into a preferred provider arrangement and have side contracts                 
 that basically have doctors or hospitals agreeing to provide the              
 indemnity provisions under the insurance policy at certain                    
 MR. KOCH said the problem the department has with HB 266 in its               
 current form is they believe it disturbs the structure of a                   
 Chapter 87 service corporation.  He said it needs to be clearer               
 that the service agreement is still in place.  That is the                    
 solvency picture for these kinds of service corporations.  Mr.                
 Koch referred to the language the department provided and said                
 the second sentence clarifies the fact that a service agreement               
 still needs to exist.  It also makes a distinction between the                
 service agreement at a participating level and a preferred                    
 provider agreement.  It says that anybody who can meet those                  
 terms and conditions, of either the participating agreement or                
 the preferred provider arrangement, can do so.  Nobody will be                
 excluded from the opportunity to become a preferred provider if               
 they will meet the terms and conditions and enter into a service              
 agreement.  They have to be able to enter into a service                      
 agreement.  Another thing the language does is it provides three              
 conditions under which services would have to be paid if provided             
 by somebody who is not in one of these service agreements.  For               
 example, if you're traveling outside of Alaska, you have an                   
 emergency, and you can't get to a hospital or doctor in the state             
 of Alaska to take care of an emergency service, you have to                   
 indemnify for that kind of service.                                           
 MR. KOCH said another provision is that if you are a preferred                
 provider, you must, under that contract, allow service by a                   
 participating provider in the area.  You could have two levels of             
 service, the preferred and the normal participant.  The language              
 says that while those may have different levels of benefit, the               
 person who is receiving care has the option of which one he goes              
 MR. KOCH said if you're in Alaska, in an area of the state                    
 without the medical service corporation or the hospital service               
 corporation, you have to also be allowed to go to somebody who                
 can provide the care who is in that area.                                     
 Number 440                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON referred to the last three provisions in the             
 language he gave committee members and said absent this language,             
 what would happen if the committee doesn't adopt HB 266.                      
 MR. KOCH said absent any action at all, a medical service                     
 corporation or a hospital service corporation presently can enter             
 into preferred provider arrangements.  That is clear from the                 
 Attorney General's opinion.  Mr. Koch said the statute currently              
 provides that they may provide these other indemnification kinds              
 of services for the out of state emergency or the in state                    
 emergency.  It says they may.  He explained there is not a real               
 strong incentive for them to provide this to a great extent                   
 because, again, we're talking about their solvency base.  This is             
 a clarification of what currently exists.  He noted that in the               
 current statutes do not specifically address preferred versus                 
 non-preferred providers and the fact that you have to allow                   
 options for both.  That is voluntary.                                         
 MR. KOCH said currently they can enter into these kinds of                    
 agreements.  Typically, they provide the out of state or out of               
 area emergency care.  The one thing that isn't particularly                   
 addressed is in the area of the non-participating kind of thing.              
 Number 464                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON asked Mr. Koch if he has ever heard of a                 
 problem that makes him think that the language is necessary.  MR.             
 KOCH said there is currently an issue that tends to suggest there             
 may be a problem.  That is primarily in the Anchorage bowl where              
 there are two public hospitals and a contract with only one.  He              
 said he thinks that is part of the reason there is legislation                
 like HB 266.                                                                  
 REPRESENTATIVE ELTON said some of the testimony says that                     
 preferred provider plans typically decrease the cost to an                    
 employer and employee.  He said if somebody doesn't have a                    
 financial oar in this water, what has his experience been.  Do                
 preferred provider plans, as presently constituted, typically                 
 provide a savings to the consumer or the employer?                            
 MR. KOCH said he has not explored that.  Currently, the                       
 department doesn't have rate authority on health care insurers                
 with the exception of hospital medication service corporations.               
 So, we don't see the kinds of numbers that tell use that there is             
 a difference.  He said he doesn't know the answer.                            
 CHAIRMAN KOTT referred to the Attorney General's opinion and                  
 asked if the opinion was rendered last Friday.  MR. KOCH said it              
 is dated April 21.  Chairman Kott asked that he make the opinion              
 available to the committee.                                                   
 Number 485                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG referred to testimony about there being               
 some concerns about the fact there weren't any caps on payments               
 and asked Mr. Koch if his suggested language addresses that                   
 issue.  MR. KOCH indicated it does not address that issue.  He                
 said there are other provision in statute that tend to address                
 it, particularly with hospital and medical service corporations.              
 This doesn't extend to anything but those kinds of organizations.             
 Mr. Koch noted there are only two, Blue Cross and Alaska Vision               
 Services.  There are other features in that statute that deal                 
 with rates and contract structure.  There are some components of              
 Chapter 87 that basically provide some minimum guidance for what              
 has to be in the contract.  He said the department uses some                  
 subjectivity when they are reviewing forms to the degree that the             
 contract is not a negotiated situation between the employer and               
 the (indisc.).  Mr. Koch said they don't get too involved in                  
 areas where there is clearly negotiations going on.  He explained             
 there are a number of cost control features in place and the                  
 department has the ability to review those through examination.               
 Number 516                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked which types of organizations AS                 
 21.87 refers to.  MR. KOCH said they are called service                       
 corporations.  They're either a hospital service corporation or a             
 medical service corporation.  Blue Cross is both of these.                    
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked what Providence, Humana and Alaska              
 Regional are.  MR. KOCH said those would be people that a service             
 corporation contracts with to provide services under its                      
 subscriber contracts.                                                         
 REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG said HB 266 doesn't affect other private              
 insurers that may be issuing policies in the state of Alaska.                 
 MR. KOCH said that is correct.  HB 266 is aimed strictly at                   
 service corporations.  REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked if AETNA                 
 would qualify.  MR. KOCH explained AETNA is an insurance company              
 and is not affected by the bill.                                              
 Number 529                                                                    
 CHAIRMAN KOTT said intention is to hold HB 266 over in order to               
 offer the public an additional opportunity to testify.                        

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