Legislature(2001 - 2002)

02/28/2001 03:20 PM House L&C

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 113-HEALTH CARE INSURANCE PAYMENTS                                                                                         
Number 0453                                                                                                                     
CHAIR MURKOWSKI announced  that the first bill to  be heard today                                                               
would be  HOUSE BILL  NO. 113,  "An Act  relating to  health care                                                               
insurance  payments   for  hospital  or  medical   services;  and                                                               
providing for an effective date."                                                                                               
CHAIR  MURKOWSKI   mentioned  that  the  committee   should  have                                                               
received  a proposed  CS  for  HB 113,  an  amendment offered  by                                                               
Representative  Green, testimony  of Nicole  Bagby from  Aetna US                                                               
Healthcare, and a  letter from Doug Bruce  from Providence Health                                                               
Systems in Alaska.                                                                                                              
Number 0553                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO made  a motion to adopt the  proposed CS as                                                               
the work draft,  22-LS0418\F.  There being  no objection, Version                                                               
F was adopted as the working document.                                                                                          
KEVIN JARDELL,  Staff to Representative  Joe Green,  Alaska State                                                               
Legislature, speaking  on behalf of  the sponsor, said  there has                                                               
been one change from  the last version of HB 113.   In Section 1,                                                               
subsection  (a)   the  segregation   between  paper   claims  and                                                               
electronic  claims has  been  removed, as  well  as referring  to                                                               
working days.   It now reads that a paper  or an electronic clean                                                               
claim must be paid within 30 calendar days.                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG asked  why it  had gone  to 30  calendar                                                               
days versus 20 working days.                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  JOE  GREEN,  Alaska  State  Legislature,  sponsor                                                               
stated that  it was  at the request  of the  insurance companies,                                                               
which  preferred to  use calendar  days because  states may  have                                                               
different holidays and so forth.                                                                                                
Number 0632                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG  said it could make  a difference because                                                               
if  there were  a holiday,  it would  extend it  out [if  one was                                                               
using working days] beyond 30 days, in his opinion.                                                                             
MR. JARDELL  said they  went with working  days because  that was                                                               
what the  state has used  in the  past; however, most  states use                                                               
calendar days,  and with  computer programs  for keeping  up with                                                               
billing,  it  is  easier  to  incorporate  calendar  rather  than                                                               
working days.                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  HALCRO  asked  about   a  handout  regarding  the                                                               
physician survey  results regarding timeliness of  claims payment                                                               
submitted by  the Alaska State  Medical Association.  He  said it                                                               
compares Medicare,  Medicaid, and  private health insurance.   He                                                               
referred to information  on the handout, the  average, high, low,                                                               
and medium.  He asked for clarification of what this meant.                                                                     
Number 0728                                                                                                                     
MR. JARDELL  responded that  the person who  drafted it  [was not                                                               
present] and didn't want to speak  definitively on this.  He said                                                               
he could  get that information  for the  committee.  He  said the                                                               
average, high, low,  and medium referred to payments  made by the                                                               
three carriers.                                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO  said he assumes  that this  represents the                                                               
average length of a claim, the  average time of payout.  He asked                                                               
if there was rhyme or reason to this.                                                                                           
MR.  JARDELL said  the person  drafting this  sent out  a survey.                                                               
The Alaska State Medical Association  sent out this survey to the                                                               
doctors,  and  he  believed  there  was  someone  online  at  the                                                               
Legislative Information  Office (LIO)  that could speak  to this.                                                               
He said he didn't have the actual definition of the terms.                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO said  he assumes that the  "high" are those                                                               
claims that are appealed or are more questionable in nature.                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GREEN said  these claims go back and  forth and on                                                               
and on.                                                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  HALCRO   said  even   for  claims  of   the  most                                                               
contentious  nature,  private  industry still  responds  40  days                                                               
faster   than  government;   it  takes   56  days   for  Medicaid                                                               
MR.  JARDELL  deferred the  questions  to  the drafters  and  the                                                               
people who submitted this.                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO verified that  the legislation only applies                                                               
to private companies, private carriers, and so forth.                                                                           
MR.  JARDELL   responded  that  it  doesn't   apply  to  Employee                                                               
Retirement and Income Security Act (ERISA) policies.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO said "we" are  holding those in the private                                                               
sector to a higher standard than we do government.                                                                              
MR.  JARDELL  said  not  necessarily.   Government  has  its  own                                                               
regulations and rules.  For  example, the state policy with Aetna                                                               
has a 15-day  incentive turnaround.  It is a  shorter time period                                                               
than  30 days  for their  turnaround.   He  clarified that  these                                                               
rules don't apply to them.                                                                                                      
MR.  JARDELL,  in  further  response  to  Representative  Halcro,                                                               
related  his understanding  that currently  Medicare has  30 days                                                               
and 15 days  for a non-clean claim in order  to obtain additional                                                               
information on top  of that.  However, he offered  to review that                                                               
because Representative  Green was only addressing  the 30 working                                                               
days and  attempting to shorten that  time and not deal  with the                                                               
ERISA claims.                                                                                                                   
Number 0999                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG  asked  if   this  bill  would  cause  a                                                               
marginal health underwriter  in the state to leave or  would be a                                                               
barrier  to  the entry  into  the  state  of a  health  insurance                                                               
underwriter.    He   inquired  as  to  whether   that  was  given                                                               
MR. JARDELL answered  that some consideration on  that was given,                                                               
with  the  understanding  that the  potential  population  for  a                                                               
market in Alaska is somewhat smaller  than in some states.  There                                                               
can be a level at which it  would not be marketable to come here.                                                               
However,  this  doesn't  seem to  be  an  additional  requirement                                                               
beyond  what is  required  in other  states.   Furthermore,  [the                                                               
bill] will potentially decrease costs  in Alaska and thus make it                                                               
more marketable and efficient to do business in Alaska.                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG pointed  out that  the proposed  CS does                                                               
not distinguish between claim types.                                                                                            
MR. JARDELL agreed.                                                                                                             
Number 1097                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE HALCRO  remarked that many physicians'  offices do                                                               
not bill  an individual's insurance  company, and payment  is due                                                               
at  the time  the service  is rendered.   The  individual has  to                                                               
submit the  claim.  Representative  Halcro asked if  this applied                                                               
to  the  [insurance  company's]   response  to  the  individual's                                                               
MR. JARDELL clarified that the intent  of the bill is to apply it                                                               
to any claimant.  He  agreed with Representative Halcro that when                                                               
an individual submits  a claim, the insurance  company would need                                                               
to respond  to the  individual.  Mr.  Jardell explained  that the                                                               
rights  are assigned  to  the  hospital or  doctor  and thus  the                                                               
rights are actually part of the contract with the insurer.                                                                      
Number 1162                                                                                                                     
MR.  JARDELL  turned  to   the  committee's  previous  discussion                                                               
regarding the deletion of the  language on page 2, beginning with                                                               
line 21.   The language  being referred to  is as follows:   "The                                                               
policy may  not contain  a provision  requiring that  services be                                                               
provided  by   a  particular  hospital   or  person,   except  as                                                               
applicable to a health maintenance  organization under AS 21.86."                                                               
He noted  that he had drafted  an amendment that would  amend the                                                               
provision.   However, after  speaking with  Representative Green,                                                               
Mr. Jardell  understood that Representative Green  didn't want to                                                               
offer  the  amendment.    After speaking  with  the  Division  of                                                               
Insurance, Mr.  Jardell related his  understanding that  there is                                                               
no conflict with the current  statute and the so-called patient's                                                               
bill of rights  that was passed or with managed  care plans.  The                                                               
division  interprets the  provision as  preventing any  insurance                                                               
company  from  mandating a  client  or  an  insured  to go  to  a                                                               
specific physician.  He explained  that under managed care plans,                                                               
although a  client may be persuaded  to go to a  certain provider                                                               
under  the  plan,  those statutes  specifically  precluded  those                                                               
plans from  exclusive contracts.  Therefore,  an individual under                                                               
a managed  care plan  can always go  outside that  plan, although                                                               
that individual may not receive  the same benefits.  So, removing                                                               
the  provision  entirely  could be  interpreted  as  saying  that                                                               
insurers can draft a policy  requiring the insured see a specific                                                               
physician  and  thus remove  the  choice  of physician  from  the                                                               
Number 1306                                                                                                                     
CHAIR  MURKOWSKI  recalled  that  there  was  some  concern  that                                                               
keeping  the  language would  somehow  be  contradictory to  last                                                               
year's patient's bill of rights.   Chair Murkowski requested that                                                               
Mr. Lohr enlighten  the committee as to why the  language on page                                                               
2, lines 19-21, was included.                                                                                                   
Number 1349                                                                                                                     
BOB  LOHR,   Director,  Division  of  Insurance,   Department  of                                                               
Commerce  & Economic  Development, testified  via teleconference.                                                               
Mr. Lohr  informed the committee  that the provision  in question                                                               
is currently found  in AS 21.54.020(a).   The division interprets                                                               
that  provision   as  preventing   a  policy  from   requiring  a                                                               
particular  provider and  preventing the  customer the  choice of                                                               
going  to  a  different  provider.    Although  there  may  be  a                                                               
financial incentive  to obtain services  from a provider  that is                                                               
part of the plan, the customer  cannot be prohibited access to an                                                               
alternative provider.  Therefore,  if that provision was repealed                                                               
or  deleted,  then Mr.  Lohr  believes  that  there would  be  no                                                               
prohibition  and  thus  plans could  discriminate  against  other                                                               
providers by providing no reimbursement for those services.                                                                     
MR. LOHR turned to last year's  patient's bill of rights, HB 211,                                                               
and  noted  that  he  didn't  see any  conflict  because  of  the                                                               
exception provided in the provision.   The provision includes the                                                               
following  language:     "except   as  applicable  to   a  health                                                               
maintenance  organization   under  AS  21.86."     That  language                                                               
resolves any  conflict that might  exist in terms of  reading the                                                               
two consistently.                                                                                                               
CHAIR MURKOWSKI  asked if  that was the  case even  though Alaska                                                               
doesn't have health maintenance organizations (HMOs).                                                                           
MR. LOHR replied  yes and pointed out that HMOs  are provided for                                                               
and  fully authorized.   However,  none have  elected to  come to                                                               
Alaska yet.                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG acknowledged that  there is case law that                                                               
says  one can  "step  out," which  is why  there  is the  service                                                               
option mandated  in the underwriting.   He  asked if that  is why                                                               
this is acceptable.                                                                                                             
MR. LOHR deferred to Katie Campbell.                                                                                            
Number 1511                                                                                                                     
KATIE  CAMPBELL,   Actuary  of  Life  and   Health,  Division  of                                                               
Insurance,  Department  of   Community  &  Economic  Development,                                                               
echoed earlier testimony that the  provision is included in order                                                               
to  ensure  that  individuals  have  a  choice.    Therefore,  an                                                               
insurance provider  can't have an exclusive  provider arrangement                                                               
that restricts the  physicians that can be seen [unless  it is an                                                               
HMO].   She pointed out that  the language was never  part of the                                                               
"prompt  pay" part  of the  statute.   Regulations on  fair claim                                                               
practices specify  the timeframes for  payment of a claim.   That                                                               
provision was  included in order  to address direct payment  to a                                                               
MS. CAMPBELL,  in response to Representative  Rokeberg, explained                                                               
that  a preferred  provider option  allows an  individual to  see                                                               
anyone, but there is an incentive in the contract.                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG interjected that  there could be a closed                                                               
MS. CAMPBELL said, "Not in Alaska."                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG asked if that  was because of last year's                                                               
HB 211, which  includes a point-of-service option  that will take                                                               
effect in July.                                                                                                                 
MS. CAMPBELL  remarked, "That's an  HMO; this is referring  to an                                                               
indemnity  fee for  a service  plan, which  all of  the plans  in                                                               
Alaska are."                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG  acknowledged   that,  but  related  his                                                               
understanding that  the new law  in July  will be such  "that you                                                               
can  have a  closed  panel, but  it's  a point-of-service  option                                                               
where  you  can  step  out  of  it  and  you  can  underwrite  it                                                               
MS.  CAMPBELL  pointed  out,  "That  point-of-service  option  is                                                               
applicable only within the HMO."                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG  said, "No,  it's  not."   He  expressed                                                               
concern because that was the  entire intention of [HB 211], which                                                               
does impact preferred provider  organizations (PPOs) because they                                                               
are underwritten  in Alaska by  indemnity companies and  a point-                                                               
of-service option  must be  provided due to  case law.   However,                                                               
that would  not exclude the ability  to have a closed  panel if a                                                               
different  premium is  paid.   Representative Rokeberg  clarified                                                               
that a closed panel premium at a  lower rate can be paid, but the                                                               
[individual] must have the ability to step out of it.                                                                           
MS.  CAMPBELL  said  she  would   have  to  review  the  specific                                                               
provision  to which  Representative Rokeberg  is referring.   She                                                               
didn't  recall that  provision  being included  in  the bill  [HB
211].    However,  she  did  recall that  there  was  a  provider                                                               
contracting provision, the majority  of which dealt with external                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG  maintained that it  was in the  bill [HB
211] and  was a  major part of  the bill.   He said,  "That's the                                                               
patient's right;  they get  to choose their  own doctor,  but the                                                               
underwriter  gets   to  underwrite  for   it.    But   it  didn't                                                               
necessarily  restrict  having a  closed  panel  of physicians  or                                                               
providers.  ... You can pay for it, though."                                                                                    
CHAIR MURKOWSKI asked  if that would suffice because  "then it is                                                               
not an exclusive provider -- you've got to pay for it."                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG  clarified  that  one could  pay  for  a                                                               
cheaper one and have an exclusive  provider.  He pointed out that                                                               
last week Blue  Cross said that they had the  cheap economy model                                                               
of their plan with a closed panel.                                                                                              
CHAIR MURKOWSKI  pointed out  that the language  in part  read as                                                               
follows:  "The policy may  not contain a provision requiring that                                                               
services   be   provided".      Chair   Murkowski   related   her                                                               
understanding that  the bill  doesn't say  that an  individual is                                                               
required to go  to a person.   Although there is an  option to go                                                               
outside, there is no requirement that says one may not do this.                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG said that there  would be if there is the                                                               
economy plan [under HB 211].                                                                                                    
Number 1699                                                                                                                     
MR. LOHR  suggested that  the committee  request an  opinion from                                                               
the  Attorney  General  regarding  whether there  is  a  conflict                                                               
between  the provisions  in question  and the  patient's bill  of                                                               
CHAIR MURKOWSKI indicated  the need for the sponsor  to obtain an                                                               
opinion  from the  Attorney  General.   She  also indicated  that                                                               
public testimony on CSHB 113 would be closed.                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE GREEN suggested  that the bill could  be moved out                                                               
and if  there is a  conflict, that  language could be  removed in                                                               
the  House   Health,  Education  and  Social   Services  Standing                                                               
CHAIR  MURKOWSKI remarked  that she  would have  no problem  with                                                               
deleting  the sentence.   However,  after hearing  Ms. Campbell's                                                               
remarks, Chair  Murkowski said that  she could understand  why it                                                               
makes sense to maintain the language.   Still, if the language is                                                               
contradictory, she expressed the need to [delete the language].                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG  commented that it is  a confusing issue.                                                               
Representative Rokeberg said  that he would not  object to moving                                                               
the bill if the sponsor agrees  to let the committee know what is                                                               
going on.                                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE GREEN  pointed out that  if [the bill  were moved]                                                               
and he, as the sponsor, didn't  keep his word, then the committee                                                               
could request  that the bill be  returned to the House  Labor and                                                               
Commerce Standing Committee.                                                                                                    
CHAIR MURKOWSKI indicated  the need to hear  from other committee                                                               
members.  She  pointed out that HB 113 deals  with the prompt pay                                                               
issue, with the exception of  this one sentence under discussion.                                                               
She mentioned  that she  didn't have any  objection to  moving it                                                               
out either.                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG  suggested   that  the  committee  could                                                               
remove  the language  and the  sponsor  could argue  in the  next                                                               
committee of referral as to why the language should be included.                                                                
Number 1973                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  ROKEBERG   moved  that  the  committee   adopt  a                                                               
conceptual  amendment  on page  2,  lines  19-21, to  delete  the                                                               
following  language:   "The policy  may not  contain a  provision                                                               
requiring that services  be provided by a  particular hospital or                                                               
person,   except   as   applicable  to   a   health   maintenance                                                               
organization under AS 21.86."                                                                                                   
MR. JARDELL  pointed out that  without that language it  could be                                                               
interpreted  to allow  insurers  to write  policies that  require                                                               
exclusivity with a provider.                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG  expressed the need for  the [Division of                                                               
Insurance] and  the Attorney General  to ensure that the  new law                                                               
taking effect in  July covers it or that "we"  know what is going                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  GREEN  stated  that   he  didn't  object  to  the                                                               
conceptual amendment.                                                                                                           
Number 2047                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  HALCRO  recalled  that Ms.  Campbell's  testimony                                                               
expressed the importance of having that language.                                                                               
MR.  JARDELL echoed  his earlier  statement regarding  what would                                                               
occur with the removal of the language.                                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG  noted that  he didn't disagree  with Mr.                                                               
Jardell's  interpretation.    However,  he  added  that  the  new                                                               
statute  [per HB  211] is  such that  there must  be a  point-of-                                                               
service option  menu provision to  the policyholder.   Therefore,                                                               
it would be the [insured's] choice.                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE GREEN  remarked, "If this  hinges on that,  we can                                                               
leave  it out  because what  Representative Rokeberg  says, 'It's                                                               
covered in a  different part of law.'"  If  this isn't covered in                                                               
a different  part of law,  then the language could  be reinserted                                                               
in  House   Health,  Education   and  Social   Services  Standing                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  HALCRO  commented   that  perhaps  the  committee                                                               
should err on the side of caution and leave the language in.                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  CRAWFORD  said   he  agreed  with  Representative                                                               
CHAIR MURKOWSKI surmised that the  committee is not in a position                                                               
to make  a recommendation on  this without the assistance  of the                                                               
Attorney General's  review.  She  didn't believe it  necessary to                                                               
hold the  bill and wait for  the Attorney General's review.   She                                                               
did point out that if the  committee wishes to move out the bill,                                                               
it should  be done with the  caveat that the Attorney  General be                                                               
requested to review whether there is  a conflict; and if there is                                                               
a conflict, the language should be adjusted.                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ROKEBERG withdrew his conceptual amendment.                                                                      
Number 2214                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  MEYER  moved  to  report CSHB  113,  Version  22-                                                               
LS0418\F,  Ford,  2/27/01,  out   of  committee  with  individual                                                               
recommendations  and the  accompanying fiscal  note(s), with  the                                                               
caveat that the  House Labor and Commerce  Standing Committee has                                                               
requested that the Attorney General  provide an opinion regarding                                                               
whether  there  the  language  on  page 2,  lines  19-21,  is  in                                                               
conflict  with  the  law  passed  last  year.    There  being  no                                                               
objection,  CSHB  113(L&C)  and the  aforementioned  caveat  were                                                               
reported from the House Labor and Commerce Standing Committee.                                                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects