Legislature(2023 - 2024)
2024-02-19 Senate Journal
Full Journal pdf2024-02-19 Senate Journal Page 1661 SB 207 The Community and Regional Affairs Committee considered SENATE BILL NO. 207 "An Act creating the military and veteran family help desk in the Department of Military and Veterans' Affairs; and providing for an effective date." Signing do pass: Senator Dunbar, Chair; Senators Gray-Jackson, Giessel, Bjorkman. The following fiscal information was published today: Fiscal Note No. 1, Department of Military and Veterans’ Affairs The bill was referred to the Finance Committee. 2024-02-19 Senate Journal Page 1662 EO 125 The Health and Social Services Committee considered EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 125 Eliminating the Alaska Council on Emergency Medical Services. Attached Senate Special Concurrent Resolution No. 2. Signing approve: Senator Wilson, Chair; Senators Dunbar, Giessel, Tobin. Signing no recommendation: Senator Kaufman. This does not reflect an intent by any of the members to vote for or against a special concurrent resolution in joint session.