Legislature(2023 - 2024)

2024-02-22 House Journal

Full Journal pdf

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1599
SB 140                                                                                                                        
The following was before the House:                                                                                             
       CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 140(FIN)                                                                                          
       "An Act relating to funding for Internet services for school                                                             
       districts; and providing for an effective date."                                                                         
Amendment No. 26 was offered  by Representative McKay:                                                                           
Page 1, line 1, following "districts;" (title amendment):                                                                     
       Insert "relating to gifted and talented enrichment programs;"                                                          
Page 1, line 10:                                                                                                                
       Delete all material and insert:                                                                                          
"* Sec. 2. AS 14.17.410(b) is amended to read:                                                                                
             (b)  Public school funding consists of state aid, a required                                                       
       local contribution, and eligible federal impact aid determined as                                                        
                    (1)  state aid equals basic need minus a required local                                                     
       contribution and 90 percent of eligible federal impact aid for that                                                      
       fiscal year; basic need equals the sum obtained under (D) of this                                                        
       paragraph, multiplied by the base student allocation set out in                                                          
                    AS 14.17.470; district adjusted ADM is calculated as follows:                                              
                          (A)  the ADM of each school in the district is                                                        
             calculated by applying the school size factor to the student                                                       
             count as set out in AS 14.17.450;                                                                                  

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1600
                          (B)  the number obtained under (A) of this paragraph                                                  
             is multiplied by the district cost factor described in                                                             
             AS 14.17.460;                                                                                                      
                          (C)  the ADMs of each school in a district, as                                                        
             adjusted according to (A) and (B) of this paragraph, are                                                           
             added; the sum is then multiplied by the special needs factor                                                      
             set out in AS 14.17.420(a)(1) and the secondary school                                                             
             vocational and technical instruction funding factor set out in                                                     
             AS 14.17.420(a)(3);                                                                                                
                          (D)  the number obtained for intensive services under                                                 
             AS 14.17.420(a)(2), the number obtained for gifted and                                                         
             talented enrichment programs under AS 14.17.420(a)(4),                                                         
             and the number obtained for correspondence study under                                                             
             AS 14.17.430 are added to the number obtained under (C) of                                                         
                       this paragraph or under (H) and (I) of this paragraph;                                                  
                          (E)  notwithstanding (A) - (C) of this paragraph, if a                                                
             school district's ADM adjusted for school size under (A) of                                                        
             this paragraph decreases by five percent or more from one                                                          
             fiscal year to the next fiscal year, the school district may use                                                   
             the last fiscal year before the decrease as a base fiscal year to                                                  
                       offset the decrease, according to the following method:                                                 
                                 (i)  for the first fiscal year after the base fiscal                                           
                    year determined under this subparagraph, the school                                                         
                    district's ADM adjusted for school size determined under                                                    
                    (A) of this paragraph is calculated as the district's ADM                                                   
                    adjusted for school size, plus 75 percent of the difference                                                 
                    in the district's ADM adjusted for school size between the                                                  
                    base fiscal year and the first fiscal year after the base                                                   
                    fiscal year;                                                                                                
                                 (ii)  for the second fiscal year after the base fiscal                                         
                    year determined under this subparagraph, the school                                                         
                    district's ADM adjusted for school size determined under                                                    
                    (A) of this paragraph is calculated as the district's ADM                                                   
                    adjusted for school size, plus 50 percent of the difference                                                 
                    in the district's ADM adjusted for school size between the                                                  
                    base fiscal year and the second fiscal year after the base                                                  
                    fiscal year;                                                                                                
                                 (iii)  for the third fiscal year after the base fiscal                                         
                    year determined under this subparagraph, the school                                                         
                    district's ADM adjusted for school size determined under                                                    

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1601
                    (A) of this paragraph is calculated as the district's ADM                                                   
                    adjusted for school size, plus 25 percent of the difference                                                 
                    in the district's ADM adjusted for school size between the                                                  
                    base fiscal year and the third fiscal year after the base                                                   
                    fiscal year;                                                                                                
                          (F)  the method established in (E) of this paragraph is                                               
             available to a school district for the three fiscal years                                                          
             following the base fiscal year determined under (E) of this                                                        
             paragraph only if the district's ADM adjusted for school size                                                      
             determined under (A) of this paragraph for each fiscal year is                                                     
             less than the district's ADM adjusted for school size in the                                                       
             base fiscal year;                                                                                                  
                          (G)  the method established in (E) of this paragraph                                                  
             does not apply to a decrease in the district's ADM adjusted for                                                    
             school size resulting from a loss of enrollment that occurs as a                                                   
             result of a boundary change under AS 29;                                                                           
                          (H)  notwithstanding (A) - (C) of this paragraph, if                                                  
             one or more schools close and consolidate with one or more                                                         
             other schools in the same community and district and, as a                                                         
             result of the consolidation, basic need generated by the                                                           
             district's ADM of the consolidated schools as adjusted under                                                       
             (A) - (C) of this paragraph decreases, the district may use the                                                    
             last fiscal year before the consolidation as the base fiscal year                                                  
             to offset that decrease for the first four fiscal years following                                                  
             consolidation according to the following method:                                                                   
                                 (i)  for the first two fiscal years after the base                                             
                    fiscal year, the district's ADM of the consolidated schools                                                 
                    as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph is calculated                                                 
                    by dividing the sum of the district's ADM of the                                                            
                    consolidated schools as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this                                                    
                    paragraph for the base fiscal year by the sum of the                                                        
                    district's ADM of the consolidated schools for the base                                                     
                    fiscal year without adjustment, and subtracting the                                                         
                    quotient obtained by dividing the district's ADM of the                                                     
                    consolidated schools for the current fiscal year as                                                         
                    adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph by the sum of                                                    
                    the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for the                                                      
                    current fiscal year without adjustment, multiplying that                                                    
                    number by the sum of the district's ADM of the                                                              
                    consolidated schools for the current fiscal year without                                                    

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1602
                    adjustment, and adding that number to the sum of the                                                        
                    district's ADM of the consolidated schools for the current                                                  
                    fiscal year as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph;                                                  
                                 (ii)  for the third fiscal year after the base fiscal                                          
                    year, the district's ADM of the consolidated schools as                                                     
                    adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph is calculated by                                                 
                    dividing the sum of the district's ADM of the                                                               
                    consolidated schools as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this                                                    
                    paragraph for the base fiscal year by the sum of the                                                        
                    district's ADM of the consolidated schools for the base                                                     
                    fiscal year without adjustment, and subtracting the                                                         
                    quotient obtained by dividing the sum of the district's                                                     
                    ADM of the consolidated schools for the current fiscal                                                      
                    year as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph by the                                                   
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year, multiplying that number by the                                                     
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year without adjustment, multiplying                                                     
                    that number by 66 percent, and adding that number to the                                                    
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this                                                 
                                 (iii)  for the fourth fiscal year after the base fiscal                                        
                    year, the district's ADM of the consolidated schools as                                                     
                    adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph is calculated by                                                 
                    dividing the sum of the district's ADM of the                                                               
                    consolidated schools as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this                                                    
                    paragraph for the base fiscal year by the sum of the                                                        
                    district's ADM of the consolidated schools for the base                                                     
                    fiscal year without adjustment, and subtracting the                                                         
                    quotient obtained by dividing the sum of the district's                                                     
                    ADM of the consolidated schools for the current fiscal                                                      
                    year as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this paragraph by the                                                   
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year, multiplying that number by the                                                     
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year without adjustment, multiplying                                                     
                    that number by 33 percent, and adding that number to the                                                    
                    sum of the district's ADM of the consolidated schools for                                                   
                    the current fiscal year as adjusted under (A) - (C) of this                                                 

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1603
                                 (iv)  to calculate the district's basic need for each                                          
                    fiscal year, the number obtained through the calculation                                                    
                    in (i), (ii), or (iii) of this subparagraph is added to the                                                 
                    number obtained under (C) of this paragraph for the                                                         
                    remainder of the district;                                                                                  
                          (I)  if the basic need calculated under (H)(i) - (iii) of                                             
             this paragraph for one of the first four fiscal years after                                                        
             consolidation is less than the basic need calculated under (A) -                                                   
             (C) of this paragraph for that fiscal year, the basic need may                                                     
             not be adjusted under (H) of this paragraph for that fiscal                                                        
                          (J)  a district may not offset a decrease under (H) of                                                
             this paragraph if                                                                                                  
                                 (i)  a new facility is constructed in the district for                                         
                    the consolidation; or                                                                                       
                                 (ii)  the district offset a decrease under (E) of this                                         
                    paragraph in the same fiscal year;                                                                          
                          (K)  a district that offsets a decrease under (H) of this                                             
             paragraph may not reopen a school that was closed for                                                              
             consolidation in the district until                                                                                
                                 (i)  seven or more years have passed since the                                                 
                    school closure; and                                                                                         
                                 (ii)  the district provides evidence satisfactory to                                           
                    the department that the schools affected by the                                                             
                    consolidation are over capacity;                                                                            
                          (L)  a district may not reopen and reconsolidate a                                                    
             school that was consolidated in the district more than once                                                        
             every seven years for purposes of the calculations made under                                                      
             (H) of this paragraph;                                                                                             
                          (M)  a district offsetting a decrease under (H) of this                                               
             paragraph shall provide the department with the list of schools                                                    
             participating in the consolidation and the corresponding                                                           
                    (2)  the required local contribution of a city or borough                                                   
       school district is the equivalent of a 2.65 mill tax levy on the full                                                    
       and true value of the taxable real and personal property in the                                                          
       district as of January 1 of the second preceding fiscal year, as                                                         
       determined by the Department of Commerce, Community, and                                                                 
       Economic Development under AS 14.17.510 and AS 29.45.110,                                                                

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1604
       not to exceed 45 percent of a district's basic need for the preceding                                                    
       fiscal year as determined under (1) of this subsection.                                                                  
   * Sec. 3. AS 14.17.420(a) is amended to read:                                                                              
             (a)  As a component of public school funding, a district is                                                        
       eligible for special needs and secondary school vocational and                                                           
       technical instruction funding and may be eligible for intensive                                                          
       services and gifted and talented enrichment program funding                                                          
       as follows:                                                                                                              
                    (1)  special needs funding is available to a district to assist                                             
       the district in providing special education, gifted and talented                                                         
       education, vocational education, and bilingual education services                                                        
       to its students; a special needs funding factor of 1.20 shall be                                                         
       applied as set out in AS 14.17.410(b)(1);                                                                                
                    (2)  in addition to the special needs funding for which a                                                   
       district is eligible under (1) of this subsection, a district is eligible                                                
       for intensive services funding for each special education student                                                        
       who needs and receives intensive services and is enrolled on the                                                         
       last day of the count period; for each such student, intensive                                                           
       services funding is equal to the intensive student count multiplied                                                      
       by 13;                                                                                                                   
                    (3)  in addition to the special needs and intensive services                                                
       funding available under (1) and (2) of this subsection, secondary                                                        
       school vocational and technical instruction funding is available to                                                      
       assist districts in providing vocational and technical instruction to                                                    
       students who are enrolled in a secondary school; a secondary                                                             
       school vocational and technical instruction funding factor of 1.015                                                      
       shall be applied as set out in AS 14.17.410(b)(1); in this                                                               
       paragraph, "vocational and technical instruction" excludes costs                                                         
       associated with                                                                                                          
                          (A)  administrative expenses; and                                                                     
                          (B)  instruction in general literacy, mathematics, and                                                
             job readiness skills;                                                                                          
                    (4)  in addition to the special needs, intensive services,                                              
       and secondary school vocational and technical instruction                                                            
       funding available under (1) - (3) of this subsection, a district is                                                  
       eligible for gifted and talented enrichment program funding                                                          
       for each student who needs and receives services under a                                                             
       gifted and talented enrichment program provided by the                                                               
       district and is enrolled on the last day of the count period; for                                                    
       each such student, gifted and talented enrichment program                                                            

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       funding is equal to the gifted and talented enrichment                                                               
       program student count multiplied by 1.3.                                                                             
   * Sec. 4. AS 14.17.420(c) is amended to read:                                                                              
             (c)  In this section,                                                                                              
                    (1)  "gifted and talented enrichment program" means                                                     
       a program for gifted and talented students who are in grades                                                         
       kindergarten through six and that                                                                                    
                          (A)  meets at least once each week and for not less                                               
             than three hours each week; and                                                                                
                          (B)  provides enrichment instruction to gifted and                                                
             talented students among other gifted and talented students                                                     
             outside the student's regular classroom;                                                                       
                    (2)  "intensive services" has the meaning given by the                                                  
       department by regulation adopted under AS 14.30.180 -                                                                    
   * Sec. 5. Section 1 of this Act takes effect immediately under                                                             
AS 01.10.070(c).                                                                                                                
   * Sec. 6. Except as provided in sec. 5 of this Act, this Act takes                                                         
effect July 1, 2024."                                                                                                           
Representative McKay moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                     
Amendment No. 26 be adopted.                                                                                                    
Representative Schrage objected.                                                                                                
Representative McKay moved and asked unanimous consent to                                                                       
withdraw Amendment No. 26.  There being no objection, it was so                                                                 
Amendment No. 27 was not offered.                                                                                               
Amendment No. 24 was offered  by Representative Cronk:                                                                           
Page 1, line 1, following "districts;" (title amendment):                                                                     
       Insert "relating to teacher retention and recruitment                                                                  
Page 1, line 10:                                                                                                                
       Delete all material and insert:                                                                                          
"* Sec. 2. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by                                                            

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1606
adding a new section to read:                                                                                                   
       LUMP SUM PAYMENT FOR CERTAIN TEACHERS. (a)                                                                               
Subject to appropriation for the fiscal years ending June 30, 2025,                                                             
June 30, 2026, and June 30, 2027, a certificated full-time teacher                                                              
occupying a position requiring teaching on a regular basis during the                                                           
normal work period for each day or week at a classroom teaching                                                                 
assignment in a public elementary or secondary school, excluding a                                                              
person teaching as an assistant or graduate assistant or teaching on a                                                          
substitute, temporary, or per diem basis, is entitled to receive a lump                                                         
sum payment as a retention and recruitment incentive on or within a                                                             
reasonable period after July 1, 2024, July 1, 2025, and July 1, 2026, if                                                        
the teacher was employed in a full-time classroom teaching position                                                             
for the entirety of the school term for the school year immediately                                                             
preceding the date of payment. The Department of Education and                                                                  
Early Development shall reduce the retention and recruitment                                                                    
incentive by the amount necessary to pay mandatory employee and                                                                 
employer deductions, including a deduction required under AS 14.25.                                                             
       (b)  Subject to the application and certification requirements in (c)                                                    
of this section, the Department of Education and Early Development                                                              
shall pay the retention and recruitment incentive identified in (a) of                                                          
this section as grants to school districts as follows:                                                                          
             (1)  $5,000 for each eligible certificated full-time teacher                                                       
teaching in the following districts:                                                                                            
                    (A)  Anchorage School District;                                                                             
                    (B)  Fairbanks North Star Borough School District;                                                          
                    (C)  Juneau Borough School District;                                                                        
                            (D)  Kenai Peninsula Borough School District;                                                      
                    (E)  Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District;                                                             
             (2)  $10,000 for each eligible certificated full-time teacher                                                      
teaching in the following districts:                                                                                            
                    (A)  Alaska Gateway School District;                                                                        
                    (B)  Aleutian Region School District;                                                                       
                            (C)  Aleutians East Borough School District;                                                       
                    (D)  Annette Island School District;                                                                        
                    (E)  Chugach School District;                                                                               
                    (F)  Copper River School District;                                                                          
                    (G)  Cordova City School District;                                                                          
                    (H)  Delta/Greely School District;                                                                          
                    (I)  Denali Borough School District;                                                                        
                    (J)  Galena City School District;                                                                           

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1607
                    (K)  Haines Borough School District;                                                                        
                    (L)  Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District;                                                             
                             (M)  Kodiak Island Borough School District;                                                       
                    (N)  Mount Edgecumbe;                                                                                       
                    (O)  Nenana City School District;                                                                           
                    (P)  Nome Public Schools;                                                                                   
                    (Q)  Petersburg Borough School District;                                                                    
                    (R)  Saint Mary's School District;                                                                          
                    (S)  Sitka School District;                                                                                 
                    (T)  Skagway School District;                                                                               
                    (U)  Unalaska City School District;                                                                         
                    (V)  Valdez City School District;                                                                           
                    (W)  Wrangell Public School District;                                                                       
                    (X)  Yakutat School District;                                                                               
             (3)  $15,000 for each eligible certificated full-time teacher                                                      
teaching in the following districts:                                                                                            
                    (A)  Bering Strait School District;                                                                         
                    (B)  Bristol Bay Borough School District;                                                                   
                    (C)  Chatham School District;                                                                               
                    (D)  Craig City School District;                                                                            
                    (E)  Dillingham City School District;                                                                       
                    (F)  Hoonah City School District;                                                                           
                    (G)  Hydaburg City School District;                                                                         
                    (H)  Iditarod Area School District;                                                                         
                    (I)  Kake City School District;                                                                             
                    (J)  Kashunamiut School District;                                                                           
                    (K)  Klawock City School District;                                                                          
                    (L)  Kuspuk School District;                                                                                
                    (M)  Lake and Peninsula Borough School District;                                                            
                    (N)  Lower Kuskokwim School District;                                                                       
                    (O)  Lower Yukon School District;                                                                           
                    (P)  North Slope Borough School District;                                                                   
                    (Q)  Northwest Arctic Borough School District;                                                              
                    (R)  Pelican City School District;                                                                          
                    (S)  Pribilof School District;                                                                              
                    (T)  Southeast Island School District;                                                                      
                    (U)  Southwest Region School District;                                                                      
                    (V)  Tanana City School District;                                                                           
                    (W)  Yukon Flats School District;                                                                           
                    (X)  Yukon-Koyukuk School District;                                                                         

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1608
                    (Y)  Yupiit School District.                                                                                
       (c)  To be eligible for the retention and recruitment incentive                                                          
identified in (a) of this section, a certificated full-time teacher must                                                        
apply during each eligible calendar year to the Department of                                                                   
Education and Early Development on a date not later than the final day                                                          
the teacher's school is in session for the school term established by the                                                       
governing body of that teacher's school district or regional educational                                                        
attendance area. The teacher shall apply for the payment under this                                                             
section on a form designated by the commissioner of education and                                                               
early development. For each teacher who applies, the school district or                                                         
regional educational attendance area shall certify the teacher's                                                                
eligibility for payment under (a) of this section to the Department of                                                          
Education and Early Development.                                                                                                
       (d)  A payment made under this section is considered                                                                     
compensation for the purposes of AS 14.25.                                                                                      
       (e)  The Department of Education and Early Development may                                                               
adopt regulations necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.                                                          
   * Sec. 3. Section 1 of this Act takes effect immediately under                                                             
AS 01.10.070(c).                                                                                                                
   * Sec. 4. Section 2 of this Act takes effect July 1, 2024."                                                                
Representative Cronk moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                     
Amendment No. 24 be adopted.                                                                                                    
Representative Schrage objected.                                                                                                
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 24 be adopted?"  The roll                                                             
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSSB 140(FIN)                                                                                                                   
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 24                                                                                                                
YEAS:  20   NAYS:  20   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                              
Yeas:  Allard, Baker, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, C.Johnson,                                                                    
D.Johnson, McCabe, McKay, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler,                                                                   
Shaw, Stapp, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright                                                                         
Nays:  Armstrong, Carrick, Dibert, Eastman, Edgmon, Fields, Foster,                                                             
Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, McCormick,                                                                    
Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Schrage, Story, Stutes                                                                                      

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1609
And so, Amendment No. 24 was not adopted.                                                                                       
Amendment No. 28 was offered  by Representative Eastman:                                                                         
Page 1, line 1, following "districts;" (title amendment) :                                                                    
             Insert "relating to education, to curricula and materials for                                                    
the teen dating violence and abuse awareness and prevention                                                                   
Page 1, line 10:                                                                                                                
             Delete all material and insert:                                                                                    
   "* Sec. 2. AS 14.30.356 is amended by adding a new subsection to                                                           
                 (e) The department shall ensure that all curricula and                                                         
             materials approved under this section are made available to                                                        
             the public without charge. The department may not license or                                                       
             exercise intellectual property rights over the curricula and                                                       
             materials in any way that limits their use or adaptation or the                                                    
             creation of derivative works.                                                                                      
* Sec. 3. Section 1 of this Act takes effect immediately under                                                                
AS 01.10.070(c).                                                                                                                
* Sec. 4. Section 2 of this Act takes effect July 1, 2024."                                                                   
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
Amendment No. 28 be adopted.                                                                                                    
Representative Hannan objected.                                                                                                 
Representative Eastman moved and asked unanimous consent to                                                                     
withdraw Amendment No. 28.  There being no objection, it was so                                                                 
Amendment No. 27 was offered  by Representative Wright:                                                                          
Page 1, line 1, following "districts;" (title amendment):                                                                     
       Insert "relating to charter schools; relating to transportation of                                                   
public school students; relating to correspondence study funding;                                                             
relating to the base student allocation; relating to funding for                                                              
reading improvement plans;"                                                                                                   
Page 1, following line 3:                                                                                                       

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1610
       Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                       
"* Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended                                                            
by adding a new section to read:                                                                                                
       LEGISLATIVE INTENT. To the greatest extent possible, a                                                                   
portion of additional funds authorized by this legislation shall be                                                             
directed to the classroom in the form of educator salary and retention                                                          
bonuses. Each school district shall provide a report to the senate                                                              
secretary and the chief clerk of the house of representatives and notify                                                        
the legislature that the report is available not later than February 1 of                                                       
each regular session of the Thirty-Fourth Alaska State Legislature                                                              
describing efforts made by the district to direct additional funds to the                                                       
classroom in the form of educator salary and retention bonuses."                                                                
Page 1, line 4:                                                                                                                 
       Delete "Section 1"                                                                                                     
       Insert "Sec. 2"                                                                                                        
Renumber the following bill section accordingly.                                                                                
Page 1, line 10:                                                                                                                
       Delete all material and insert:                                                                                          
"* Sec. 3. AS 14.03 is amended by adding a new section to read:                                                               
             Sec. 14.03.256. Charter school termination appeal. If a                                                          
       local school board terminates a contract with a charter school, the                                                      
       charter school may appeal the decision to the commissioner under                                                         
       regulations established by the commissioner. The commissioner                                                            
       may request written supplementation from the appellant or local                                                          
       school board. The commissioner shall review the decision of the                                                          
       local school board to determine whether the findings of fact are                                                         
       supported by substantial evidence and whether the decision is                                                            
       contrary to law. The commissioner shall issue a written decision                                                         
       within 90 days after the appeal is filed and may                                                                         
                    (1)  remand the appeal to the local school board for                                                        
       further review;                                                                                                          
                    (2)  reapprove the charter school with or without added                                                     
       conditions; or                                                                                                           
                    (3)  uphold the decision terminating the charter school.                                                    
   * Sec. 4. AS 14.03 is amended by adding a new section to read:                                                             
             Sec. 14.03.277. Charter school coordinator. A position                                                           
       dedicated to charter school support is established in the                                                                

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1611
       department. This position is responsible for the development of a                                                        
       repository of charter school resources in the department. The                                                            
       charter school coordinator shall provide support to charter schools,                                                     
                    (1)  providing charter schools with policy and regulation                                                   
       expertise and guidance;                                                                                                  
                    (2)  providing groups assistance preparing charter school                                                   
                    (3)  coordinating with school districts and the Association                                                 
       of Alaska School Boards to support charter school academic                                                               
       policy committees and local school boards; and                                                                           
                    (4)  coordinating with and providing expertise to legal                                                     
       services provided by the state.                                                                                          
   * Sec. 5. AS 14.09.010(a) is repealed and reenacted to read:                                                               
             (a)  A school district that provides student transportation                                                        
       services for the transportation of students who reside a distance                                                        
       from established schools is eligible to receive funding for                                                              
       operating or subcontracting the operation of the transportation                                                          
       system for students to and from the schools within the student's                                                         
       transportation service area. Subject to appropriation, the amount                                                        
       of funding provided by the state for operating the student                                                               
       transportation system is the amount of a school district's ADM,                                                          
       less the ADM for the district's correspondence programs during                                                           
       the current fiscal year, multiplied by the per student amount for                                                        
       the school district as follows, for the school years beginning                                                           
       July 1, 2024:                                                                                                            
             DISTRICT                                     PER STUDENT AMOUNT                                                    
       Alaska Gateway                                                                     $2,536                                
       Aleutians East                                                                             378                           
       Anchorage                                                                                   531                          
       Annette Island                                                                             222                           
       Bering Strait                                                                                  60                        
       Bristol Bay                                                                               3,257                          
       Chatham                                                                                      342                         
       Copper River                                                                            1,934                            
       Cordova                                                                                       409                        
       Craig                                                                                            515                     
       Delta/Greely                                                                             2,019                           
       Denali                                                                                       2,203                       
       Dillingham                                                                               1,484                           

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       Fairbanks                                                                                    995                         
       Galena                                                                                        310                        
       Haines                                                                                        763                        
       Hoonah                                                                                       364                         
       Iditarod                                                                                       258                       
       Juneau                                                                                        735                        
       Kake                                                                                           331                       
       Kashunamiut                                                                                  6                           
       Kenai Peninsula                                                                       1,115                              
       Ketchikan                                                                                    886                         
       Klawock                                                                                      712                         
       Kodiak Island                                                                              974                           
       Kuspuk                                                                                        797                        
       Lake and Peninsula                                                                     468                               
       Lower Kuskokwim                                                                     338                                  
       Lower Yukon                                                                                  1                           
       Matanuska-Susitna                                                                   1,109                                
       Nenana                                                                                        716                        
       Nome                                                                                           757                       
       North Slope                                                                              1,365                           
       Northwest Arctic                                                                           30                            
       Pelican                                                                                           88                     
       Petersburg                                                                                   457                         
       Saint Mary's                                                                                235                          
       Sitka                                                                                            522                     
       Skagway                                                                                        44                        
       Southeast Island                                                                       1,408                             
       Southwest Region                                                                       728                               
       Tanana                                                                                         581                       
       Unalaska                                                                                      790                        
       Valdez                                                                                         897                       
       Wrangell                                                                                     854                         
       Yakutat                                                                                       907                        
       Yukon Flats                                                                                322                           
       Yukon/Koyukuk                                                                         365                                
       Yupiit                                                                                             2.                    
   * Sec. 6. AS 14.17.430 is amended to read:                                                                                 
             Sec. 14.17.430. State funding for correspondence study.                                                          
       Except as provided in AS 14.17.400(b), funding for the state                                                             
       centralized correspondence study program or a district                                                                   

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1613
       correspondence program, including a district that offers a                                                               
       statewide correspondence study program, includes an allocation                                                           
       from the public education fund in an amount calculated by using                                                      
       [MULTIPLYING] the ADM of the correspondence program                                                                      
       reported under AS 14.17.500(a) and 14.17.600(a) [BY 90                                                               
   * Sec. 7. AS 14.17.470 is amended to read:                                                                                 
             Sec. 14.17.470. Base student allocation. The base student                                                        
       allocation is $6,640 [$5,960].                                                                                       
   * Sec. 8. AS 14.30 is amended by adding a new section to article 15                                                        
to read:                                                                                                                        
             Sec. 14.30.773. Support for reading improvement plans.                                                           
       The state shall provide to a school district, for each student in                                                        
       grades kindergarten through three who is determined to have a                                                            
       reading deficiency based on the statewide screening or assessment                                                        
       tool, $500 to provide the support, intervention, and services the                                                        
       student needs for the student's reading improvement plan,                                                                
       including teacher and paraprofessional career development.                                                               
   * Sec. 9. Section 2 of this Act takes effect immediately under                                                             
AS 01.10.070(c).                                                                                                                
   * Sec. 10. Except as provided in sec. 9 of this Act, this Act takes                                                        
effect July 1, 2024."                                                                                                           
Representative Wright moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                    
Amendment No. 27 be adopted.                                                                                                    
There was objection.                                                                                                            
Representative Edgmon moved the previous question.                                                                              
The question being:  "Shall Amendment No. 27 be adopted?"  The roll                                                             
was taken with the following result:                                                                                            
CSSB 140(FIN)                                                                                                                   
Second Reading                                                                                                                  
Amendment No. 27                                                                                                                
YEAS:  36   NAYS:  4   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1614
Yeas:  Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe,                                                                  
Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan,                                                              
Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick,                                                                  
McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw,                                                                   
Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Wright                                                                       
Nays:  Eastman, Prax, Rauscher, Vance                                                                                           
And so, Amendment No. 27 was adopted and the new title follows:                                                                 
       CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 140(FIN) am H                                                                                     
       "An Act relating to funding for Internet services for school                                                             
       districts; relating to charter schools; relating to transportation of                                                    
       public school students; relating to correspondence study funding;                                                        
       relating to the base student allocation; relating to funding for                                                         
       reading improvement plans; and providing for an effective date."                                                         
       (HCR 4 – title change resolution)                                                                                        
Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that                                                                   
CSSB 140(FIN) am H be considered engrossed, advanced to third                                                                   
reading, and placed on final passage.  There being no objection, it was                                                         
so ordered.                                                                                                                     
CSSB 140(FIN) am H was read the third time.                                                                                     
The question being:  "Shall CSSB 140(FIN) am H pass the House?"                                                                 
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                   
CSSB 140(FIN) am H                                                                                                              
Third Reading                                                                                                                   
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  38   NAYS:  2   EXCUSED:  0   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe,                                                                  
Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan,                                                              
Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick,                                                                  
McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage,                                                               
Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance,                                                                 
Nays:  Eastman, Prax                                                                                                            

2024-02-22                     House Journal                      Page 1615
And so, CSSB 140(FIN) am H passed the House.                                                                                    
Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the                                                               
roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the                                                         
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                            
CSSB 140(FIN) am H was referred to the Chief Clerk for                                                                          