Legislature(2023 - 2024)
2024-05-06 House Journal
Full Journal pdf2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2699 HB 189 The following was read the second time: HOUSE BILL NO. 189 "An Act relating to the sale of alcohol; and providing for an effective date." with the: Journal Page L&C RPT CS(L&C) 4DP 1NR 1982 FN1: (CED) 1982 Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the following committee substitute be adopted in lieu of the original bill: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 189(L&C) (same title) Representative Eastman objected and withdrew the objection. There being no further objection, CSHB 189(L&C) was adopted. Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Gray: Page 1, line 1, following "alcohol;" (title amendment): Insert "relating to the posting of warning signs for alcoholic beverages;" Page 5, following line 20: Insert new bill sections to read: "* Sec. 11. AS 04.21.065(b) is amended to read: (b) The warning signs required by (a) of this section must be at least 11 inches by 14 inches, and the lettering must be at least one-half inch high and in contrasting colors. The first sign must 2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2700 read, "WARNING: Alcohol use [DRINKING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES SUCH AS BEER, WINE, WINE COOLERS, AND DISTILLED SPIRITS OR SMOKING CIGARETTES] during pregnancy can cause birth defects. Alcohol use can cause cancer, including breast and colon cancers." The second sign must read, "WARNING: A person who provides alcoholic beverages to a person under 21 years of age, if convicted under AS 04.16.051, could be imprisoned for up to five years and fined up to $50,000." The third sign must read, "WARNING: An unaccompanied person under 21 years of age who enters these premises in violation of law may, under AS 04.16.049(e), be civilly liable for damages of $1,500." The license or permit holder shall display the first and second signs in a manner that would make them conspicuous to a person who will be purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages or smoking cigarettes on the licensed or designated premises and shall conspicuously display the third sign at each door through which customers enter the licensed premises." Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Representative Gray moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 1 be adopted. There was objection. Amendment No. 1 to Amendment No. 1 was not offered. Amendment No. 2 to Amendment No. 1 was offered by Representative Carpenter: Page 1, line 9 of the amendment following "use": Insert "can lead to unwanted pregnancy and" Representative Carpenter moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 2 to Amendment No. 1 be adopted. Representative Galvin objected. 2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2701 The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 2 to Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) Second Reading Amendment No. 2 to Amendment No. 1 YEAS: 17 NAYS: 23 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Allard, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Eastman, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McKay, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance Nays: Armstrong, Baker, Carrick, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, McCormick, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Prax, Schrage, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Wright And so, Amendment No. 2 to Amendment No. 1 was not adopted. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 1 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) Second Reading Amendment No. 1 YEAS: 21 NAYS: 19 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Armstrong, Carrick, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, Josephson, McCormick, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Schrage, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Wright Nays: Allard, Baker, Carpenter, Coulombe, Cronk, Eastman, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, McCabe, McKay, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Shaw, Stapp, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance And so, Amendment No. 1 was adopted and the new title follows: CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 189(L&C) am "An Act relating to the sale of alcohol; relating to the posting of warning signs for alcoholic beverages; and providing for an effective date." Amendment No. 2 was offered by Representative Sumner: 2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2702 Page 5, line 22: Delete all material and insert: "* Sec. 12. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c)." Representative Sumner moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 2 be adopted. There was objection. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 2 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) am Second Reading Amendment No. 2 YEAS: 36 NAYS: 2 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 2 Yeas: Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Eastman, D.Johnson Absent: Edgmon, Ortiz And so, Amendment No. 2 was adopted. Amendment No. 3 was offered by Representative Ruffridge: Page 4, line 21, following "and": Insert ", other than for a business that offers adult entertainment," Page 5, following line 20: Insert a new bill section to read: "* Sec. 11. AS 04.21.080(b) is amended by adding a new paragraph to read: (31) "business that offers adult entertainment" has the meaning given in AS 23.10.350(f)." 2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2703 Renumber the following bill sections accordingly. Representative Ruffridge moved and asked unanimous consent that Amendment No. 3 be adopted. There was objection. The question being: "Shall Amendment No. 3 be adopted?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) am Second Reading Amendment No. 3 YEAS: 38 NAYS: 1 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Eastman, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Hannan, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: McCabe Absent: Ortiz And so, Amendment No. 3 was adopted. Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that CSHB 189(L&C) am be considered engrossed, advanced to third reading, and placed on final passage. There was objection. The question being: "Shall CSHB 189(L&C) am be advanced to third reading on the same day?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) am Second Reading Advance to Third Reading on the Same Day 2024-05-06 House Journal Page 2704 YEAS: 37 NAYS: 2 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 1 Yeas: Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Himschoot, C.Johnson, D.Johnson, Josephson, McCabe, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Eastman, Hannan Absent: Ortiz And so, the motion passed. CSHB 189(L&C) am was read the third time. The question being: "Shall CSHB 189(L&C) am pass the House?" The roll was taken with the following result: CSHB 189(L&C) am Third Reading Final Passage YEAS: 36 NAYS: 4 EXCUSED: 0 ABSENT: 0 Yeas: Allard, Armstrong, Baker, Carpenter, Carrick, Coulombe, Cronk, Dibert, Edgmon, Fields, Foster, Galvin, Gray, Groh, Himschoot, C.Johnson, Josephson, McCormick, McKay, Mears, Mina, Ortiz, Prax, Rauscher, Ruffridge, Saddler, Schrage, Shaw, Stapp, Story, Stutes, Sumner, Tilton, Tomaszewski, Vance, Wright Nays: Eastman, Hannan, D.Johnson, McCabe And so, CSHB 189(L&C) am passed the House. Representative Saddler moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the effective date clause. There being no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 189(L&C) am was referred to the Chief Clerk for engrossment.