Legislature(2023 - 2024)

2024-05-13 Senate Journal

Full Journal pdf

2024-05-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 2632
HB 66                                                                                                                         
CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 66(FIN) am "An Act relating to homicide                                                                   
resulting from conduct involving controlled substances; relating to                                                             
misconduct involving a controlled substance; relating to sentencing;                                                            
and providing for an effective date" was read the second time.                                                                  
Senator Olson, Cochair, moved and asked unanimous consent for the                                                               
adoption of the Finance Senate Committee Substitute offered today.                                                              
Without objection, SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                              
NO. 66(FIN) "An Act relating to criminal law and procedure; relating                                                            
to homicide resulting from conduct involving controlled substances;                                                             
establishing the crime of assault in the presence of a child; relating to                                                       
the crime of stalking; changing the term 'child pornography' to 'child                                                          
sexual abuse material'; relating to misconduct involving a controlled                                                           
substance; relating to sentencing; relating to competency to stand trial;                                                       
relating to the duty to register as a sex offender; amending the                                                                
definition of 'sex offense'; relating to multidisciplinary child protection                                                     
teams; relating to involuntary civil commitments; relating to victims'                                                          
rights during certain civil commitment proceedings; relating to the                                                             
duties of the Department of Corrections; amending Rule 6(s), Alaska                                                             
Rules of Criminal Procedure; and providing for an effective date" was                                                           

2024-05-13                     Senate Journal                      Page 2633
President Stevens stated SENATE CS FOR CS FOR HOUSE BILL                                                                        
NO. 66(FIN) will advance to third reading on the May 14 calendar.