Legislature(2021 - 2022)

2022-05-05 House Journal

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2022-05-05                     House Journal                      Page 2791
Nays:  Eastman, Kurka                                                                                                           
Excused:  Kaufman, Kreiss-Tomkins, McCarty, Snyder                                                                              
And so, the motion passed.                                                                                                      
HCS CSSB 81(FIN) was read the third time.                                                                                       
The question being:  "Shall HCS CSSB 81(FIN) pass the House?"                                                                   
The roll was taken with the following result:                                                                                   
HCS CSSB 81(FIN)                                                                                                                
Third Reading                                                                                                                   
Final Passage                                                                                                                   
YEAS:  34   NAYS:  2   EXCUSED:  4   ABSENT:  0                                                                               
Yeas:  Carpenter, Claman, Cronk, Drummond, Edgmon, Fields,                                                                      
Foster, Gillham, Hannan, Hopkins, Johnson, Josephson, LeBon,                                                                    
McCabe, McKay, Merrick, Nelson, Ortiz, Patkotak, Prax, Rasmussen,                                                               
Rauscher, Schrage, Shaw, Spohnholz, Story, Stutes, Tarr, Thompson,                                                              
Tilton, Tuck, Vance, Wool, Zulkosky                                                                                             
Nays:  Eastman, Kurka                                                                                                           
Excused:  Kaufman, Kreiss-Tomkins, McCarty, Snyder                                                                              
And so, HCS CSSB 81(FIN) passed the House.                                                                                      
Representative Tuck moved and asked unanimous consent that the roll                                                             
call on the passage of the bill be considered the roll call on the                                                              
effective date clause.  There being no objection, it was so ordered.                                                            
HCS CSSB 81(FIN) was signed by the Speaker and Chief Clerk, and                                                                 
referred for engrossment.                                                                                                       
The Speaker stated that, without objection, the House would recess to                                                           
1:00 p.m.; and so, the House recessed at 11:54 a.m.                                                                             
                             AFTER RECESS                                                                                    
The Speaker called the House back to order at 1:06 p.m.